Character mistake: Carl, carrying his gun, goes up the outside staircase before entering Frank's apartment. When he encounters the frightened cleaning woman, he flashes his F.B.I. badge at her to identify himself. However, he only shows her the back of the black I.D. wallet, which has no markings on it.
Suggested correction: This was undoubtedly an intentional choice by the filmmakers. Given that most of Carl's work takes place in an office, it's entirely plausible that he would feel nervous when stepping into the field to apprehend a suspect. The scene emphasizes his anxiety through several deliberate actions: he fumbles for his gun, incorrectly displays his badge, and even holds it upside down if you look closely. These details subtly underline Carl's unease in high-pressure situations.

Character mistake: A radio report refers to a character with two different police ranks with 15 seconds apart in the same broadcast - first as a Police Chief and a few seconds later as a Captain. (00:21:28)

Character mistake: Julie Madison, when having dinner with Bruce Wayne, says that he just called her Ivy. He didn't, and never does in that scene.

Character mistake: Queen is an attorney and should know how to conduct herself as a passenger in a car pulled over by police, yet she fails to behave in an acceptable way. Even though certain things may be permissible under certain circumstances, a lawyer should know exceptions and extenuating circumstances, but she apparently does not. She did not have the right to interfere with a police officer and "demand to know" or get out her cell phone to record if she was told to keep her hands where he could see them. (00:10:25)

Character mistake: Police Chief Lutz tells Axel (Johnny Wishbone) that he checked with Immigration and they never heard of Johnny Wishbone. He says, "you're illegal, buster." Johnny Wishbone is from St. Croix, which is in the United States Virgin Islands. Johnny Wishbone would be a U.S. Citizen. (00:51:27)

Character mistake: The letter from the FBI containing the results of the blood and semen test is filled with numerous typos. First, on the line "Subject: Result of examination requested", the word "examination" is misspelled "examnation." Second, the term "DNA instrumental analyses" has "instrumental" incorrectly spelled as "insrumental." Third, the line "Reference: Letter dated October 21, 1987", has the word "dated" misspelled as "dateed" and the month "October" misspelled as "Octorber." (01:58:35)

Character mistake: When Frank Serpico is recording his phone call regarding being transferred, the guy, who says the precinct is clean as a houndstooth, calls him Mike.

Character mistake: When Ms. Gruwell tells Gloria to read the first sentence on the board Gloria reads "Odysseus had no sense of direction." but on the board something different was written.
Suggested correction: The chalkboard had 5 sentences that were purposely written with wrong spelling and tenses. Gloria read the first sentence correctly as it appeared on the board "Odysseus had no "since" of direction."

Character mistake: Still, not knowing who "White Rivers" is, the Virtuoso returns to Rosie's Cafe and continues to accept the Waitress' "passes." The Waitress was flirting (a mild term) with the Virtuoso from the time he first entered Rosie's. In addition to not abiding by his "do not get distracted" rule, he fails to even consider the possibility the Waitress was "White Rivers." Allegedly filling in for Rosie at the time given for the hit, plus her persistence in pursuing him, should have been a big red flag. (00:51:54)

Character mistake: Right at the beginning of the movie, introductory technobabble. "In this canister, there's a solution of protons. The canister is attached to a rotor circuit that generates the protons to the speed of light." I believe the science genius and creator of time travel mixed up the words "generate" and "accelerate" here. (00:00:50)

Character mistake: When Mr. Brooks and Marshall hack into the police database and are looking at detective Tracy Atwood's financial records there is a screenshot of the computer screen showing some very terrible spelling.

Character mistake: Reacher asks the MP Sgt who her "DI" was in "boot camp." The Army doesn't have Drill Instructors or boot camp but rather "Drill Sergeants and Basic Training." Call a drill sergeant a DI and you'll be doing push-ups, seen it happen.

Character mistake: Wouldn't the president be concerned that the alarm system, which Luther deactivated, was deactivated?
Suggested correction: How would he have known that it was deactivated? It wasn't even his mansion. He was drunk after all and focused on the girl.

Character mistake: During the St. Ives riddle, Simon gives them 30 seconds to solve the riddle and call back. But it takes them 65 seconds to call, to which Simon says they're 10 seconds too late. And, after 42 seconds, McClane says they only have 10 seconds left.

Character mistake: When the neighbor is showing off his Challenger he states it is a 1972 4.9 liter. Dodge never made a 4.9L that year, only a 3.7L, 5.2L and 5.6L.

Character mistake: When Francis Allen is being interviewed by Reagan, Allen presents Reagan cell phone pictures of himself on a yacht to support his alibi. Allen says "the time and date are on the top of the screen, you saw that, didn't you Reagan?" and Reagan agrees. However the date is seen at the bottom of the screen, not the top.

Character mistake: When the undercover cop says, "Hi, when was the last time you had a good..." she doesn't identify herself as a police officer. (00:37:15)

Character mistake: Casanova refers to Cross's gun as a "Glock," but it is a Sig.

Character mistake: Theresa Russell identifies the rare coin as "Felice Baciocchi and her sister Elisa." Aside from the mispronunciation, Felice Baciocchi is a man.

Character mistake: When Jerry and Scotty are talking in Scotty's bedroom, after his Mom's kidnapping, there is a poster behind Scotty's door. The poster says "Accordian King" but should have been spelled, "Accordion King."