Plot hole: In the Redstar mainframe, we are told that the floor of the vault will trigger the alarm if it receives more than 0.25 seconds of contact (apparently even with the security checks). What would be the point of the bosses going through all of those security measures if they would just set the alarm off anyway? Surely once the girls have faked the fingerprint and retina scans, they don't then need to flip across the floor! (00:33:55)

Plot hole: When Tim Robbins is floating away in space his wife could have easily saved him. She could go out a little further, use the grappler to catch her husband, then use the fuel she has remaining to halt their acceleration towards the planet and return them partway to the necessary orbital altitude/velocity to rendezvous with the resupply module. Then, Gary Sinise could come out partway to them using his thrusters, Connie could shoot the grappler out to him, and he could reel both Connie and Tim Robbins back in to the resupply module.

Plot hole: It has already been mentioned that a certain shot reveals that Sidney isn't wearing the bullet-proof vest when she should be. Further to this, most of the shots in the climax sequence make it impossible for her to be wearing one, as you can see the contours of her chest throughout. A bullet-proof vest would flatten the appearance of this.

Plot hole: In the first night that Nyah is in Ambrose's house she meets with Ethan outside the house and they talk for about 1 1/2 min. Then we find out "Ethan" was really Ambrose with one of those "high-tech" masks. My question...After being in bed with both, how come Nyah didn't recognise Ambrose is about 5 inches taller than Ethan?

Plot hole: When Wolf and Tony find Virginia in the Huntsman's tree house, she tells them that he chained her up, so she can't go downstairs and open the door from the inside. However, after Wolf climbs her hair and enters through the window, the two of them walk down the stairs without any chains stopping her. They couldn't have cut her free with the magic ax because Tony was holding it, and he was downstairs by the door.

Plot hole: There's no visible evidence that Team Rocket has taken away Ash, Misty, and Brock's Poké Balls when the gang was in the cage, so why don't the Trainers call out their Pokémon (Brock's Onix would've helped out very much) and escape the cage?

Plot hole: How did Carolyn Fry get out of the cave in the canyon to confront Riddick at the Skiff? Riddick strained to roll the rock into the cave entrance, and he was a big, strong man from a position of good leverage. How did Carolyn and the other two push the rock out of the way so that Carolyn could get out? And, then, how did Carolyn mange to push the rock back into place? It was still there when she and Riddick came back from the Skiff to bring back the other two.

Plot hole: The attack on Israel scene leaves one important question: How would it have been possible for the bad guys (the Russians, or Arabs, or whoever) to stage such a massive surprise attack without being discovered ahead of time? Anyone who is knowledgeable in modern warfare would know that an operation of that scope would require a considerable amount of logistical preparation that could not possibly go unnoticed, especially considering the capabilities of modern spy satellites.

Plot hole: After witnessing two friends getting killed by massive shark bites (as well as Richard's shark encounter) they all choose to swim away from the island together; even though Sal and Richard used a boat to get the mainland carrying multiples bags of supplies. The newcomers also arrived with multiple kayaks which Richard was aware of before seeing them all get shot.