Best comedy movie questions of 1992

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Sister Act picture

Question: Why does the young red-headed nun, that doesn't sing very loud (can't remember her name), wear a different habit?

Answer: It is because she is not, technically, a nun yet. She is a novice, one who is in the "trial period" of becoming a nun, but who has not made the final vows to join the order.


She doesn't wear a white cap in the second movie either, and she did her vows.

It takes 9-12 years to become a nun, with many stages: discernment, aspirancy, postulancy, novitiate, temporary vows, and finally, solemn vows. The young nun may have moved up a step but would not yet have taken her solemn vows. The various stages would have differences in apparel, headdress, insignia, etc. that showed their rank. In addition, different nun orders wear different styles of habits.


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Forever Young picture

Question: Would the labels on the Budweiser bottles be the same in the older era during the beginning of the movie, as it is in the latter part of the movie (1994)?

Answer: The color and design of the label hasn't changed in decades, although the script on it has changed some over time. They all look almost identical from a distance.

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Wayne's World picture

Question: During one scene in the Mirthmobile, Wayne pulls up alongside another driver, winds down the window and says "Pardon me, do you have any gray poopah?" and then begins to laugh. What's he talking about?

Answer: There was a series of commercials for a mustard called Grey Poupon in the late 80s and early 90s. It usually involved someone driving up next to a limo in a cheaper car, rolling their window down and asking them "pardon me sir, do you have any Grey Poupon?". Then the richer man in the limo would say "certainly" and pass it to the guy in the other car. They were incredibly stupid commercials and wayne's world makes fun of them.


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Home Alone 2: Lost in New York picture

Question: After Peter yells at Kevin "You spent $967 on room service?!", where does Kevin run off to? It's not clear from what's onscreen.

Answer: He's heading back to the hotel most likely to apologize for spending such a huge amount.

Answer: It's Kevin's dad who screams out. You can tell because Buzz looks at the bill, smirks, and says, "Oh, Dad." I've always interpreted it as Kevin running away. The joke is that Kevin's dad screams so loud from the hotel room that Kevin can hear him from the park. So Kevin wouldn't want to face his dad.


I just watched the clip on YouTube and yeah you're right, it is his dad. The sound of his voice when he yells "Kevin" sounds exactly like Buzz, so it probably conditioned a lot of viewers such as myself to accept it as Buzz's voice for the whole line.


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My Cousin Vinny picture

Question: Why did the sheriff claim that it was his own hunch that made him take it upon himself to see about any reports about a 1964 Pontiac Tempest stolen or abandoned? Shouldn't he have said something like, "At the request of Mr. Gambini, I investigated whether there were any"? Is the sheriff simply looking to steal some glory and take some credit for the turnaround of the case?

Matty Blast

Chosen answer: He never says that it was "his" idea. The actual quote from the movie is that on "a" hunch he looked it up. From the way it is worded in the movie, it appears he said it this way in order to appear impartial in bringing any new evidence to the court's attention, not necessarily just information that would benefit the defendant's case.


Answer: The sheriff made a point of telling Vinny that he doesn't work for the defense and Vinny should "do his own investigation." He's the local sheriff in a small town, while Vinny and the kids are unpopular and unwelcome visitors. The sheriff probably didn't want to appear like he was doing them any favors.

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Death Becomes Her picture

Question: In the scene where Goldie Hawn nearly gets her head run over by the car, how do they get that effect? It just looks far too dangerous to be an actual stunt, but it looks too real to be a bluescreen / split screen effect either.

Gary O'Reilly

Chosen answer: It is a composite shot, with the actor's head added to the scene. They just did a particularly good job on the scene.

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Answer: She may have said goodbye to Adam but it just wasn't shown.

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The Muppet Christmas Carol picture

Question: Does anyone know why Belle's 'The Love Is Gone' song was deleted from the UK release of this movie? (It may be in some versions, but isn't in others).

Answer: The song was originally deleted from the theatrical release, but included on the VHS and widescreen version of the LaserDisc. On the early DVDs, it's included in only the full screen versions. It is not included on the original Blu Ray release because the original master and negative were lost. However they were found and Disney has said the song will be included on future 4K releases.


