Toy Story 3

Correction: Toy Story 3 takes place years after part 2. As Andy grew older he obviously thought he could do a better repair job, or had it re-done professionally. After all, Woody is his favorite toy.


But at the beginning of Toy Story 3 it shows Andy in his room with his little sister at the same age so it seems like it has picked up not long after Toy Story 2, and Woody's arm is perfect there.

But it isn't obvious at all! Woody was an extremely rare toy even before Toy Story 3, but you want us to believe that they can find the EXACT same material as the rest of Woody's shirt years later?

Correction: His arm is filled with cotton wool. Anyone who has done a sewing project might know that placing the wool in wrong can cause it to group together in one area. The least you can do is try to stretch it out from the outside. Andy may have noticed that the arm was to bulged at some point and fixed the wool work.

Corrected entry: When Woody is escaping through the bathroom stall window, he climbs up the stall on the same side as the janitor's right shoulder, but he climbs out in the mirror image on the janitor's left shoulder. You can also see the smudge is on his left shoulder. He escaped on the opposite side of the stall to which he climbed up.

Correction: Please rewatch this scene. There are two stalls, one with the door closed and one with the door open, which is the stall with the window and Woody. There are also two shots where Woody has his foot stretched across to the window (sill). The first shot in the POV from behind the sink, is facing the janitor and Woody. The second shot is from behind the janitor's back, facing the mirror, and this shot zooms in at an angle to show the reflection of Woody and then the mirror's smudge. Woody is positioned correctly and standing in the proper place in both shots.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: When the Telephone approaches Woody to tell him how to escape by defeating the monkey, it motions to Woody that he needs to pick up the orange receiver to speak and listen. Woody complies. Later when Lotso catches the toys escaping, the Telephone appears on the wall's ledge and says "They broke me" which everyone can now hear without the receiver being used.

Correction: The receiver was used previously for secrecy's sake, to ensure that absolutely no one could overhear.


Corrected entry: During the train scene at the beginning, Woody jumps on the locomotive and applies the brakes, stopping the wheels and causing sparks to appear. But when the train fails to stop and falls off, the wheels on the locomotive are rolling freely.

Correction: This scene is being played in a child's imagination. Absolutely anything can happen.

Corrected entry: The Aliens who save the toys from the incinerator in the third act, where did they come from? They just appear, from nowhere, to save the toys.

Correction: The aliens got trapped in the garbage truck along with the rest. However when they get dumped at the junkyard they get separated and escape the conveyor belt. From there they find the controls of the claw.


Corrected entry: The way the Toys make it back to Andy's from the Day Care Center, is that they catch a ride on the garbage truck. BUT the garbage truck already had picked up the garbage from Andy's street that week! Trash is picked up once a week; not twice.


Correction: Trash is picked up twice a week where I live (northeast U.S.) and also where my relatives live (southeast U.S., southwest U.S.).


Corrected entry: In the scene where the TV falls on Buzz, his helmet breaks but later appears fixed. (01:01:00 - 01:26:55)

Correction: Buzz's helmet is still intact. When Jessie drags him to the side she actually has to press a button to open his helmet up. The glass that was on Buzz was actually from the TV screen, not Buzz himself.

Corrected entry: The toy aliens in this film are the same ones as the last (the miniature ones which were attached to a piece of string dangling from the roof of the Pizza Planet truck). This is confirmed by the ongoing "eternally grateful" lines. Yet, they were not in the Pizza Planet machine which Sid activated in the first film. Therefore, they would be unfamiliar with "The Claw"

Correction: Not necessarily. Theres nothing to suggest that they were not originally from the same machine, and won by a Pizza Planet employee who then opted to decorate the delivery truck with them.


Corrected entry: The first night the toys spent in the Daycare, when Buzz finds Lotso's band playing in the vending machine, there are no trucks patrolling the hallways, and the monkey does not sound the alarm when he sees that Buzz escaped. However, when Woody comes back later, he finds out that those security measures operate every single night.

Correction: This is explained by the toy telephone that Woody meets when he goes back to Sunnyside. The security measures were not as tight before, but when they captured Buzz, the phone tells Woody that they have cracked down on security and that he got lucky the first time.

