Prosecutor: There is only one question that any military court need ask of the accused: do you deny disobeying Col. Sangston's direct orders?
Judge: Well, do you, Private?
Desmond Doss: No, sir, I don't.
Judge: Why are you contesting it, then? Why is it so important to you, given your refusal to even touch a weapon to serve in a combat unit?
Desmond Doss: Because when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, I took it personal. Everyone I knew was on fire to join up, including me. There were two men in my hometown declared 4-F unfit, they killed themselves cause they couldn't serve. Why, I had a job in a defense plant and I could've taken a deferment, but that ain't right. It isn't right that other men should fight and die, that I would just be sitting at home safe. I need to serve. I got the energy and the passion to serve as a medic, right in the middle with the other guys. No less danger, just... while everybody else is taking life, I'm going to be saving it.

Edward Snowden: And ultimately, the truth sinks in that no matter what justification you're selling yourself, this is not about terrorism. Terrorism is the excuse. This is about economic and social control. And the only thing you're really protecting is the supremacy of your government.

Charles Porter: Mr. Skiles, is there anything you would have done differently?
Jeff Skiles: Yes. I'd do it in July.

Eddie Edwards: I've been kicked off every team before I even got a chance to prove myself.

Florence Foster Jenkins: People may say I couldn't sing, but no one can ever say I didn't sing.

Larry Snyder: You can run. And boy, can you jump. What I want to know is - can you win?

Kevin Rooney: Vinny, we started this in a basement. In a fucking basement! Now, go out there and show me how you do things. Show me how you live. Show me how you fight.
Vinny Pazienza: Want me to show you how I fight?
Kevin Rooney: Yeah. Show me who the fuck you are.

Rachel Joy Scott: I want to be a light, but it feels so dark.

Newton Knight: It ain't just for us. Black, white, rich, poor, it's for everybody.

Everett Lewis: Oh! When I was their age did the work o' ten men. Clean this yard, chop wood.
Mr. Hill: Yeah.
Everett Lewis: Built that fence.
Mr. Hill: Yes, but - You were here, around people. Everett? If someone applied for that job? Hire them.

Bob: Meow.

Ray Kroc: If you've got time to lean, then you've got time to clean.

Lyndon B. Johnson: You know, this could be your lucky day. You might be able to vote your conscience on the Farm Bill.
Senator Ralph Yarborough: I like to think that is the only way that I ever vote.
Lyndon B. Johnson: Spoken like a true one-term senator.

Robert Mazur: Roberto, I am glad you are here. But there is a part of me that wishes you hadn't taken that risk.
Roberto Alcaino: Without family or friends what kinda world it is be. There will be no reason to be alive. Hmm? It's a good day.