Plot hole: Bond would not have had (nor taken himself) time to lay a complete and careful clown make-up while changing clothes in the circus trailer.

Plot hole: The whole plot of the first "Brother Bear" was that Kenai had to go to that mountain to become human. But at the end of this movie, the spirits were about to change Kenai back into a human in the middle of a cliff, which makes the entire first movie completely pointless.

Plot hole: Near the end, when Ice asks to say goodbye to the kids in the hotel room, the kids have on their pajamas, yet their luggage was left on the train earlier in the day. It is unlikely that they would have gone to the train station to get their belongings following the chaos of the Christmas party.
Suggested correction: They have backpacks so their pyjamas were probably in their bags.
In a scene right after the train scene the kids tell the mom that Nick lost their luggage. The mom may have picked up some pyjamas for the kids after learning that they lost their luggage.

Plot hole: Even if boys of that age had the technical know-how to quickly repair Jeeps over 20 years old (seriously?), any gasoline in the tank would have long become unusable, the tires and lines would have rotted away, and the electrics would all be dead. Now if it was in the desert or a dry garage, it may have survived, but it's on a tropical island, in a shed that has all sorts of holes in the roof, leaving it exposed to every kind of weather the island could throw at it. In addition, the kids start the jeep with the small battery of an ATV, which cannot produce enough power to crank a Jeep engine.
Suggested correction: It is not uncommon for youngsters to want to help family members when fixing cars, it also wouldn't take much to know how to change a battery and put some fuel in. The gasoline came from the crashed ATV outside so it is therefore fresh. In regards to the age of the vehicle, it is not known when it was last used. It could have been used by builders whilst Jurassic World was under construction. Judging by the difference in condition between the garage and the main rotunda, it looks like the garage has been somewhat maintained which would back this theory up. It is also worth noting that the Jeep was left to rot after filming and that is genuinely the condition they found it in, apart from putting new tires on it they didn't have to do any mechanical work to get it running so it is indeed possible to get a vehicle running that has sat for years. In regards to the battery, there have been huge advances in technology. I have a classic Capri which used to use a huge lorry / forklift battery. It will now start off a battery from a 2008 Ford Focus.
No it isn't possible to get a machine that's been sat for years without first repairing it, especially since machines that have been sat for years become non functional due to the damage by the effects of aging.
I'm a mechanic and can confirm that a car will start after many years without "repairing it." Yes it won't start as easily as the Jeep did in the film, but it will definitely start without needing to replace anything other than fuel and the battery. There's also plenty of videos on YouTube of people starting cars that have sat for years and years.
Anyone who thinks the jeep wouldn't start should head over to youtube and watch some barn find videos. That jeep was immaculate compared to some of the things you see start up for the first time in decades on youtube.
There's a road leading right to the garage, one Claire knows about because she says it leads to the new park, it IS overgrown but no tropical trees have sprung up in 2 decades, it all kinda suggests those jeeps might have been used far more recently. The truth is, we don't know. It could have been 20 years, 2 years, or some park employee had a pet project and it was 2 months since they last ran. Someone had been in there to replace the night vision goggles' batteries.

Plot hole: When we see Sentinel Prime being extracted from the Ark by Optimus, we can see that Sentinel Prime already looks the same way as he does throughout the rest of the movie. The Ark crash landed in the 1960's, the Rosenbauer Panther Fire Truck didn't exist in the form we see Sentinel Prime transform into. All of the other Autobots came to Earth in their proto forms and adopted a disguise when they arrived [we see them scanning alternate modes - one Decepticon is shown doing likewise in this movie.]. Sentinel Prime already has his disguise when on the ark, which isn't possible.

Plot hole: The newspaper headline showing young Alex being rescued from a crate is dated April 8, 1972. In the next scene, we see young Alex dancing in the Central Park Zoo, and watching him are Marty, Melman and Gloria as baby animals. This makes no sense at all. In the first film, Marty celebrates his tenth birthday. Key word: tenth. It is also known that the scenes of the main characters as adults take place in the present i.e. Alex confessing to breaking Marty's iPod. Seeing how the animals age quicker than humans, Marty, let alone his three friends, would have to have been born in the mid-1990s and the flashback scenes could not have taken place in 1972.

