Trivia: When Bumblebee first appears it parks itself in the used car lot beside a yellow Beetle. The yellow Beetle was Bumblebee's original form in the Transformers cartoon series.

Trivia: Several of the named knights were, in fact, real, though many of them are from different time periods. Ulrich von Lichtenstein was a knight and author who was said to have invented the concept of chivalry and courtly love. Piers Courtenay was a descendant of Edward I, born in the 15th Century. Sir Thomas Colville, Edward III's disguise, was a knight from the 13th Century.

Trivia: The film held the record for highest-grossing Biblical movie for 48 years, until it was finally surpassed by "The Passion of the Christ" in 2004.

Trivia: Johnny Depp uses the phrase "Interesting..." as his trademark in many of the movies he stars in, including Sleepy Hollow. He uses it in PotC when Koehler's skeletal hand tries to grab him in prison.

Trivia: In order to acquaint himself with his three lead actors, director Alfonso Cuaron had each of them write an essay about their characters, from a first-person point of view. Emma Watson, in true Hermione fashion, went a little overboard and wrote an 16-page essay, Daniel Radcliffe wrote a simple one page paper, and Rupert Grint never even turned his in, as he said that is what Ron would have done.

Trivia: The Captain of the Iwo-Jima who Tom Hanks talks to at the end of the movie is the real Apollo 13 astronaut Jim Lovell.

Trivia: When Joe Dirt finds out where he lives in Louisiana, there is a guy (Framer Fran) that speaks very strangely. He is played by Blake Clarke who played the same farmer character in The Waterboy.

Trivia: Before the witch trial, you can see Sir Bedevere tying coconuts to a swallow, no doubt to test the theory people argue about elsewhere in the film.

Trivia: To make the water in the glass on the dashboard 'jump', they strung a guitar string from the underside of the dashboard to a bolt on the floor and then plucked the string.

Trivia: According to the Director's commentary, Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation did not want the film to be released under the title "Independence Day" to avoid legal complications (specifics weren't disclosed as to what the problems might be, but it's also why the abbreviation "ID4" was used). Roland Emmerich (director/writer) and Dean Devlin (writer) needed to justify the title, so they added the rousing bit right at the end of President Whitmore's speech at the hangar when he ends with, "The 4th of July will no longer be known as an American holiday...today we celebrate our Independence Day!"

Trivia: Sarah Douglas' voice was dubbed over by actress Annie Ross who would play Vera Webster in Superman 3. Sarah's own voice was used in Superman 2: The Richard Donner Cut.

Trivia: When all the Avengers are attempting to lift Thor's hammer, Captain America is able to move it slightly. In the comics, Cap is one of the few characters noble enough to be able to lift Thor's hammer (notable others being Storm and Beta Ray Bill).

Trivia: Samuel Jackson spotted that the eye patch his character wears in the movie switched eyes in the promotional posters announcing the movie in Los Angeles.

Trivia: The disclaimer, "Neither the name Zorin nor any other name or character in this film is meant to portray a real company or actual person," was added after the producers discovered a real company known as Zoran Ladicorbic Ltd, whose industry was fashion design. This is the first Bond film to begin with a disclaimer.