J.D. Sheldrake: Ya know, you see a girl a couple of times a week, just for laughs, and right away they think you're gonna divorce your wife. Now I ask you, is that fair?
C.C. Baxter: No, sir, it's very unfair... Especially to your wife.

Willie: Spare some change. Think about somebody besides your fucking self.

Steve: This is Germany, Father. They drive on the right. National dish: sausage.

Laird Mayhew: I don't know how to talk to the guy. It's like we speak two different languages or something.
Gustav: You do.
Laird Mayhew: Yeah.
Gustav: He speaks English, and you speak English with resounding amounts of "fuck."

Kris Kringle: You know what the imagination is?
Susan Walker: Oh, sure. That's when you see things, but they're not really there.
Kris Kringle: Well, that can be caused by other things, too.

Lucy: If you fit into my pants I will kill myself.

Guy: I was going to tell you everything eventually.

Marv Merchants: Well, prison isn't so bad. We do get salisbury steak on Wednesdays.

Connie Ennis: If you wish for things you can get, you're gonna be happy. If you wish for real big things, all you're gonna get is real big disappointments.

Rachel Bitterman: You are very fit for a plus sized pig.
Miss Piggy: And you will not look good with a plus sized lip.