Question: How does he fold the Monet in half to fit into the briefcase? Originally I thought he'd separated it from the wooden frame (ie. just a canvas), but when he takes it out back at his house he holds it up, and the wooden frame's still in one piece. Also, surely folding it in half would crack the paint, but despite the painting being twice the width of the briefcase (it fits snugly when the case is open), he then shuts the case down to a "normal" size. Any ideas?
Answer: The only explanation I can come up with is that the inner part of the frame is precut. With the frame cut that way it would allow the picture to fold, but when unfolded it would be fairly rigid with the exception of bending it forward at that point. When he pulls the painting out, it still holds the square shape of the frame. Best I can come up with.
Answer: He doesn't fold it. The frame is solid. It's just movie editing to make the viewer think he put it in her briefcase. You can't fold a Monet.
He absolutely folds it. We see him put it in the case and him then shut the case, folding it in half.

Question: Do the symbols / markings on Ardeth Bay's face mean anything?
Chosen answer: The tattoos on his forehead are the Egyptian Hieroglyphs that spell "Underworld", and the ones on his cheeks are the Egyptian Hieroglyphs for the word "truth." All Medjai males get these tattoos as part of the coming-of-age rite, when they turn sixteen, of which the most important is the tattoo on their right wrist (which Rick O'Connell also has) that marks them as "warriors for God." Other tattoos specific to Medjai males are on their arms, forearms, hands, pectorals, shoulder blades and beneath the navel - the tattoos on the nose and chin are no longer used, since the time of Seti I. Medjai females only get the wrist tattoo when they come of age, but are not marked with any of the other symbols that are particular to men. Fun fact: If the Medjai - male and female alike - shows any sign of pain or cries during the tattooing process, it is considered that they have brought shame to their family.

Question: Can anyone translate what Adam and his dad are saying when Adam is a teenager and they are in the classroom?
Answer: Adam: Tempus fugit (Latin) = Time flies. Dad: Que les bons temps roulent! (French) = How good times roll! Adam: Geradeaus, dann links (German) = Straightforward, then left. Dad: Sorgen Sie bitte dafür, dass die [das] Gepäck sorgfältig behandelt werden [wird] (German) = Please make sure that this luggage will be treated carefully. Adam: Haben Sie etwas Nettes in Leder? (German) = Do you have something nice in leather?

Answer: A 1964 Dodge Dart.
Answer: Don't know if it's confirmed but that's believed to be Heath Ledger's Dodge Dart that he had at the time.

Question: Was Guy in on the cruel revenge prank to put dog food on Aldys, or did he just want to dance with her, and didn't know anything about it?
Answer: Over the course of the evening, Guy learns that being popular isn't the most important thing in the world and wanted to make peace with Aldys. I think he was genuinely being a nice guy and wasn't in on the prank.

Question: Which twin is playing the part of Julian when he is getting taken away from Sonny?
Answer: Cole.

Question: When Woody is trying to explain to Jesse, Stinky Pete and Bullseye why he was at the yard sale before Al finds him, Stinky Pete interrupts him. Why?
Answer: As we learn later, Stinky Pete has his own agenda. He's seizing on the fact that Woody was being sold as a way to convince Woody to go to the museum.

Question: Why does Biscuit try to run right before he's let out? Why does he say he can't go home to his mama?
Answer: Because he is gay. In the time this movie is set, being homosexual was not only an extreme moral and religious taboo, but it was illegal in most parts of the US. Biscuit is too ashamed of letting his mother find out about his relationship with Jangle Leg, so he runs, knowing the guards will shoot him dead.
Answer: It wasn't in the script for him the die - the actor who played Biscuit went into a interview and said that he improv that scene the letter he opened up was initially was an call log not an release paper and he stated if his character was going to die he wanted him to die by crossing the gun line.

