Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: After one of the Imperial officers told Vader that the Millenium Falcon's hyperdrive had been deactivated, and then Luke and the others escaped anyway, why didn't Vader get angry? He killed a couple of officers earlier for losing track of the Falcon.

Answer: Well, he killed *one* officer (Captain Needa) for losing track of the Falcon. But all we can do is speculate... Perhaps it was the final failure, since his plan to turn Luke to the dark side didn't work. Perhaps he had second thoughts after meeting his son face to face. Perhaps Vader was concerned that if he was too aggressive, he might tip his hand that he had tempted Luke by suggesting the murder of the Emperor. Whatever the reason, Admiral Piett seems just as surprised as the audience that he wasn't executed.

JC Fernandez

Answer: In addition, Vader has a habit of showing more patience and tolerance for those under his command who came from similar poor backgrounds as him (in EU canon Piett was revealed to be from a common family that got displaced and then suffered under the Confederacy during the Clone Wars). Given Piett did exactly as he was told, and Vader likely considering him a second priority at that moment, it's not entirely out of character for him to give Piett a pass so he can go and sort through his conflicting feelings on what to do next.

Question: Why is it that in this film, a Decepticon now suddenly has the ability to "transform" into a human, instead of a vehicle, like all the other Transformers?

Answer: It's actually an established Decepticon called a 'Pretender' that was in the Transformers comics a long time ago. That this movie didn't bother to explain it properly or even make great use of the character, or even to explain why all Decepticons couldn't be Pretenders is just one of many problems with this movie.


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Question: While with family we started watching an episode of this, but never finished. It involved a convention or meeting of Achondroplasiacs/Dwarfs, and one part involved interviewing an Achondroplasiac while she was playing a slot machine, with a discussion on Achondroplasia and Psuedo-Achondroplasia. What episode is this called?

Answer: I believe the one you are thinking of is "A Little Murder" with Phil Fondacaro - season 3, episode 4.


Question: My mistake was corrected by "BocaDavie", but I would appreciate it if someone can clarify the correction on the following points:
1. The alienship is standing still over Area 51. How can it drift several miles away when it's going down?
2. Assuming that the main weapon is in the middle of the alienship, located over Area 51 and the ship is 15 miles in diameter you have about 7.5 miles to each side. Again: how far can the ship drift away?
3. Even if the alienship is half a mile above Area 51 (in the movie seems to be less), when it's going down it should maximally crash at the front of the mountains, but not in the middle of it. Please try to think of an airplane, or better a helicopter, when it's standing still in the air. The downcurve would never reach this far.
I hope I explained my points and they are valid, so a possible recorrection may follow for my mistake to be put back to the mistakes page. Thank you.


Chosen answer: Your mistake was corrected because you assume the alien ship would crash vertically (straight down) after the attack. Just because it's severely damaged, doesn't mean that the ship didn't still have some of its capabilities (propulsion, navigation). The ship may have attempted to go back into orbit or even *land*. Going to your helicopter example... wouldn't the pilot of a damaged or otherwise malfunctioning helicopter try to land the craft safely? Or the ship's propulsion systems were damaged and the aliens had no control of the craft. We simply don't know. Because of all the unknowns, there are too many other equally likely possibilities for the scenario to qualify your entry as a mistake.

JC Fernandez

Answer: The alien pilot probably either tried to land the ship on a safe place, or to fly back to the mother ship.

Question: What did the Über-Morlock mean when he said to Alexander that the Morlocks would not exist without those like Alexander in their quest for science and technology?


Chosen answer: It was a metaphor for their life. He meant had it not been for the destruction of the planet due to scientists (their creations of bombs, germ warfare, etc), the Morlocks could not have existed because they were a result of the same scientists. Had the scientists attempted to do good for mankind, the world would not have turned out like it did when Alexander visited it.


Question: After Dumbledore is killed, Snape, Draco and the other Death Eaters are leaving the castle from the Astronomy Tower, why/how is it that they end up exiting the Great Hall (then blasting the Auror and then exiting the castle)?