Answer: I have the UK version on video and the song is on mine but I watched it when it was shown on TV and the song wasn't on it, maybe it's something to do with the length of the film? I dunno but it's definitely on the UK release that I've got.

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Beethoven picture

Question: Maybe I'm ignorant but shouldn't all those injections of various drugs Dr Varnick gets in the chest kill him?


Answer: It appears he only gets pierced by the needles. The plungers aren't pressed, so he isn't injected with their contents.


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Buffy the Vampire Slayer picture

Question: I've been wanting to finally watch the TV series, but I've never understood one thing... I know the movie is technically not 100% canonical with the series, but I've heard they later tried to connect it with the series with a comic-book adaptation. So should I watch the movie before the series? Or should I just go ahead and watch the series on its own, and treat the movie as an entirely separate "thing"? Or can it be done either way?

Answer: I'd say you treat them as 2 separate things. My personal opinion is that you should just watch the series and forget about the movie.


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A League Of Their Own picture

Question: Why did Dottie want to be traded to another team, and why was Kit traded?

Answer: Dottie wanted to be traded to alleviate the sibling rivalry between her and her kid sister, Kit. Instead, Kit was the who was traded because Dottie was the more talented player.


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Encino Man picture

Question: This film was called California man in the UK, I'm guessing the reason it was changed was because the UK wouldn't know what Encino man meant, which (in my case) is true. What does Encino man mean?


Chosen answer: Encino is a city near L.A. in California.


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Army of Darkness picture

Question: Was there ever a PG-13 cut? If not then what's the tamest cut?

Answer: Aside from versions edited for basic cable, no version with a lower rating than the original "R" rating exists.


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Noises Off... picture

Question: When Mrs. Clackett tells Flavia that the bed hasn't been aired, Flavia says, "I'll get a hot water bottle." What is the hot water bottle for?


Chosen answer: Hot water bottles were used to warm the sheets and take the "staleness" out of sheets that have not been used in a while.

Mark English

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Ladybugs picture

Question: How could the girls not see that Martha was a boy? In the movie his voice is deep well until Kim came to visit him.

Answer: Maybe they just thought he had a deep voice for a girl. I also thought about that, like when the girls hug Martha he's a guy - no boobs - but it's just a fun movie.

Answer: Cross-dressing is a time honored tradition in comedy and it requires quite a bit of suspension of disbelief to enjoy. A character who is obviously a boy to the audience but none of the characters noticing is a big part of what makes these films funny.


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The Cutting Edge picture

Question: I'm no expert on figure skating, so could someone explain why Kate couldn't just become a single skater when she had trouble finding a partner to work with? (Her father says that they should have made her a single skater). To the untrained eye, the fundamentals of single and pair skating seem the same.


Chosen answer: One reason is that singles skating focuses on jumps. Pair skaters usually do side-by-side jumps like double axles and the easier triple jumps. Single skaters now do up to three triple jumps in a row - a skill that pair skaters do not work so hard to master and may set her back in competitions.

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Tiny Toon Adventures: How I Spent My Vacation picture

Question: Why did Hampton's family go home really early, after riding the monorail when they just got there and didn't even go on any rides?

Answer: They were saving the other rides for their next trip.


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Sneakers picture

Question: At the bank, near the beginning, what was the security guard watching on the TV?

Answer: The film is Touch of Evil (1958), directed by Orson Welles. *SPOILER* Within the specific scene that the guard is watching, Quinlan (played by Welles) is holding a box with dynamite sticks inside, with Vargas (played by Charlton Heston) contending, "I looked in that box, just now, there wasn't anything there" (the box had been empty when Vargas was in the bathroom). This scene in Touch of Evil is foreshadowing the end with Cosmo in Sneakers (1992).

Super Grover

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Toys picture

Question: Why does General Leland use the gun to shoot a fly instead of a flyswatter? Why was he shooting at a guard?


Answer: In universe, it's likely because he's drunk and reckless, as you see him continuing to drink while doing it. Out of universe, it's a reference to the Confucius quote "Don't use a cannon to kill a mosquito."


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