Drew 'Bundini' Brown: Free ain't easy. Free is real. And real's a motherfucker.

Mary: George, I didn't know you could yodel.
George M. Cohan: Learned it on the farm. Nothing but pig callin' with frost on it.

Bobby Ciaro: Someday, your gonna be president of the United States.
Jimmy Hoffa: Fuck that. Someday, I'm gonna be president of the Teamsters.

Truman Capote: It's as if Perry and I grew up in the same house and one day he stood up and went out the back door while I went out the front.

Tom Lefroy: Was I deficient in rapture?
Jane Austen: Inconsciousness.
Tom Lefroy: It was... It was accomplished.
Jane Austen: It was ironic.

Clayton Boone: I am not... your monster.

Bill Gates: Think they're hookers?
Paul Allen: Either that or motel inspectors. I saw one of them go into the room next to ours about a dozen times yesterday.

Pastor Rosier Pile: War's way to the other side of the ocean, Alvin. Lots of things can happen before you get there. You put your trust in the Lord, and He'll look out for you.
Alvin: I done forgot the Lord! I ain't never gonna forget him again.

Oscar Wilde: I do believe in anything, provided it is incredible. That's why I intend to die a Catholic, though I never could live as one.

John Newton: Although my memory's fading, I remember two things. I'm a great sinner and Christ is a great Savior.

Harvey Milk: Without hope, life's not worth living.

Antwone Fisher: It don't matter what you tried to do, you couldn't destroy me! I'm still standing! I'm still strong! And I always will be.

Domenico Venier: If I didn't know you better I'd think you have the feigned indifference of a man in love. Go on son. Tell the truth and shame the devil.

Ben Schwartzwalder: I won't tell him he'll be the next Ernie Davis, because there'll never be another Ernie Davis.

Arthur Rimbaud: The only unbearable thing is that nothing is unbearable.

Rusty Dennis: First you told me he was gonna be retarded, then you told me he was gonna be blind and deaf. If I'd dug his grave every time one of you geniuses told me he was gonna die, I'd be eating fuckin' chop suey in China by now.