Other mistake: After the magnet grabs Slink during the incinerator scene, all the toys grab metal objects to avoid getting torn up. Afterward, they all let go of their metal objects to drop down. However, Slink also drops down despite not holding on to anything because he is made of metal.
Suggested correction: Or, the other toys helped him down.

Other mistake: In a hockey game, Derek Thompson slams an opposing player into the wall and knocks out a tooth. Inexplicably, the tooth shoots straight up into the air and there is absolutely no blood on the tooth or around the player's mouth.

Other mistake: Towards the end when we see one of the $100 bill plates up close, the plate is not of any money ever put into production in the US. While I know most movies do not try and use actual money, there are things that don't match how real money is made: serial numbers are not on the plates, circle around Ben's head doesn't go to the border, "The United States of America" is missing above the "100" on the left, just to name a few.

Other mistake: When the ride finishes, there is no sign of a safety bar in Gru's cart.

Other mistake: When Gregory has read the note from Fregly, he realises he put his thumb on a booger. When we see Greg on the floor, the note should be nearby. Instead it is several feet from him, in line with the bin. This is strange as Greg only dropped it and the note didn't flutter over there as Greg only turned when he hit the floor. In fact, the movement should've moved it closer to him. In line with the bin is even weirder.

Other mistake: Flynn and Rapunzel go through the Snugly Duckling tunnel. Later when Maximus points to it, you could easily see it from anywhere in the pub. But nobody saw Flynn and Rapunzel go through other than the thug who showed them.

Other mistake: When June is standing on the escalator in the airport the people on the escalator with her swap from shot to shot as they change camera angles from a view looking down at her to one taken from the side. In one scene the escalator is nearly full with people, but in the next there are only two men standing behind her.

Other mistake: Spencer tells Jen to meet him at sunset but when they meet, it is not sunset.

Other mistake: Finbar is shown torturing a victim while the victim has his head in a halo used for immobilizing a person's head. The screws to hold the victim's head tight can be seen not to be touching his head, yet the victim is still bleeding from the screws.

Other mistake: The airplane interior shots were obviously done in a studio mock-up. On a narrow body plane like that, the ceiling is fairly low but follows the fuselage contour to provide maximum headroom above the aisle. The ceiling shown was very high and flat all the way across.

Other mistake: During the scene where Phil and Claire break into the real estate office to look up the name of her past client, Claire says his name is Holbrooke Grant. She types that into the computer to search for it, but it's shown as Holbrooke, Grant. With the comma, that would make Grant his first name.

Other mistake: In the beginning of the movie, when she is speaking to the viewers on her web cam, Olive says something about whatever book you're reading in class always relates to whatever teen drama you have going on, except Huckleberry Finn. As most of the movie is in flashback, this scene takes place chronologically near the end of the story. However, in one scene shown later (ie. before the webcam comment), a girl runs up to Olive and say something along the lines of, "Did you hear about Brandon? He left his parents a note that says, 'I'm gay, bitches!' and ran away with some hulking black guy!" and Olive says, "My apologies to Mark Twain." In the film continuity Olive's comment makes no sense, as she hasn't referenced Huckleberry Finn yet. And/or her webcam comment is out of place, as at the time she makes that comparison she now knows that even Huckleberry Finn is relevant to teen drama.

Other mistake: Mama says that Curly must have gotten into some of her leftover pasta fagioli, but that wasn't among the things she ordered the night before at the restaurant.

Other mistake: When Burke & Hare chop down the tree to stop the coach, they hit the tree with their axes at chest height. When the coach approaches they have hardly made a dent in the tree and when they push to tip the tree over, it doesn't break at chest height, but the entire tree falls, arguably still fully intact.

Other mistake: As the movie opens, Yogi is using a telescope to watch a family at a picnic table. The reflection in the lens should be in reverse but it is not. It shows the same view.

Other mistake: During Hit Girl's dramatic rescue sequence, she shoots the last two guys in the head. The man she shoots last (in the red and yellow balaclava), she aims at his torso yet shoots him cleanly through the head. It's made all the more obvious by the fact that this scene is in slow motion at this point.

Other mistake: In the end credits, the cast is meant to be in order of appearance. When it gets to Victoria's credit, it states that Alexander Dunning appears next in the movie. Another 4 people after this reads Cooper's family appears. This is wrong. Victoria appears. A few minutes after this, Cooper is shown at his house and watches his kids sleeping. In the scene after Alexander Dunning appears for the first time in the movie. For the credits to be in order of appearance correctly, it would have to be Victoria - Cooper's Daughter - Cooper's Son - Alexander Dunning. (01:41:15)

Other mistake: As Sophie and Charlie walk through the town square, chime bells ring four times, but the clock shows the time as 3:50.

Other mistake: While flying home from overseas, Kate is wearing earrings while she is wearing the Army Combat Uniform (ACU). At the time the movie took place, female soldiers were not authorized to wear earrings while wearing combat uniforms. I could dismiss this as a character mistake if Kate was a private fresh out of basic (I once corrected a real female soldier who just finished basic that was wearing earrings), but Julia Roberts is portraying a captain in the movie and a captain would have known better.

Other mistake: The hospice male nurse Juan Is credited as Julio in the credits at the end.