Margaret Thatcher: Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, because they become actions. Watch your actions, because they become habits. Watch your habits, because they become your character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny. What we think, we become.

Calamity Jane: A man that cgeats at cards ain't got no religion.

Agnes Carpenter: Karen, you're not eating. You look too thin, if you ask me.
Karen Carpenter: Mother, how can anybody be too thin?

Anne Frank: I want to go on living even after I'm dead.

Pastor Rosier Pile: War's way to the other side of the ocean, Alvin. Lots of things can happen before you get there. You put your trust in the Lord, and He'll look out for you.
Alvin: I done forgot the Lord! I ain't never gonna forget him again.

Oscar Wilde: I do believe in anything, provided it is incredible. That's why I intend to die a Catholic, though I never could live as one.

Larry Snyder: You can run. And boy, can you jump. What I want to know is - can you win?

John Rolfe: She weaves all things together.

Preston Tucker: What's the difference, fifty or fifty million? That's only machinery. It is the idea that counts, Abe, and the dream. (01:43:53)

Alfred Hitchcock: I will never find a Hitchcock blonde as beautiful as you.
Alma Reville: Oh, Hitch. I've waited thirty years to hear you say that.
Alfred Hitchcock: That, my dear, is why they call me the Master of Suspense.

Ben Schwartzwalder: I won't tell him he'll be the next Ernie Davis, because there'll never be another Ernie Davis.

Neil Armstrong: You're down here and you look up and you don't think about it too much. But space exploration changes your perception.

Kevin Rooney: I mean, you just don't know how to give up.
Vinny Pazienza: No, I do. Trust me, I do. I know exactly how to give up. You know what scares the shit out of me, Kev? Is that it's easy.

Rose Hovick: Remember - you're a lady. You make them beg for more... and then don't give it to them.

King Henry viii: Why are you here for her?
Mary Boleyn: Because she is my sister, and therefore one half of me.

Bill Gates: Think they're hookers?
Paul Allen: Either that or motel inspectors. I saw one of them go into the room next to ours about a dozen times yesterday.

Barry Seal: The problem isn't the room. It's weight.