Other mistake: When the nanny comes home with the tags, they call Jewel to get hers first. Jewel has a penis.

Other mistake: Near the end of the closing credits, when the Warner Bros. Copyright appears, you'll see the very first word "All" spelled incorrectly as "Al" in "All material is protected by Copyright Laws of the United States and other countries throughout the world." (01:26:40)

Other mistake: When Happy hits the ball in the alligators mouth, he is on the complete other side of the lake where the gator is located, and there is a crowd of people blocking his view, but somehow he can still see through the people and over the lake, to notice the gator taking his ball.

Other mistake: After Guy gets hurt in the warriors/ducks game, the scoreboard is shown. It says that there is 15 seconds left in the third period, when it is really the second period.

Other mistake: When the general passes the clipboard to the President to sign the nuclear release, the clipboard is actually upside-down. (00:55:55)

Other mistake: Jack's parents were at a Halloween party when his mother went into labor. Later in the movie when he's asked by his teacher he says his birthday is September 12th.
Suggested correction: The movie doesn't specifically say this is a Halloween party. This may simply be a costume party which can and do happen multiple times a year.
As you stated, it doesn't say it's a Halloween party. In fact, there's signs in the room that say "Beaux-Arts Ball."

Other mistake: Vanessa is illiterate, but easily reads the Hi-Way Café menu. (00:48:35)

Other mistake: When the kids spray paint the van purple, they somehow paint it in five minutes, and they somehow manage to get not one spot of paint on the windows even though they are outside with a wind because of the moving cars.

Other mistake: One of the extras is seen in two different scenes. The same woman is seen first at the beauty spa and then later at the police station.

Other mistake: In the scene where Chip breaks the glass on the backboard, he falls on his back in the glass. If you look, there is a perfect outline of his body in the glass where he is supposed to land.

Other mistake: When Roy is about to hit the ball off the porta-potty, the TV commentator bets Romeo that he won't hit the shot onto the green. Roy's shot ends up on the fringe of the green, not on the putting surface itself (an important difference), but Dewey collects the bet.

Other mistake: When Klump is being replaced by Buddy Love, and the guy is putting the new name on the door, it doesn't make sense that the name is readable from the inside of the office. Normally, names on the doors would be put on the out-side, so that passers-by would be able to read it. The name being applied in vinyl on the glass door is being put on, on the wrong side of the door.

Other mistake: At the start of the tournament, Big Earn steps beyond the foul line in his first frame.

Other mistake: When the Presidents are at Union Station, in the first shot of Union Station the sky is clear. In the shots with the Presidents the sky is overcast.

Other mistake: When Frank first runs into Ray's ghost on the street, and they duck into an alleyway to talk, Ray accidentally calls Frank (Michael J. Fox) by his real name "Mike" instead of his character name "Frank." Ray says "I felt this vise-like grip squeezing my heart, and I couldn't breathe, Mike."

Other mistake: Towards the beginning of the movie Dorothy first "meets" Jerry by eavesdropping on his conversation with a woman in the airplane. But Jerry is located in first class whereas Dorothy is in coach. Going by her seat location it seems like she's sitting at least 10 rows from Jerry, plus the area that divides coach from first class between them. And Jerry is speaking in a soft voice. Add to that the drone that an airplane makes (even if not airborne) and it's highly unlikely that she would have been able to hear him, even if he was the only person talking in the plane (also unlikely).

Other mistake: Right after the second agent gets out of the drivers side door of the car he rolls down the middle of the road. No cars in the background seem to stop or move out of the way. Also just as he is thrown watch the close up shot with Sandler in the backseat and Wayans driving, the car that would have hit the agent just keeps driving behind them the entire shot.

Other mistake: In the scene when Gunther jumps in the guy's car who doesn't pay him, he takes off the collection sheet and the holes for the clips are on the bottom. All holes for collecting books are on the top, so he is reading the collecting card up-side down.

Other mistake: In the dispatcher's room set the "computers" used are actually old microfiche film viewing screens. The actors pretend to be reading incoming police calls off the screens when they are actually looking at old film files.

Other mistake: When Kate is introduced by Senor Ortega, she is introduced as Kate Riley, but the credits list her as Kate White.