Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Are all the characters in the crowd at the Basketball game from the TV shows or were some made just for the movie?

Answer: These were all actual characters from Looney Tunes.

Question: Is there any significance to the code '1288' Sydney uses at her mountain hideaway?

Answer: Not expressly, though it could have been the date of some significant event (December of 1988) but someone as security-conscious as Sydney now is wouldn't be stupid enough to have her code be something that could be guessed.

Question: How was Cloud able to survive being shot in the head in the opening chase sequence? Did the bullet just graze his forhead, or did it bounce off of his protective goggles?

Answer: The bullet bounced off and thereby did not directly hit him. As Kadaj's gang were after their "mother", you can be sure Yazoo did not intend to kill Cloud yet, so he must have aimed for the goggles. It's impossible for the bullet to graze his forehead in that angle, even though Yazoo could have calculated that, too.

Question: At the carnival, Viola sees her mom and her mom ask her where her brother is. Viola runs away and changes into "Sebastian" in the ride. Why does she do this? And why does she change right back?

Answer: Both Sebastian and Viola are supposed to be at this carnival so she has to keep changing to make "appearances" so it would appear they are both there.


Question: When Dickie runs into Leif Garrett at the newsstand, why do they first act like they haven't seen each other in months, and then Leif asks if they're still on for poker on Tuesday? How would they have a poker night set up if they haven't seen each other?

Answer: Maybe Leif called Dickie, or vice-versa, without actually SEEING each other. Maybe it's not a weekly thing, maybe Leif is new to their poker group.

The One With The Video Tape - S8-E4

Question: In episode 'The One With The Videotape' we get to know the story 'how Ross and Rachel got bonus night'. What I wonder is does anyone know the whole 'Western Europe' story or is it (unfortunately) one of those stories that doesn't have ending at all, because there's no need of one?

Answer: There is no ending. The DVD commentary includes the writers saying they never wrote the whole story, only the set up.

Answer: Joey tells as much of the story needs before its cliffhanger, so that when the other person responds they'll have been seduced, and the first person can make up the end whilst making a move.

Question: When Ruby is talking to the woman from Child Services, she says "You're writing everything down, now everything will be written down twice". But when was the first time that stuff was written down?

Answer: The first time the information was written down was more than likely when Alvin Begleter (the trust attorney) initially contacted the Child Services rep, as it was through him that she found out about Ruby and Rhett's situation in the first place. At the time, the social worker would have written down what Mr. Begleter was telling her so that she could a) have something to refer to when she later visited Ruby and b) so that she could compare the two versions to make sure there were no discrepancies between the story she got from the attorney and the version from Ruby.

Question: I have two questions: 1) At the beginning of the movie, when Buscemi tells the story about the mariachi in this one bar in Saragossa, Tavo (the one Mexican that is later in the movie killed on the street by the mariachi) says something in Spanish, and all start laughing - does anybody know what he says? 2)When the mariachi prepares to go to the Tarasco-Bar, in his bathroom, what song is played?

Answer: Tito Larriva as Tavo says (in reference to Steve Buscemi) that "This guy smells like shit." The name of the song being played is "Manifold de Amour" by Latin Playboys.

Question: Was there any significance besides comedy to the very last scene of the movie where Dr. Strangelove stands and proclaims "Mein Fuhrer. I Can Walk." It was pretty funny as is, but I wondered if there was some sort of allusion or other intention to that line.

Answer: Peter Sellers improvised it. During that scene if you watch the actor playing the Russian character you can see him trying not to laugh at Seller's performance.

Question: Actually a further answer to the person who inquired after Jack's picture being on the wall at the end of the movie, a picture dated during the 1920s. Some interpret the hotel itself as both a real place and a symbolic representation as the working's of Jack's mind. Hence, as he gets crazier, it gets crazier. Grady's comment in the restroom to the effect that "you've always been the caretaker" ("you've always been responsible for what goes on here") could be taken as an allusion to this idea. Remember that Jack sees far more supernatural events than the rest of the family, and most of what Danny sees is in visions. So how much of it "really" occurs?

Answer: The hotel is both real and metaphorical, while half the story being told is a complex supernatural horror story, the other half is a overlying metaphor for mental insanity. There are allusions to this though out the movie as you said, the line "you've always been the caretaker" hold a double meaning. First it is a reference to the fact that he is the reincarnation of a malicious spirit, Second it is a reference to how Jack's insanity was foremost caused by his weak will. There are multiple clues to this metaphorical context in the sense that the movie depicts many of the stages and symptoms of a severe mental break (e.g. Substance abuse, Insomnia, Night terrors, Loss of inhibitions, Loss of logic, Loss of compassion, Delirium, and Incoherent or illogical speech.) Most of these symptoms were brought on by Jack's weak mental will. He was the one who kept himself awake, he asked for liquor before it appears, and he made the choice to engage the seductress.