Chosen answer: There is a bit of a time lapse from when they leave the Astronomy Tower, but the Death Eaters are creating as much mayhem as possible within the castle. The movie tones this down, but in the book, there is an all-out battle between the Death Eaters and the Aurors, Hogwarts staff, and "Dumbledore's Army."


Question: Ton Hanks spends 4 years on the island, subsisting on nothing more than rainwater, coconuts, and fish. It's not shown, but possibly he might have caught some birds, too. He lost weight on that diet, but wouldn't the lack of certain vitamins and nutrients given him scurvy, pellagra, beri-beri to the point of death? (Scurvy takes just a few weeks to set in.).

Answer: Scurvy is prevented by Vitamin C, middle aged coconuts have Vitamin C in them, so that's scurvy prevented. Pellagra is mainly caused by malnutrition, but a diet consisting of fish, water and coconuts would be enough to prevent that, because middle aged coconuts also have vitamins A and B. Beri Beri is a result of a lack of vitamin B and thiamin, Fish have vitamin B necessary to keep Beri Beri at bay.


Question: How did the emergency operator start the car when Matt tells them to start? And why did Matt do so when McClane was ready to start the car with just the wires?


Chosen answer: The on-board assistance system that Matt was using to contact the operator is specifically designed to allow for emergency usage in just such a way. They usually require a password to verify the user, which is exactly what Matt was trying to BS his way around. However, even though McClane is willing to hotwire the car, there are two problems with this. First, cars in recent years have become much harder to hotwire. Second, even if McClane was able to do it, the on-board assistance would have been triggered and it would assume (rightly so) that the car was being stolen and authorities would be alerted. With a likely GPS in the system, it'd be hard to get away from that one. By using and fooling the system, they now have the ability to get around unencumbered.


Also, the airbags wouldn't have deployed when he hit the bumper with a trash can. They're designed to go off only when the vehicle is in motion thanks to a vehicle speed sensor that arms the system over a certain speed to avoid costly repairs in the event you just bump something or vandals just wanna be vandals. I remember a funny commercial with an elderly woman using her purse to hit a car bumper when the driver honked at her as she slowly crossed the street. Hilarious, but not accurate.

Chosen answer: Yes, it is the same group, although the circumstances of his encounter with them have never been revealed.


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Question: I read on a nursing website that two characters on ER started as nurses and then trained to be doctors. Obviously one is Abby Lockhart but who is the other? Thanks.

Answer: Carol Hathaway--she took pre-med exams and did well on them, but elected to remain a nurse.


Question: Someone proposes an initial blood serum test (before Macready's heat sensitivity test), but the crew find the blood sabotaged before they can get to it. How could "The Thing" have gotten to the blood so fast, and more importantly, Garry and the Doc are the only ones said to have access to the blood. BOTH are proved by the Mac's test to be "Thing-free" - the Doc's blood is tested even though he is dead; Garry is the last man tested. How can this be?


Answer: Keys were dropped by Windows during Benning's transformation. You hear them drop to the floor. They could have been retrieved by anyone.

Chosen answer: The Thing is a shape shifter. It doesn't just take the form of what it assimilates, it can change its shape (eg. dog and head spider). It could easily form a thin tentacle to open a door from the inside. It's also shown to have the sheer strength to bust out.

Grumpy Scot

Answer: Gary and the Doc may have been overconfident in their being able to keep the key safe; someone or something may have taken it, done the deed while everyone was distracted, and placed it back with none being the wiser.

Erik M.

Question: How is a memory retrieved from the bowl of liquid and returned to its vial after it is viewed? Does it say in the book?


Chosen answer: First, someone removes a memory from their own mind using a wand. The memory is a silvery mist that attaches itself to the wand's tip and is extracted from a person's head. To save the memory, it is often stored in a flask or vial until it can be poured into a magical bowl called a pensieve. The memory can be viewed at anytime by peering into the pensieve, although in the movie it appears that one must actually submerge their head into the liquid. A memory can also be removed from the penseive with a wand and transferred to a storage flask or another pensieve.


Question: When asked if he had any family, Colonel Sharp replies that he has "2 girls" although there is no mention of a wife. Are there any clues to what happened to his wife in the rest of the film?


Chosen answer: No.


