Other mistake: Near the end of the movie Dwight Yoakam is holding Jodie Foster's daughter captive as he tries to exit the house. Jodie Foster sneaks up behind him with a sledgehammer and swings it at his head. He turns to face her and the metal end of the hammer catches him firmly in his temple, knocking him down a flight of stairs. A few minutes later he comes up the stairs and tackles Jodie Foster to the ground, seemingly unhurt by the impact of the sledgehammer.

Other mistake: Based on the location of the barber's chair with the picture window in Todd's barber shop and the layout of the exterior of the building, there is no possible way that the chute behind the chair would be able to dump the bodies directly into the basement without going through the center of Ms. Lovett's shop.

Other mistake: At 1:39:14 the bomb arms, 32 seconds later at 1:39:46 (two seconds after it should have blown up) Dan and Molly jump from the helicopter. Then 10 secs later at 1:39:56, the plane FINALLY blows up after giving them those extra 12 secs to jump and conveniently make it to the pool below.

Other mistake: At the beginning when the lawman is cutting down Eastwood from tree in the background you can see a white vehicle driving along a road in the background.

Other mistake: During the big chase scene, a car hits a camera right after it passes a blue '68 GTO.

Other mistake: In the scene following the robbery, the four young men, led by Tupac Shakur and Omar Epps, run into a brick court, walled on four sides. Shakur states he's going to keep the gun, despite suggestions that they ditch it. He has a revolver stuck in his jeans, by his left hip. When he is challenged about keeping the gun, he pulls another revolver from his pocket, scuffles with one of his friends and shoots him in the chest - all the while the grip of the other identical revolver is in view.
Suggested correction: It looked like old man Quilles' gun that he must've taken off-screen after he killed him.
If you look at the movie again, Quiles' gun was a long nose revolver, Raheem's gun was a snub nose.

Other mistake: When Judith is locked in J.D. and Wayne's basement, she is first wearing a long night gown and she is chained at the ankle to an engine. Then she is given a box of clothes to use and she is next seen wearing shorts - how did she put them on if she was chained at the ankle? (00:45:10)

Other mistake: The reporting of the horse race used to sting Doyle Lonnegan stops as soon as the fake FBI agents raid the bookmakers. J J Singleton, who is reading the results of the race, stops when he sees the raid taking place. However, that was supposed to be a live broadcast from the racetrack itself. It should have continued. Lonnegan isn't stupid - he would pick up on something like that immediately.
Suggested correction: This isn't a mistake. The person "operating the radio" could easily have switched it off because of the commotion. Lonnegan would simply suppose this is what had happened. He is not going to instantly suspect someone is faking the whole thing.

Other mistake: Dante and The Agency both have extensive photos and videos of the team's previous exploits. Trouble is that most of it is simply stills and footage from the previous movies in the franchise, often occasions when nobody was around with a camera to witness and document what was going on, certainly not at the angles we see.

Other mistake: In the music within the ending credits, the lyrics incorrectly state that Raph is the leader of the group when all Turtle fans past and present know it is Leo.

Other mistake: When Rocco taunts the Russians he is punched in the face, yet he continues talking in a steady tone, and finishes his joke while falling into the bar. (00:20:39)

Other mistake: Towards the end where they steal the chip, they are detected and about a million security guards are all running around, yet 30 seconds later, the only security guard is one man with a shotgun. What happened to their big army of security guards? (01:41:30 - 01:42:55)
Suggested correction: This isn't a mistake. Bishop had been directed to a part of the building where there weren't any security guards; this was shortly before one of the guards found their camera feed. The guy with the shotgun was the only person to head into that location. Unlikely maybe, but possible.

Other mistake: In one of the first scenes in the study, Mr. Boddy hands each guest a weapon and then proceeds to turn out the lights. The room is thrown into complete darkness. Unfortunately, there is a roaring fire in the fireplace that would have illuminated the room enough for everyone to see what was going on.

Other mistake: When Connie Nielsen is driving the Hummer (with John as the passenger), the steering wheel doesn't move, but her hands do.

Other mistake: When Clarice is reading the letter from Hannibal, we hear a voice over, however what he says differs from what the letter says, specifically the "your good friend" before the signature, which Hannibal says, but which isn't in the letter. (00:35:35)

Other mistake: When Durant uses his cigar cutter to cut off Eddie's fingers, no blood is shown squirting from his severed digits and no blood is seen on the cigar cutter. (00:05:15)

Other mistake: Leo Crow grabs Anderton's gun and they each fight for control of it. Crow succeeds in forcing Anderton's hand to pull the trigger, killing Crow. The problem is, right after the gun is fired, we see a shot of Anderton with his arm fully extended and with his entire hand holding the entire gun, as if he had aimed and fired the gun himself. Such a sequence of events is at least totally illogical if not physically impossible. (01:44:10)

Other mistake: Rusty's attorney challenges Dr Kumagai by pointing out that Caroline Polhemus' had had a tubal ligation, but the spermicide nonoxynol-9 was found in her body. Kumagai is caught off balance, totally flustered. In fact as an experienced medical examiner Kumagai would know that at that time nonoxynol-9 was thought to offer protection from HIV and was widely used by people at no risk of an unwanted pregnancy. He would have thrown this right back in the attorney's face.

Other mistake: After the post-bank robbery shootout, a TV reporter is heard describing the shootout as taking place in a "small southland neighborhood." But earlier one of the detectives was heard ordering road blocks at Flower and Figueroa, meaning the gun battle occurred in Downtown Los Angeles. Hardly a small neighborhood.

Other mistake: When Dennis Quaid fires his SIG-Sauer P229 pistol on the bad guys under the over-pass, he fires 28 shots from a 10-12 round pistol without reloading.