Winston Churchill: Those who never change their mind never change anything.

P.T. Barnum: No one ever made a difference by being like everyone else.

Elizabeth Marston: How are you going to learn anything at all about life if you refuse to live it?

Tonya Harding: There's no such thing as truth. It's bullshit. Everyone has their own truth, and life just does whatever the fuck it wants.

Barry Seal: The problem isn't the room. It's weight.

Greg Sestero: You are a fucking villain, you fucking Frankenstein-looking motherfucker. (01:16:15)

Karl: This is the last frontier on earth. Still alive, still wild. Not for long. We don't like wild. We don't like untamed. We're obsessed with control. So, we ruin the whole planet, and pride ourselves for creating stupid national parks with stupid rangers in stupid hats to protect what's already gone. Why? Cause we're scared. The jungle shows us what we really are. We're nothing. We're a joke. God fucked up.

Thurgood Marshall: I wouldn't be here if I didn't think we could win.

J. Paul Getty: They say you never really know someone until you have divorced them.
Fletcher Chase: I wish I knew that three marriages ago.

Robin Cavendish: This chair pushing business. Is is hard to do over long distances?
Diana Cavendish: Well, it's harder than a pram, I can tell you.

John Walcott: We do not write for the people who send people's kids to war. We write for the people whose kids get sent to war.

Eric Marsh: The world's full of people taking chances.

Mark Felt: The White House is packing all its crimes in separate little boxes. Watergate, the spying, the ugliness, the rot. Each thing in a different box so that no-one can put it together, so that no-one sees it's all connected. And no-one will care, but it's all the same big thing.
Sandy Smith: And Watergate? Just the gateway.