Plot hole: When Kalgan is torturing Lea, he says that he wants her father's countermeasures in case of emergency. But when she is rescued and finds out MacPhearson is a traitor who is working for Kalgan, Captain Devers is worried because MacPhearson knows all of the ship's countermeasures. If MacPhearson knows the countermeasures, then Kalgon does too, so there is no reason to bring it up while he is torturing Lea.

Plot hole: If they assembled the wet bike on the submarine, they wouldn't be able to get it off as it would be too big to fit through the hatch.

Plot hole: As the island is sinking you can see parts break off, like the island is falling apart, but if it does this every 70 years then there wouldn't be an island. It should have completely fallen apart hundreds of years ago.

Plot hole: Sam sent a post card from the church where the keys are used. But Sam was captured moments after locating the book that gives the clue about the church, and would never have had a chance to go there.

Plot hole: It would have taken much longer to build the 54 acres of homes than the animals hibernated, so there's no way they couldn't have known what was going on around them.

Plot hole: When Magneto lands the bridge between San Francisco and Alcatraz, only the ends of the bridge are on land, with the rest still suspended in the air despite having nothing to keep it there. Magneto could arguably be using his powers to keep it supported, but at the moment he loses his powers it still does not collapse at the center.

Plot hole: While the pair are duelling on Kajimi, Kylo Ren only realises Rey is onboard his ship when the mask of Darth Vader is force-teleported between them. However in this same fight Rey is wielding the dagger, which Kylo must have known was also inside Ren's chambers before the fight. So he should've been able to determine Rey's location earlier.
Suggested correction: While he should have had some idea, it doesn't prove she is in his quarters, only that she has been there. It's also a small item that he may not have noticed in her hand, focusing more on her lightsaber.
Hogwash. He could have easily noticed it, even if he was focused on her lightsaber. Maybe it is small but rather easily noticeable.
I think the biggest point is the mask proves her location whilst the dagger in her hand doesn't.
It's also a weapon. In a combat situation a trained fighter like Kylo would have checked her other hand for a weapon as it is a common tactic to check a swipe with the main blade and stab with an off hand short weapon.

Plot hole: When you see the shot of New York, just before the scene where the apartment lights go out, there are no lights on in the buildings, or car lights in the street, although it is dark. The lights should still be on as there has not been a power outage. (01:28:00)

Plot hole: At the end, there is an explosion large enough to destroy and sink an entire ocean liner, but Julianna Margulies, who was sitting right next to where the explosion went off, not only lives, but is virtually unscathed? Yeah, right. (01:19:00 - 01:20:35)

Plot hole: In the first night that Nyah is in Ambrose's house she meets with Ethan outside the house and they talk for about 1 1/2 min. Then we find out "Ethan" was really Ambrose with one of those "high-tech" masks. My question...After being in bed with both, how come Nyah didn't recognise Ambrose is about 5 inches taller than Ethan?

Plot hole: When Wolf and Tony find Virginia in the Huntsman's tree house, she tells them that he chained her up, so she can't go downstairs and open the door from the inside. However, after Wolf climbs her hair and enters through the window, the two of them walk down the stairs without any chains stopping her. They couldn't have cut her free with the magic ax because Tony was holding it, and he was downstairs by the door.

Plot hole: Why would Madison Lee put the bomb in the car if she was so convinced that the Angels were dead? If she wanted to off them just in case, she could have shot them while they were unconscious. (01:21:50)

Plot hole: In the Banker's Office, Bond takes the strap from one of the window blinds to facilitate his escape. Overlooking the large quantity of cable he ties round the belt of the villain and his own belt, there must be an awful lot of strap for one blind to allow him to drop from that high up to the ground (well over 50ft?).

Plot hole: The Kaiju's EMP fries all electrical circuits next to him, and affects the base as well. If that's true, how did the helicopters carrying Gypsy survive the blast without having their electronics fried? EMP pulses induce current in all electronics regardless of whether they're powered on or not. (01:18:00)

Plot hole: There's no visible evidence that Team Rocket has taken away Ash, Misty, and Brock's Poké Balls when the gang was in the cage, so why don't the Trainers call out their Pokémon (Brock's Onix would've helped out very much) and escape the cage?

Plot hole: According to the flight recording, Odyssey was on an uncontrolled pull towards the Tet as Jack says, "We're not getting away from this thing." So even if Jack jettisoned the sleep module where Julia was in, the module should not be able to get away as the whole ship is being pulled towards the Tet.
Suggested correction: It can be assumed that the jettisoned module has enough "jettison power" to force it away from the command pod. And in turn that force would move the pod further towards the Tet. It's reasonable to assume the Tet couldn't pull the module that was moving away, under dramatic force, and to which it didn't have line of sight (which was blocked by the pod).

Plot hole: The secret CIA base at Kamp Woody was underground. Kids searching for years have combed the camp, but never found it, but when Cody is going down the escalator, you can see bright skylights on the roof. If the sun is able to shine through, that means the skylights aren't hidden, and the kids would be able to find the camp.