Jerry Heller: What's NWA stand for, anyway?"No Whites Allowed", something like that?
Eazy-E: No... Ni**az Wit' Attitudes.

Reggie Kray: A paranoid schizophrenic walks into a bar.

Mark Baum: I don't get it. Why are they confessing?
Danny Moses: They're not confessing.
Porter Collins: They're bragging.

G.H. Hardy: There are no proofs nor underlying laws that can determine the outcome of matters of the heart. Of that I'm sure.

Georg Elser: If humanity isn't free, everything dies with it.

Officer Flynn: You threatening me, Bulger?
Whitey Bulger: The last thing I would do if I was planning to harm you was to warn you in advance, you dumb fuck.
Officer Flynn: You better watch yourself, Bulger.
Whitey Bulger: You better fuck yourself, Flynn.

Steve Jobs: Voicing an objection would've been a step in the right direction.

Gerda Wegener: We went for coffee, and after... I kissed him. And it was the strangest thing. It was like kissing myself.

Rufus: Sorry, you can't park here.
Miss Shepherd: No, I've had guidance. This is where it should go.
Rufus: Guidance? Who from?
Miss Shepherd: The Virgin Mary. I spoke to her yesterday. She was outside the post office.

Joy: Don't ever think that the world owes you anything, because it doesn't. The world doesn't owe you a thing.

Gertrude Bell: Paradise has no time, age or sanctuary. Awaits us.

Cheung Wing-sing: Why'd God make women pretty but dumb?
Cheung Wing-sing: They're pretty, so men will like them.
Cheung Wing-sing: They're dumb, so they will like men.

Hedda Hopper: Now listen, Ed, we'll picket every theater that movie is in unless you pull the prints tonight, and you get that traitor's name off it.
Edward 'Ed' Muhl: Hedda, you can't put me in this position. That's expensive and pointless.
Hedda Hopper: Then you can kiss your movie, your studio, and your miserable ass goodbye.