As an addition to there being no mention, stating he has two girls could imply he also has a wife.

Not necessarily. He could be a widower.

Question: When Batman rescues Harvey in the warehouse, Rachel says something but is cut off when the bomb explodes. "Harvey I have to tell you something. Som..." Does anyone know what is said? This is driving me crazy.


Chosen answer: Don't know what version of the film you were watching, but in the one I have, their final conversation runs like this. Rachel: "Harvey, just in case, I want to tell you something, okay?" Harvey: "Don't think like that, they're coming." Rachel: "I know they are, but I don't want them to. I don't want to live without you and I do have an answer for you. My answer is yes." Bruce then arrives and drags Harvey from the room and Rachel's final words are "Harvey, it's okay. It's alright. Listen. Som..." and then the bomb detonates. What Rachel tells Harvey is a reply to his proposal earlier in the film, telling him that she will marry him, something that she says quite successfully before she's killed. What she may have gone on to say is unknown, but she certainly got out what she had to tell him. As she speaks after discovering that someone's come to rescue Harvey, it seems likely she's about to say "someone will come for me too" or similar.


Question: Okay, so the three astronauts are on the run but only James Brolin makes good his escape. What happened to the other two? They're shown as being caught, but what happened after? Anybody know?


Chosen answer: It's never stated in the film, however, as the astronauts have been declared officially dead and therefore cannot ever be allowed to contact anybody, they were most likely executed as soon as they were captured.


Answer: How were they able to fire their flares, then?

Dave Messer

They both had just enough time to fire their flares when they realised they were about to be captured and that there was no chance of escaping.


Answer: O.J. Simpson would have had time to shoot his flare to show he was caught. With Waterson harder to believe, he had climbed the side of the mountain and was just coming to the top with the planes coming into view. Either he would have been dropped and died on way down, not getting the chance to shoot the flare, or he was grabbed from the edge. Unlikely to have time also to shoot the flare before being intercepted.

Question: Does anyone know anything about the theory that chefs hats represents the number of ways that they know how to prepare eggs? If this is correct, then why is Linguini allowed to wear a chef's hat when he, in fact, isn't one? Wouldn't he be wearing a different hat?

Shannon Jackson

Chosen answer: This is a legend, which states that the number of pleats on a chef's hat (or toque) represents the number of ways that they know how to prepare an egg. There's certainly no evidence that it's actually true - it would be highly impractical if it were, requiring a chef to get a replacement every time they learned a new method. Regardless, many toques are made with exactly 100 pleats, supposedly based on the idea that there are 100 ways to prepare an egg, however, chefs wear them regardless of their culinary skill in that department.


Question: I have a couple of questions regarding Jean Grey: 1) What exactly caused her to turn against the X-Men and join Magneto and the Brotherhood of Mutants? 2) Why did she kill Scott and Professor Xavier?


Chosen answer: It's not exactly Jean. It is her alternate personality known as the Phoenix that has full control. The Phoenix, unlike Jean, wishes to use her powers for her own needs. She kills Scott because she cannot control her powers, and kills Xavier because he is able to lock her back in Jean's mind.

Question: Did Mace Windu actually beat Palpatine in their lightsaber duel or did Palpatine let him win? Also, is Palpatine's scarred face his "true" face or was it caused by the force lightning?


Chosen answer: Palpatine needed to push Anakin over the edge and "fulfill his destiny", so he feigns defeat to allow Anakin the opportunity kill Mace and start him on the road to evil. The scarring was caused by the lightning.


Chosen answer: Gozer vanished to either give them the sense of accomplishment that they won OR she realized that the proton energy stream COULD do her harm. She vanished and then had one of them choose "the destroyer", which was the Stay-Puft marshmallow man.


Question: Is the gargoyle Laverne male or female? I assumed they were are all male, but then I heard that an elder actress did the voice for Laverne.

Answer: Laverne was indeed voiced by veteran actress Mary Wickes (with Jane Withers filling in some additional dialogue after Wickes passed away during production). This would suggest that the character should be considered female rather than male, although it does also prompt the obvious question of whether gender is actually a realistic concern when talking about an animated statue.


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