Trivia: Have a close look at the Predator's trophy collection on his spaceship. Taking pride of place is a skull from the creature in the Alien movies. (01:33:05)

Trivia: "Mad Dog" Tannen's actions after shooting Marty are a perfect homage by Thomas F Wilson to Lee Marvin in "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance." He even gets the facial expressions, the mumbled and sarcastic thanks and the jaunty angle with which he holds the gun right.

Trivia: The wolf in the film was played by two different wolves. Neither knew how to howl, so a third wolf had to be brought in for the howling scene.

Trivia: Paramount Studios essentially rented a US submarine to be in the movie. The USS Houston (SSN 713) played the USS Dallas and the surface scenes were filmed off of Long Beach, CA and Port Angelas, WA. Two crewmembers off the Houston were actually given very small speaking parts in the movie.

Trivia: Ralph wears his arm in a cast for the first part of the film. This is because Balthazar Getty broke both wrists just a couple weeks before filming began, but director Harry Hook liked him so much in the role that he just wrote the injuries into the part.

Trivia: Star Ariana Richards is given an "introducing" credit despite it being the fifth film to feature her. She later clarified that it technically was her first film, but the production ran long in part due to the effects, and four other films she worked on came out first.

Trivia: When the agent pulls from the computer record Richard's file, an alias listed is "David Putnam - Columbia Pictures", employed from 06/04/1973 to 02/01/1975. That's an obvious reference to producer David Puttnam (two Ts), who had a brief stint as head of Columbia Pictures in 1986-87, not making many friends in the then Coca-Cola owned production company. (00:12:50)

Trivia: The scene where Quigley triggers a booby trap by swinging his rifle from horseback, at full gallop, whilst holding it by the tip of the barrel with one hand, was only possible because an alternate aluminum barrel was created for that scene.