Trivia: The line "Hold on to your butts" said by Samuel L. Jackson is also said by him in Jurassic Park.

Trivia: In the comics, Falcon has taken on the mantle of Captain America before.

Trivia: Harold Sakata (Oddjob) was formerly a professional weightlifter and won a silver medal for the United States at the 1948 Olympics in London.

Trivia: A little foreshadowing - when the King first goes to the Poison Apple pub, a frog with ruby red lips asks him if she has met him before.

Trivia: Jeremy Sumpter (Peter Pan) had to go through 6-7 months of flying practice before he could start "flying" in the film.

Trivia: The dentist's name, P. Sherman, is a homage to the many Filipino crew members, whose native accent made the English word 'fisherman' sound like P. Sherman.

Trivia: When Skroob's ship arrives at Planet Druidia, Colonel Sandurz says the ship is preparing for metamorphosis to which Lord Helmet says "Ready, Kafka?" Franz Kafka wrote the book "The Metamorphosis."

Trivia: Hitler was played by the actor Michael Sheard, this was the third time he had played Hitler for film and TV. Ironically, Sheard's wife was half-Jewish.

Trivia: Music composer John Williams has a cameo as a bartender on the planet Kijimi.

Trivia: Linda Harrison, who portrayed Nova in the original Planet of the Apes and its sequel Beneath the Planet of the Apes, has a cameo appearance in this movie as one of the people inside the rolling cage as it's being taken into the city. She is seen standing next to Mark Wahlberg, shaking her head when he asks her a question.

Trivia: If Mary Swanson married Lloyd instead of her fiance she would become Mary Christmas.

Trivia: "Mad Dog" Tannen's actions after shooting Marty are a perfect homage by Thomas F Wilson to Lee Marvin in "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance." He even gets the facial expressions, the mumbled and sarcastic thanks and the jaunty angle with which he holds the gun right.

Trivia: The English translations for the majority of the German dialogue towards the end of the film, as taken from recent BBC TV airings:
(Outside the house just before Mr Brown enters back in)
Guard: Yes, Yes everything is fine.
(as Mr Brown tries to stop Cosmic Creepers yowling)
Guard: What's that?
(after the guards enter Miss Price's house after hearing the yowling)
Guard: It's just a naughty cat, poor thing.
(after capture of Miss Price, the guard sees Mr Brown as a rabbit)
Guard 1: Jagged hare, this will be good.
Guard 2: Idiot, Do you want to wake up the whole village!
(on the battlefield, prior to Miss Price casting her spell)
Guard 1: Colonel, The bridge is ready to blow.
Guard 2: The railway, road and quay are ready.
Colonel: Good. We detonate in ten minutes. Get everything primed for then.
(start of the march)
Colonel: It's got to be some kind of trick.
Guard: Pretty good trick!
(first sighting of Miss Price by the Germans)
Guard: It's a witch sir!
Colonel: Don't be a fool, there's no such thing as a witch!
(after seeing the size of the army of advancing inanimate objects)
Guard: Shall we retreat sir?
Colonel: Retreat? We are German Soldiers! We do not retreat!
(as the Germans are running away)
Colonel: Hold the line or I will shoot you! You are German soldiers!
(back at the house after having been forced to retreat)
Colonel: There is the witch.
Guard: You said there was no such thing as a witch.
(prior to blowing Miss Price's house up)
Colonel: What are you waiting for, leave nothing behind. Quick, detonate it.

Trivia: Arnold Stang broke his left forearm just days before his scenes were shot.