Plot hole: Despite their awareness of the red matter and the power of the singularity, no one on the bridge had the common sense to suggest pulling back to a safe distance. Nero had already refused their assistance so there was no need to stay so close to the singularity. And when a black hole was created inside Vulcan, an officer mentioned they had to reach minimum safe distance, so they know what they need to do, but no-one does it. (01:00:30)

Plot hole: Ben demonstrates for the FBI that he has not only invented gear that allows animals to speak English, but trained ordinary rodents to a level on par with Navy Seals. The FBI laughs at him and cuts his funding, a plot hammer so G-Force can escape and save the day. Are they kidding!?! Even if the info G-force brought back is wrong, Ben has created agents that can repeatedly infiltrate almost literally any place on Earth. No government agency would pass up such a huge intelligence gathering tool.

Plot hole: When Miss Price, Professor Browne and the children return from their magical journey to the island of Naboombu and realize they no longer have the Star of Astroroth pendant, Miss Price says, "I should have known it would be quite impossible to take an object from one world into another." Yet, they had no problem taking themselves, the bed, blankets and pillows from one world into another.

Plot hole: After running from the pirates, the two castaways almost stumble off a cliff. Unless they were running backwards, I'm sure they would have seen the cliff coming for a while, because when the camera zooms out you can see clear terrain for at least 20 metres until the edge of the cliff.

Plot hole: When Bond and Scaramanga are duelling, Bond has no tie or jacket on. After Bond drops his gun and gives his hiding place away, he somehow has the time to not only crawl back onto the staging but to move the wax replica of himself and also to put on the dummy's jacket and necktie.

Plot hole: It has already been mentioned that a certain shot reveals that Sidney isn't wearing the bullet-proof vest when she should be. Further to this, most of the shots in the climax sequence make it impossible for her to be wearing one, as you can see the contours of her chest throughout. A bullet-proof vest would flatten the appearance of this.

Plot hole: When Hauser/Quaid returns to Mars, some of the people that knew him before as Hauser call him Quaid. (00:45:40)

Plot hole: There is no reason for there to be sinks in the bathrooms. The cars may be able to use sinks just as they use toilets, but in the bathrooms they are too small and too inaccessible for any use.

Plot hole: When Butthead pushes Beavis out of Muddy's car, Beavis causes a huge car crash. Then, a few seconds later Butthead falls out and causes cars behind him to crash, but the crash that Beavis started made a barrier along the highway, so how could those cars get behind Butthead so fast? (00:51:50)

Plot hole: During the climatic battle in the snow, Lyra Belacqua is about to get shot by one of the soldiers, and Iorek Byrnison comes to her rescue and is able to surprise & kill the soldier. The problems with this is where Iorek appears would have been right in the line of sight of the solider, and bearing in mind that Iorek is VERY big, wearing armour so as not to blend in with the white surroundings, and making lots of noise, it would have been impossible for Iorek to stealthily appear from nowhere.

Plot hole: After the scene at the Houses of Parliament where Irene Adler escapes through the sewer from the clutches of Lord Blackwood, she suddenly appears at Tower Bridge, about 3 miles away. Even assuming she ran there and the journey was skipped, going there makes zero sense. It slows her down, leaves her exposed and limits her exit points - she's got all of London to escape into! (01:48:00)

Plot hole: When Cyborg tells his origin story, he says that the Mother Box in possession of the government was shelved till after the night when Superman died, when it came to life leading it to be studied by Cyborg's father, Silas. However, that contradicts the previous movie, Batman v Superman [both 1 h 39' and 2 h mark], where Batman came upon Luther's metahuman evidence file, including Silas Stone's vlog with the creation of Cyborg that Diana watches. (01:02:35)

Plot hole: When Kalgan is torturing Lea, he says that he wants her father's countermeasures in case of emergency. But when she is rescued and finds out MacPhearson is a traitor who is working for Kalgan, Captain Devers is worried because MacPhearson knows all of the ship's countermeasures. If MacPhearson knows the countermeasures, then Kalgon does too, so there is no reason to bring it up while he is torturing Lea.