Henry Bloom: I'm not one for games Ricky. I'm a professional. My time is very valuable.
Ricky Caldwell: Oh? And mine isn't?
Henry Bloom: Your time is running out son. I'm your last chance.
Ricky Caldwell: Oh yeah?
Henry Bloom: Yeah.
Ricky Caldwell: Well, what makes you think you can bullshit your way into my head? Like every other pencil-neck piece of shit.

Belle: Forbid Christmas? No one can forbid Christmas.

Piiparinen: See for yourselves. There's something really weird about him. Don't you think?
Aimo: He's a foreigner.

Langston: What kind of parents are you?
Reverend Cornell Cobbs: The broken hearted kind.

Older James: I remember that winter because it had brought the heaviest snows I had ever seen. Snow had fallen steadily all night long and in the morning I woke in a room filled with light and silence, the world seemed to be held in a dream-like stillness. It was a magical day. And it was on that day I made the snowman.

Drew Latham: Please! Please, let me stay here.
Tom Valco: No.
Drew Latham: I'll pay you.
Tom Valco: My family's not for sale, pal.
Drew Latham: I'll pay you $250,000.
Tom Valco: Welcome home, son.