Plot hole: How do they maintain communication between the ship at the centre of the earth and the surface? There's no wire, and radio waves can only travel any distance without obstacles, and the earth's crust would be a pretty hefty obstacle...

Plot hole: The Toymaker throws that toy bird at the hippie version of himself. The toy goes through him because he is a hologram. Later, he pushes the soldier version of himself at the screen making it crack. How could he if the three others are holograms?

Plot hole: When the Drakes (Bobby's family) arrive home they are acting quite naturally, until they find Wolverine there and get a start. Later on we see that they had parked their van in the driveway right behind Cyclops' car, which Logan and company had borrowed and parked there. Wouldn't they, seeing a strange car in their driveway, be suspicious or at least enter their house asking "Bobby, are you home?" (00:52:45 - 00:59:15)

Plot hole: There's no way Jason could decapitate Blake's father the way he did without also decapitating Blake, who was sitting next to him sleeping.
Suggested correction: Maybe he set him up that way? His father did leave before this happened after all.

Plot hole: Why would Madison Lee put the bomb in the car if she was so convinced that the Angels were dead? If she wanted to off them just in case, she could have shot them while they were unconscious. (01:21:50)

Plot hole: Throughout the film, anybody who speaks English uses Modern English, with either a British or French accent as appropriate. However, 1357 was solidly in the Middle English period. Although that language would not be utterly incomprehensible to modern-day travellers, neither would it be indistinguishable as it was in the film. The film specifically draws the viewer's attention to language at several points, making suspension of disbelief impossible. The French speak French, and very few of them speak English. There is a scene in which Andre is talking to Claire, and her lack of knowledge of modern idioms makes the conversation difficult; that should be true for all characters at all times. If the historical people were talking alone among themselves, I could accept that they're being "translated" for us. But they're talking directly to the modern travellers - it's too jarring.

Plot hole: In the first Jungle Book movie, the role of the vultures is that they do not seem to be hesitant when helping the boy, Mowgli in need of help from Shere Khan. However, in this movie, when their obnoxious vulture friend is attacked by Shere Khan, they do absolutely nothing to help him and in fact, fly away cowardly. Did they suddenly lose all of their courage?

Plot hole: In the scene at the little girl's party where Cat is the pinata, and he gets whacked in the groin, he screams out loud, all the kids hear him, you even see their shocked faces as well. But after Conrad and Sally throw the lollies, the kids totally forget about Cat yelling - hardly likely given the level of shock. As well as that, wouldn't the kids have noticed that the Cat didn't have a hole in it when they saw the lollies? They just came from behind a bush. And to top it all off, in the scene where all the kids are greedily on the ground grabbing the lollies, and the Cat's about to hit the kid that whacked him, in the bottom left corner, a little girl looks directly at the Cat, Conrad and Sally.

Plot hole: In the shot where two of the pirates find Jack Sparrow in the prison, you see the moon shine out over Port Royal and the pirate's hand around Jack's neck is skeletal. While this is happening we know that Elizabeth is being led onto the Black Pearl by two pirates. If the pirate in the prison turns skeletal, why don't the pirates with Elizabeth turn skeletal? It's clear that they don't as Elizabeth only discovers the curse later on aboard the Black Pearl.
Suggested correction: This can be explained that on the route from Elizabeth's house to the ship there is a lot of fog, smoke from fires and gunpowder explosions, so the moon doesn't get through. The moon only get through once they are underway again and the fog is cleared. The prison is much further and higher than the town and so the moon does get through (only sometimes) there.
You're very much mistaken. In later scene pirates turn skeletal when marching underwater, at the bottom of the ocean. Moon is easily able to get through water and this smoke isn't thick enough to block the moon.
How does water compare to fog? Of course the moonlight comes through the water, its transparent. Fog isn't transparent. You can go technical and question how much the moonlight is reflected away before the effect wears off, but obviously the effect wears off when there is no direct moonlight hitting them, as is the case with fog and smoke.

Plot hole: When we first see Lara in her wetsuit, she has a back pack attached to her harness, a torch on her left shoulder, some sort of pistol-thing on her thigh, her 5-barrel dart gun by her left buttock and a little pouch in the small of her back. In the temple she takes off the pistol-thing, dart gun and backpack, yet after climbing the statue manages to produce a video camera, safety spectacles and a cutting/welding device from somewhere.

Plot hole: At the end of the film, Trevor McDonald reads the news and says "the spy, who we cannot name for legal reasons..." Yet on screen, one of the newspapers that flashes up (I think it's The Times), has a headline congratulating Johnny English by name. He's not going to be a secret spy for long if they reveal that.