Question: In the scene where the three officers (one of them being Martin Lawrence) went to the airport to check out the situation there, Mallone picks up a piece of the exhibit. Wouldn't the FBI run the prints on the items, and if so, Martin Lawrence's fingerprints would come up and reveal his true identity since he is in the system?
Answer: Yes, however Malone is not a real cop, only pretending to be one. Therefore it is safe to assume he would not know procedures of the police department and would not think his prints would be run by the FBI. He thinks he is safe because he is a cop. That's how big his ego is.
Yes, but the reason they don't worry about fingerprints is because they decided to immediately set up the sting operation, since they only had hours before the package was to be delivered in 3 hours. So, they had to hurry and make it there in time to do the bust.

Question: The whole point of the trick is to persuade the police that Liz was murdered after having sex with a random stranger. The police decide to accept this suggestion. Why do they accept this, when they know that a woman pretending to be Liz's mother called the school to say Liz wouldn't come in - ie. the police know that a woman must have been involved, yet they decide it was just a man who did it?
Answer: They have no reason to follow up the call or never did all they know is that she was at home.

Question: To play Loveless, were Kenneth Branagh's legs removed digitally with a blue/green screen?
Answer: Assuming it's the same technique used for Gary Sinse in Forrest Gump, Mr. Branagh was probably wearing blue leggings which was used to digitize out his legs.

Question: What did it say on the bench in the garden they climbed over the fence for?
Answer: "For June who loved this garden - from Joseph who always sat beside her." And below that, "June Wetherby 1917-1992" with a picture of a three leaf clover underneath. Upon seeing the inscription, Julia Roberts comments, "some people *do* spend their whole lives together."

Question: I've never adopted kids before so that's why I'm asking this question; When Stuart is being adopted, I noticed that on his papers, the parents were listed as Mr. And Mrs. Little. My question is, why aren't their first names on there? George's first name was, so why weren't theirs on there as well? Is that a mistake or is it common?
Answer: I wouldn't call it a "mistake" as the movie did that on purpose for both a gag and an emphasis on Stuart becoming a Little. This is definitely not practice for actually adopting children. You must put your first name on the paperwork.

Question: Who put gasoline all over the massive swan float? Is it ever revealed. Who could it of been! And why did anybody do it (and how would they have the time, IF everyone thought Amber would win etc.!!!) - It annoyed me, this did! Who put gasoline on the float?
Chosen answer: I don't think anyone actually put gasoline over the float - it's suggested in the movie that the float is leaking gasoline because Becky's father imported it cheap from Mexico.

Question: What is the song played as Finch is rushing to the bathroom after Stifler puts the laxative into his mocha chino?
Answer: "Walk, Don't Run" by The Ventures.

Question: Once Austin has introduced himself to the two models, and they start photographing, what is the music that is in the background?
Answer: The music is the theme song to the TV show "Charlie's Angels".

Question: Can someone please tell me how this movie ends? Neither ruinedendings.com or moviepooper.com have it listed and I'm going crazy.
Answer: He's being chased by hundreds of brides, but his friends get Renee Zellweger to meet him. He climbs up a fire escape ladder, and spots her in the crowd. She climbs to meet him, and they get married right then and there, with the priest using a megaphone to say the vows. The time reads exactly 6pm, or whatever the deadline was.

Question: Is Charlie Sheen playing himself, or is he just playing a character called Charlie?
Answer: He's playing himself.
Answer: I believe that the Monet that Crown hides in his study is not the one that was stolen, it is a copy that he already had prepared. He can enjoy the copy knowing that the original (with the broken spreader bars) is also in his possession. The stolen original then goes to the forger who repairs the broken spreader bars, and then paints another painting (using water soluble paint) over the Monet, so he can "return" it to the museum 3 days later. It gets more complicated when he discovers that Russo is on to him so he has a second forgery made (even the edges forged to match) over the top of "Dogs Playing Poker." He doesn't know if it will be necessary, but given his research into his new adversary, he concocts this contingency. It is likely that he has many contingencies in place, but the "Monet with a ghost underneath" is the only one we get to see. Of course for my theory to hold water, there must be (or have been) that earlier forgery - unless it has been destroyed.
It's not the forgery that he takes out of the briefcase. Even if it were, he still put the Monet in the briefcase at the museum and would have had to break the frame to close the briefcase, thus also breaking the paint and tearing the canvas. The real answer is that it is just something that couldn't really happen, and the movie people don't want the viewer to notice.