Plot hole: Hiding in a fridge (or anything else) in order to be conveniently blown out of the way by an exploding nuclear device is absurd beyond belief. The fridge is just so much extra reaction mass and would be vaporised by the expanding nuclear explosion - it wouldn't be daintily picked up and thrown a few kilometers to safety. If it was, why doesn't it land in a shower of similar artifacts which have also been dislodged and thrown around? Incidentally, even if it was thrown out of the way as shown, anyone inside it would be turned into a smear of strawberry jam by the acceleration required to beat the shock and heat wave of a nuclear blast, and then liquefied by the deceleration involved in hitting the ground at that speed.

Plot hole: The newspaper headline showing young Alex being rescued from a crate is dated April 8, 1972. In the next scene, we see young Alex dancing in the Central Park Zoo, and watching him are Marty, Melman and Gloria as baby animals. This makes no sense at all. In the first film, Marty celebrates his tenth birthday. Key word: tenth. It is also known that the scenes of the main characters as adults take place in the present i.e. Alex confessing to breaking Marty's iPod. Seeing how the animals age quicker than humans, Marty, let alone his three friends, would have to have been born in the mid-1990s and the flashback scenes could not have taken place in 1972.

Plot hole: When Tinkerbell tries to find Gruff in winter, she's seen flying with her wings out of her coat; in a later scene, Fawn flies too. After Tink finds Gruff, her wings disappear from underneath her coat. This is a plothole because of how the whole storyline of Secret of the Wings was that warm fairies can't fly in winter weather or their wings will tear.
Suggested correction: Yeah but at the end of Secret of the Wings, they find a way to let any fairy fly in winter.

Plot hole: Zi Juan tells the rest of the group when they are in Shangri La that she will take the first watch at the entrance and guard against the emperor getting in. A few shots later, she then decides to have a conversation with her daughter nowhere near the entrance, and now with no-one guarding, means he gets in unchallenged.
Suggested correction: A character briefly leaving their watch to deliver important information as Zi Juan was doing isn't a mistake, and it's definitely not a plot hole, since it in no way contradicts the movie's logic or creates a hole in the narrative. At best, Zi Juan was being a little foolish leaving her watch, but a character being a little foolish isn't a "movie mistake." After all, people make foolish choices all the time in real life. Plus, as demonstrated by the movie, it doesn't really matter anyways - the Emperor's powers are back, so she wouldn't have been able to stop him even if she had kept watch.

Plot hole: When Finnegan is in the water and the explosive charges go off, Finnegan should be dead from concussion, and the explosives are big enough to have caused his death by them flinging him quite high out of the water. What happened to Finnegan was pure fantasy.

Plot hole: In the scene where Ba'al goes through the stargate and arrives in 1939, the event horizon from the stargate puts a hole in the haul of the ship. Later when SG1 goes through the stargate the hole is covered with ice. The event horizon created from SG1 would have been the same as the previous one and removed the ice from the hole.

Plot hole: We don't see any herbivores in the underground world - just fish and little birds. A T-Rex would need lots of big game to survive.

Plot hole: In the large chase scene, Frank hits the shoulder at 140kph (~85mph) but the car doesn't shake, slide, or act in any way like it should. Later, when he's moving around 220kph (~135mph), he somehow manages to end up on two wheels. To top it all of when he ends up between the semis he appears to be moving just barely faster than them which would mean he had to slow down somewhere. When his wheels make contact with the one semi the car doesn't jump or skip as expected because it's not moving very fast compared to the semi. I know this scene is for effect, but they could at least attempt to make it somewhat based on real physics.

Plot hole: In the scene where Speedman and Lazarus are discussing their acting and Lazarus tells him to never go full retard. It shows these two leading the group, however they stop and talk for quite a while, and the rest of the group are nowhere to be seen until Speedman and Lazarus start moving again. The group finally caught up with them. If at this time, Speedman was still leading the way with the map, how could the group even find these two after being left behind enough distance that this conversation could take place?

Plot hole: At the beginning of the movie, Lady Sarah Ashley's husband is killed before Nullah rides to Faraway Downs. There he sees Sarah go into the home and find her dead husband. This would mean that somebody had to recover his body and transport it to Faraway Downs faster than Nullah, who went straight there following the murder.

Plot hole: Ben is shown riding his motorcycle around Radium Hot Springs, BC, and the narrator says after riding six hours he was cold and wet. The next scene shows him checking into a hotel in Banff, AB. It makes no sense for him to ride from Banff to Radium, then back almost 2 hours to Banff over the mountain pass when he's cold and wet. There are plenty of hotel rooms, even at peak season, in Radium and Invermere, BC. He was not riding at peak season. During the whole movie, the point is to head west. The scene supposed to occur the next day shows him taking a photo at the Continental Divide, which is between Radium and Banff, meaning he *was* heading west, so it makes no sense to double back to Banff.