Paul Child: What is it you REALLY like to do?
Julia Child: Eat!
Francois Pienaar: I may break my arm, my leg, my neck, but I will not let that freaking guy go.
John Keats: Touch has a memory.
Fanny Brawne: I know it.
John: There's just no point hating someone you love.
Steve Lopez: I've never loved anything the way he loves music.
Thomas Huxley: Mr Darwin, sir? Either you are being disingenuous or you do not fully understand your own theory. Evidently, what is true of the barnacle is true of all creatures, even humans. The Almighty can no longer claim to have authored every species in under a week. You've killed God, sir! You've killed God.
Amelia Earhart: Who wants a life imprisoned in safety?