Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Why did that guy shoot his own friend near the end? Why did the two start shooting in the first place anyway?

Answer: This movie was based on the Columbine High School Massacre, and another high school massacre. There's no answer to "why" they did it.

Question: In the scene where Maggie is putting Cody to bed, why does she look under Cody's nightgown and ask "Where is that mouse?"

Answer: She was just being playful with her, Like the 'I've got your nose' thing.

Show generally

Question: Does Lane live with both her parents? I've heard her talk about "parents" in plural but I've never seen her father, nor heard anyone talk about him. Anyone who knows?

Answer: Yes, Lane lives with both her parents. Her father does live with them, but he was only seen in the Netflix revival.

Question: What book is Jo reading to Aunt March before she falls asleep?


Chosen answer: From what I heard of the text, it's The Bible.

Question: In this movie Eric came back one year after his murder, but why in the other movies do the others come back shortly after their deaths?

Answer: There is no explaination given in the films, they are just brought back when the crow feels it is the right time to avenge their murder.

Question: Is Nola really pregnant? She's taking medicine and the police say nothing about a pregnancy to Chris, when they show him Nola's diary.

Answer: No, she's not pregnant.

Wasn't their a clip of her with a positive pregnancy test? but in saying that surely she would have wrote about it in her diary and it would have shown up on her autopsy also.

Answer: Its been said that Harry Morgan or Gary Burghoff actualy did the pictures, from a M*A*S*H special.

Question: I've read every thing on the Internet i can find and i still don't completely understand the plot. Every explanation leaves questions, such as how does Jimmy (the boyfriend of Natalie that Lenny kills) know about Sammy (he mutters 'Sammy' as he's being dragged down the stairs). How does Natalie know about Lenny (the first time he goes into the bar she says something along the lines of 'you're the memory guy' which suggests she knew he was coming). Can anyone answer these questions or let me know a site where the whole thing is explained?

Answer: There's an official web site:, as well as one written by Chris Nolan, Jonathan's brother (Understanding Memento): There's also very good Movie FAQ here:

Answer: Jimmy sold drugs out of the motel that Leonard was staying in, and he had the guy on the front desk alert him to anyone snooping around. He would have checked Leonard out, probably interacted with him, learned about his condition, and heard the Sammy story. He would have mentioned this weird memory guy he'd met to Natalie. When Leonard turned up at the bar wearing Jimmy's clothes, claiming not to remember anything, she would've put two and two together. The fact that she tested him with the 'bar bet' beer suggests that she hadn't met him previously, only heard about him from Jimmy.

Question: Why is there an alternative U.S ending (special feature on the UK DVD version)?

Answer: In previews to American audiences there were lots of comments that it was not a good ending (not romantic enough) so they filmed an ending with Darcy and Lizzie kissing to make it more romantic. The ending in other countries matches the original ending of the book.

The Old Order Changes - S5-E4

Question: When everyone is having the meeting about adapting their approach to customers in an American fashion. Captain Peacock says that he heard that Austin Reeds had an unusual position. What was it?

Answer: He actually said that they had an "interesting position," which doesn't refer to any job in particular but is merely a set-up for Mr. Humphries' innuendo-laden response: "That rumor's been going around for some time."

But what is the "interesting position"? That is what I want to know. Does it mean that employees at Austin Reeds often dress up to try and get more customers or something else?

The interesting position just means an interesting job - it doesn't matter what it was. As mentioned previously, it is just a setup for Mr. Humphries' response.

Question: In Randy's recorded message, he says that "Return of the Jedi" and "Godfather part 3" both reveal something that turns out to be a lie. Of what events is he speaking?

Answer: In "Return of the Jedi," Obi-Wan told Luke the truth about his earlier statement, that Darth Vader murdered his father. In "The Godfather Part 3," we learn that Sonny had a son by the woman he'd been having an affair with in the first film.

Question: What is the name of the melody/song that is played just after Michael shoots Sollozzo and McCluskey? It is played while you see some newspapers with big headlines etc.


Chosen answer: The mattress montage music is called "This Loneliness." It is written and performed by F.F.C's father.

Question: Has anyone tried to really find out what era it was to have taken place in? The Apprentice thing blares obvious, almost intentional. The rest of the comments about the monitor in the hospital and stuff also seem to date the time period. The bigger items that make it seem like the 70's or early 80's are the cars and the phone that Frank has which is very 70's/80's at best. In 2004 hospitals are so far advanced in every part of the country. I believe things like monitors tied into nurses stations and alerts not being able to be turned off locally within it notifying someone can't happen. That has been the case for some time.

Jason Etter

Chosen answer: It takes place in modern times. The hospital room is in a smaller hospital or in a wing specifically for people who need assistance living, so there's no need for all of the extra equipment found in an ICU or ER hospital room. The screens are all latest-technology and can't be more than 5 years old.

Answer: The film's sets from the cars, corded telephones (not even cordless landlines), and women's dress and hair styles, point to a 70s-80s time frame, but the Hill-Rom hospital bed in Maggie's rehab hospital is probably top of the line 2004 (when the movie was filmed) with built in alarms which were the envy of this author's hospital unit, which was still primarily fitted with the electric, alarm-less, air-less, adjustable foam mattress style beds which would have been more fitting for the setting of the movie. Given the outside-of-the-hospital setting, it would seem logically set around the time of the 1976 New Jersey Karen Quinlan case, and the 1980 Texas court right to "reject medical treatment" ( In other words, the movie makes a point of a patient's rights regarding treatment, but it would have been much nicer if they'd dated the setting.

Question: After watching "Donnie Darko" I watched another film which also featured a character identical to Frank. He too appeared in the dreams of the lead role and had all the traits of Frank. I am pretty sure it was not the film "Harvey", as I do not believe it was a film as old as that. Can anyone help me identify what the other film was?

Answer: I believe this film may have been 'Sexy beast' starring Ray Winstone. It's a British film, and is even listed on the IMDb as similar to Donnie Darko in this sense. In 'Sexy Beast' a human height sized bunny rabbit stalks the dreams of the lead character, played by Ray.

Question: What is the meaning of the scene with the hooded blond woman throwing her child in the street? Frankie sees her, starts yelling, and the scene creates a mysterious mood, but I don't really see any connection to the plot.

Answer: Earlier in the movie Frankie thinks she's pregnant and is contemplating abortion. Hence the throwing the child away reference here.


Question: What is the song played at the credits (the one that is also played when Charlie travels with Irene from Rhode Island), and who sings it?

Answer: It's called 'The world ain't slowing down' by Paul Ellis.

Question: Why doesn't Isobel's dad ever find out about Iris being what she is?

Answer: Because she's put him under her spell without him realising.

Question: What is the name of the song on the TV in Craig's house?

Answer: "Today was a good day", or possibly "Hittin' Corners".

Question: Apparently Jubilee is in the scene when the army attacks the mansion. Can anyone tell me where she is? Thanks.

Answer: Jubilee appears several times throughout the movie, although not seen using her powers, apart from in deleted scenes on the DVD. She is the Asian girl running around the mansion, she is in the holding cell in Alkali Lake (Storm shouts "Jubilee" to her), she is seen with a blanket wrapped around her when they find the helicopter is gone and she is seen in Xavier's office at the end.

Answer: His middle name was stated by the writers in interview, and is mentioned in the Friends Trivia Game, but is not confirmed in any episode.


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