Corrected entry: When Buzz gets thrown at the window during playtime at Sunnyside, if you look real closely you can see Andy's name is missing from his foot. It returns when the gang wakes up at night. (00:33:00)

Correction: When Buzz is tossed and lands on the blue bookcase, in his closeups his right foot is slanted in such a way that "Andy" can't be seen too clearly, however we can see that there is indeed writing on the bottom of his right foot, where "Andy" should be.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: When Andy pulls up to Bonnie's house, he parks across the street. The vantage point of Bonnie looking at Andy getting out of the car, shows houses behind Andy's car. But when he drives off, the street suddenly has become a cul-de-sac; and what was a horizontal street has now become a vertical one.


Correction: It's not a cul-de-sac, it's a T-intersection with the gate to Bonnie's house at the head of the T. Andy parks in front of the house on the corner and then makes a right turn (offscreen) for the shot where he drives off. The reason we don't see this road before is because of the angle of the shots. It's only revealed in the final shot when the camera's angle is directly through the gate, not at angle.

Corrected entry: A slightly older Boo (from Monsters, Inc.) is one of the children in the Butterfly Room at Sunnyside Daycare. She is first seen when the toys get their first look at the Butterfly Room, she is playing with the sunflower and blue cat toys at the time.

Dusso Janladde

Correction: Lee Unkrich has confirmed on his official formspring that that was in fact NOT Boo.

Corrected entry: When the toys put Buzz in Spanish mode, they remove two screws and pull down a back panel. Once Buzz is in Spanish mode, he jumps up and the panel is put back in place. The screws were never put back in to keep the panel closed.


Correction: Already submitted and corrected. The screws themselves do not hold the panel in place, they are just there to keep small children from opening the panel and playing with the batteries. A countless number of real toys employ this practice.

Corrected entry: When Woody escapes Sunnyside and climbs onto the roof, we are shown a shot of the entire rooftop, and no kite is to be seen anywhere on the roof, yet moments later, it's conveniently there when Woody's hat blows off (and then provides his escape over the walls).


Correction: We are actually shown a shot of one side of the rooftop, not the entire thing. The kite could easily have been on the other side that we isn't shown.


Corrected entry: When Woody returns to daycare, he learns that every room in Sunnyside is watched by the monkey, and whenever a toy escapes, the monkey is supposed to turn on the alarm to let Lotso's gang know that someone has escaped. Earlier in the film however, Buzz escapes the room and goes through the hallway to the snack machine without getting caught.

Correction: The daycare wasnt on lock down yet. this has already been submitted and corrected.


Corrected entry: In the scene where Woody, Barbie, Rex, and The Pig try to fix Buzz they unscrew his battery compartment to attempt to switch him back, after a while Buzz immediately gets up with his battery compartment completely screwed back on when nobody screwed it back on and stays that way the rest of the movie. (00:43:25 - 01:07:05)

Correction: It's simply snapped shut. When Buzz jumps it the back cover swings up and closes itself. The screw is just a precaution that companies take so young children dont open the compartment and mess around with the batteries. The screw itself is rarely the sole reason the doors stay closed.


Corrected entry: When the "caterpillar room" children go outside for recess, the clock shows 3:00; when they return to the room for Andy's toys' first playtime, the clock shows 1:00.


Correction: The clock actually shows 12:15 when they go outside for recess, meaning they were given 45 minutes when they come back in at 1:00.


Corrected entry: In the daydream sequence at the start of the film, Jessie is there with Andy being a boy and his sister, Molly, being a toddler. Jessie didn't come in until the second film when Andy was older so Jessie shouldn't be in this sequence.

Correction: Little enough time passed between the films that Molly could still be in her toddler stage.


Correction: Andy could easily have painted over the burn mark or had his mum do it. Woody is his favourite toy, so he would undoubtedly not want a burn mark on him. The same goes for his arm from Toy Story 2.


Corrected entry: When the toys are in the garbage shredder place, Bullseye is not there, but is there when they all hold hands and escape.

Correction: He is shown before and after. Just because we don't see him in one particular sequence does not mean he wasn't present.


Deliberate mistake: When the bear pulls Woody into the garbage bin after the other toys have crossed over, his hat is not pulled off when his body is squeezed under the lid when going down. (01:15:35)


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Ken: And this... Well, this is where I live. It's got a disco, it's got a dune buggy, and a whole room just for trying on clothes.

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Answer: Yes, he is. He can be seen wearing the same black t-shirt with a skull motif that his younger self wore in the first movie and Pixar have confirmed that the character's intended to be Sid.


In addition, they are voiced by the same person.

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