Other mistake: When Rowan Atkinson is riding in the train, near the end of the film, he is looking out the window. He is looking forward, then quickly looks backwards. He does this several times in a row, as if trying to see things quickly as the train passes them. But, when the camera pulls back, Rowan's back is facing the direction the train is moving, thus he was looking the wrong way! You can tell by the way the scenery is moving as you look through the window. (01:28:05)

Other mistake: At one stage the Angels speak with each other in a different language, so that the people sitting next to them wouldn't understand. Having listened to it for a few times, I realized it was Finnish. Funny though, the thing they actually said there (in Finnish), was totally different than the written translation. (00:41:45)

Other mistake: After the magnet grabs Slink during the incinerator scene, all the toys grab metal objects to avoid getting torn up. Afterward, they all let go of their metal objects to drop down. However, Slink also drops down despite not holding on to anything because he is made of metal.
Suggested correction: Or, the other toys helped him down.

Other mistake: The chunk of hair that Ted has in the car is in a ponytail, and much longer than the hair cut off in the door.

Other mistake: When Michael J. Fox is in the pool with Auntie Vera, she pulls off his shorts, however you can clearly see the flesh-coloured pants he has on underneath.

Other mistake: Pintel and Ragetti fire the chain link cannonball, and it hits the square rigged mast aboard Interceptor. There's a shot of two men falling from the top of the mast, just before Interceptor's mast crashes onto the Pearl. They are not part of Jack's crew, who are all accounted for aboard the Pearl later. The only one of Jack's crew to die is the Asian man, when he's stabbed by a pirate and falls overboard. Nor can they be Barbossa's crew, because they haven't boarded yet. (01:27:00)

Other mistake: When Heather Hills takes a swing at Rodrick with mike stand and hits the chocolate fountain, how does Heather splash chocolate on herself?

Other mistake: Towards the end of the movie, Carmen hands a guy some 3D glasses with a crack in one of the lenses and says something like "Sorry it's the last one," but less than a minute later hands a different guy a pair of 3D glasses.

Other mistake: During the scene where Markus and Jackie are making love for the first time, as she is straddled on top of him, you can see that she that she is wearing knickers (panties).

Other mistake: When the switch is thrown to electrocute Terrence and Phillip, it's pulled downwards. A few shots later, we see Cartman jump in to save T and P by turning the switch off. He also pulls the switch downwards instead of pushing it upwards. (01:06:05)

Other mistake: When Judith is locked in J.D. and Wayne's basement, she is first wearing a long night gown and she is chained at the ankle to an engine. Then she is given a box of clothes to use and she is next seen wearing shorts - how did she put them on if she was chained at the ankle? (00:45:10)

Other mistake: The reporting of the horse race used to sting Doyle Lonnegan stops as soon as the fake FBI agents raid the bookmakers. J J Singleton, who is reading the results of the race, stops when he sees the raid taking place. However, that was supposed to be a live broadcast from the racetrack itself. It should have continued. Lonnegan isn't stupid - he would pick up on something like that immediately.
Suggested correction: This isn't a mistake. The person "operating the radio" could easily have switched it off because of the commotion. Lonnegan would simply suppose this is what had happened. He is not going to instantly suspect someone is faking the whole thing.

Other mistake: In the music within the ending credits, the lyrics incorrectly state that Raph is the leader of the group when all Turtle fans past and present know it is Leo.

Other mistake: Near the end of the closing credits, when the Warner Bros. Copyright appears, you'll see the very first word "All" spelled incorrectly as "Al" in "All material is protected by Copyright Laws of the United States and other countries throughout the world." (01:26:40)

Other mistake: Whenever Helen Hyde turns back into Richard Jacks, none of the clothes ever seems to rip or stretch - they both have different body types.

Other mistake: When Sue Ellen gets the roses from Gus, the tickets in the card have a date of April 6th 1990. This is suppose to be the summer of 1990, which means the tickets are no good. (01:03:00)

Other mistake: The movie starts in September 1961 and we are told that the talent show is in June. During the talent show there's a big banner saying 1961 when it should read 1962.

Other mistake: After Terrance shows the painting of Matilda and she runs off, if you keep an eye on Terrance as the screen pans upwards when there isn't a lot of his body left, he randomly disappears when the pigs appear in the shot.

Other mistake: When Rusty is talking to the trucker on the C.B. radio, he hands the microphone to Kevin. Kevin never presses the talk button on the microphone when he is talking to the trucker.

Other mistake: In the end credits, the filmmakers misspell the name of the town they wish to thank. They spell it "Coupville", but it's actually spelled "Coupeville."