Answer: It all really happens. He goes crazy because the hotel is working its supernatural powers on him, so by the end it is easy to persuade him to do its dirty work. The point of the picture at the end is that Jack keeps returning to the hotel in different reincarnations and getting the job as the caretaker. If it were all just visions, who unlocked the pantry door?

Jack unlocked the pantry door, because it was his mind. Ergo, he has the key.

That's not possible. The pantry wasn't his mind. It was real and after putting Jack in the pantry, Wendy uses both locks in hopes of keeping him trapped there, but he's released by Grady.

Question: LATIN GEEK QUESTION: When Silas kills the nun at the Church of San Sulpice, the subtitles say something like, "Your body is sleeping with the angels.", which is close to the book's dialogue. What I heard when Silas is speaking is "corpus MEUM" versus the term "corpus TEUM". Did anyone else hear that too?

Answer: He does indeed say "corpus MEUM", the first person genetive, because he is reciting the prayer from memory - it is said on behalf of the deceased. The subtitler probably chose to translate it "your" to avoid misunderstandings for the audience.

Question: Ballroom scene: time stop [01:09:15] Right before Sara breaks the glass with the chair. there is a blonde woman in a dress not wearing a mask visible. who is she? Also what is the significance of the Pirate character at timestop [01:08:36.] Outside of Jareth and Sara. this character gets a lot of camera time. including a focal point as the the camera does the 360 degree shot towards the end. Thanks.

Answer: I don't think either of the characters are significant. If they have more screen time than any other extra, it is just emphasising Sarah's confusion and the way she is trying to focus on individuals to try and make sense of what is happening. Or possibly, the director liked the look of the costume/make-up and gave them a prominent place in the scene.

Answer: The pirate is Brian Froud, himself appearing as a cameo.


Question: In the end of the movie, why did Reaper grab the BFG? I could see the stock of the gun sticking out from behind him. It had no more ammo left, so what's the point?

Answer: From what I know, that gun is now basically a working prototype, it would a nice thing to have. Also, it could be adapted to the RRTS (Rapid Response Tactical Squad) needs. Or just as likely, the UAC wanted it back.

Todd Loewen

Question: When the IMF-team fake the DHL-van breaking down, some drivers from other cars join in on the shouting that ensues. Ethan looks at a man shouting something, and he responds by raising his arm at the man with his handpalm up. What exactly does it mean in Italy when you make that kind of gesture?

Answer: Pretty much what it looks like, enraged annoyance.

Question: Is there any meaning behind the girl who tells Virginia her fortune (in Kissingtown), other than the fact that what she says comes true? Virginia asks "How did she know that?" as if there's something else.

Answer: The little girl is Snow White in disguise, helping the travellers in their quest. "How did she know?" is because the little girl knew what they were looking for, even though no-one had told her.

Question: When Nicky is climbing up the fire escape to see Valerie he passes a window and inside there is a man dripping wax on his body. What is the tune playing in the background?

Answer: "Two Of Hearts" Stacey Q.

Question: The credits and IMDb claim that clips from the movies The Premature Burial (1962) and Mutiny on the Bounty (1962) are used in the film. Where are these clips?

Answer: A clip from Mutiny on the Bounty is used in the ship scene. I believe it's on deck before Renfield and Dracula are seen. The premature burial is the scene when Lucy's coffin is being carried on the moors.

Question: When Isolde asks Tristan "how many have you loved before me and after me" does she mean how many he had slept with or how many he had loved?

Answer: Both or either. Basically what she's asking is, "Are you really mine and no one else's?"

Question: What's the song playing when Dewey and the band are going to the battle of the bands? It's in the bit when Mullins says that all the children are missing.

Answer: Led Zeppelin's Immigrant Song.

The Immigrant Song is played when the band is returning from the auditions not when they are going to the Battle of the Bands.

Question: As Robert Langdon sinks to his knees on top of the Louvre at the very end of the film over Mary Magdalene's tomb, what is the music playing? It's very uplifting and would logically be the last track on the soundtrack, but on listening to a sample on iTunes, the style of the tracks seem completely different.


Chosen answer: The track is "Chevaliers de Sangreal" on the official soundtrack. It's the second to the last track (13).

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