Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Boring - S1-E3

Question: What is it exactly that Rik reads from the paper? The thing that Neil repeats that brings the little devil to them? I'm assuming it's a poorly pronounced version of something that was in the papers at that time, but I can't think of anything that fits it.

Gary O'Reilly

Chosen answer: This is the dialog: RICK: "Hey, get this! 'Under the new ruling, all a student needs for an increased grant is a numklpkgulftoomsch from the local authority!" NEIL: "What was that?" RICK: "A numklpkgulftoomsch. Don't you ever read The Guardian, Neil?" NEIL: "What's a ftoomsch?" Ftoomsch was the little devil's name and the joke was that he'd said no one would ever say his name in regular conversation so he'd have no chance of stealing a soul.


Question: What exactly was added in the extended edition?

Answer: A partial list can be found here.

Cubs Fan

Question: When Rick Masters is (quite literally) laundering his counterfeit bills, why does he put poker chips in the washing machine with the bills?

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: The poker chips give the bills a more realistic texture by striking them while spinning, so they don't look newly made.

Answer: Bill. We see him pick up the videos after the trial.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: When Nick and Elizabeth are looking at Nick's wine collection, what does Nick mean when he says, "I think my sister was conceived on this"?

Answer: He means that his parents were more than likely drinking or drunk on that wine the night she was conceived.


Question: When the town first turns into "Dark Silent Hill", you can briefly see some sort of monster behind rose that shoots skyward. What monster is this? Is it Red Pyramid?

Answer: I thought it was just big pieces of the ground shooting upward. I didn't see pyramid head there at that time. Just pieces of silent hill shooting upward.

Michele Hedges

Answer: I would like to point out that Michele is very much correct. I submitted this question years and years ago, and it was based on my foggy memory of seeing the film for the first time in theaters. I've since watched the film a number of times on DVD and Blu-Ray, and it definitely is just pieces of the ground floating upwards through the air.


Show generally

Question: What episode is it when the guys find a 'adult' video of who they think is Phoebe but is actually Ursula? I think the name of the video was "Buffay the Vampire Layer."

Answer: The One Where Chandler Can't Cry - Season 6 episode 14.


Question: Why didn't Maul take his cloak off when he fought Qui-Gon on Tattooine? It just seems kind of odd because it would probably (1) make you hotter as you move around in the sun and (2) make it harder to move around.

Answer: His Sith training would teach him to ignore the "pain" of the heat, and the cloak, like Jedi cloaks, are specifically desnigned not to limit movement. He attacked as he leapt off his speeder, so he wouldn't have had time to take it off anyway.


Question: Do Borat and Azamat talk in a real other language, or are the actors just saying gibberish for the movie?

Answer: According to an interview with Sacha Baron Cohen, it's actually Hebrew disguised by a very heavy fake Eastern European accent.


Show generally

Question: Does anyone know the name of the episode where the teachers tell the students about sex, and the girls and the guys get all scared of each other, and I think they go to war or something?

Answer: Season 5, episode 7 - Proper Condom Use.


Answer: Unknown. All that is known about the animal is that it was smaller and had more legs than a cow. But it must be some kind of insect since that is the only group of animals where some of the species have more than four legs.


Answer: It's just funny that he would hate them so much, for no apparent reason, that he wants someone to actually inform the grunka-lunkas of his hatred for them.


I, Roommate - S1-E3

Question: Is the tune that Bender is whistling when he comes to work actually real and if so, what is it? He is also whistling this tune in some of the other episodes.

Answer: According to the DVD commentaries, John DiMaggio (the voice of Bender) was instructed to just make something up for Bender's whistling, to avoid any potential copyright issues.

Gary O'Reilly

Question: When I read the cast list for this movie, I have noticed that Presidents Lyndon Johnson and John F. Kennedy are "playing themselves" in this movie, even though they are dead. How did the editors managed to put Tom Hanks near the actual Predsident?

Answer: Tom Hanks was inserted into actual footage of the presidents, replacing real persons who were there at the time. Computer editing was then used to modify the presidents' mouth movements to match dialog that was recorded by voice doubles for the film.

Question: When Benji Dunn is guiding Ethan through the streets via satellite to find his wife at the end of the film, Ethan is on a silver phone. Does anyone know the make and model it was? I've been told that it is a Bang and Olufsen but I can't find it.

Answer: It's a Nokia N92. Nokia had promotional tie-ins with the film, and all the phones in the film were made by them.


Question: I've read that Prince Xizor was thought to be at the pod race. I know that he's probably not there in the movie, but does anyone know if putting him in was ever considered?

Answer: The model of the pod race stands in the long shot used mostly colored Q-tips (cotton buds) as audience members, but tiny Micro-Machines action figures were also used, including the figures of Prince Xizor and Boba Fett. They can't be seen in the film, but you can see a close-up of the model in the "Making of" book.


Answer: Worf: Curzon's name is an honored one among my people. Dax: (in Klingon) Yeah, but I'm a lot better looking than he was.


Question: What is the song playing at the beginning and end credits? The lyrics say "With their guns and ammunition". What is the name and who sings it?

Answer: It is called "Police and Thieves" by The Clash.

Cubs Fan

Question: Does anyone know the translation of what Fleur says in French after the 2nd match to her sister?

Answer: Fleur says "Come, come" whilst her sister is in the water, then says something like "It's finished" when she's leading her sister away.

Answer: She says "come, come" and then "it's over now."

Question: What happened to the Aunt that lives at the lake house?

Answer: We never find out. But, if I remember correctly, in the graphic novel, the aunt is killed prior to the (O')Sullivan's arrvial (although not by Maguire; that character was created specifically for the film).

Cubs Fan

Answer: I don't know about the book, but in the movie, I have to assume McGuire killed the aunt before they arrive, and the dog was hers. When Michael leaves, he takes the dog.

Answer: My guess is that after she got off the phone with Mike S. She either died or caught wind of what happened to Mike S. Family and hauled ass.

I thought that too. But the dog was left behind.Unless that wasn't their dog.

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