Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: Who exactly was it that called Nell and told her to look up the ad about the insomnia program?

Answer: Another possibility is the spirits of the children. As long as Hugh Crain was inside the house, the children were trapped inside too. They could have called Nell because they needed her help in being set free.

Answer: Hugh Crain. He knew Nell was a descendent of his second wife, Carolyn.

Question: Why does Lisle keep the potion's existence a secret? What's gonna happen if the public does know?


Answer: As shown in the movie, the potion not only restores a person's youth and makes them immortal, but it would also stop the person from having any type of disease. If the public ever knew about it, everybody would suddenly start fighting to get it without realizing the damage it could do. Ex: At the end of the movie, Madeline and Helen both fall down the church steps and shatter upon hitting the ground. Better to keep it a secret from the whole world than let it get out and have people doing anything that could irreparably damage their bodies.

Question: Unless I'm wrong, how could Anna kill Rachel if she was sedated? Possible that someone with two personalities can have the other take over when the other's knocked out?


Answer: The sedation started wearing off enough for Anna to grab the knife to kill Rachel.

Question: Why doesn't Fatso dress like Amelia when he pretends to be her?

Answer: The Ghostly Trio were, at the time, playfully teasing James, so Fatso wearing something else instead of what Amelia was seen wearing in the photo, was just a way for them to have some fun at James' expense. At the end of the movie however, they did keep their promise and let James have one final chance to speak to his wife.

Why that specific outfit, though?

Again, to playfully tease James.

Question: This may sound a little crazy to the uninitiated, but does anybody have an alchemical interpretation of Apocalypse Now? I remember seeing pages from Coppola's screenplay that were annotated and made reference to transmutation.

Jack Vaughan

Answer: It should be noted that "transmutation" is a word Coppola has used to describe the film making process. Https://


Answer: Could you be a bit more specific? I can give a link to the screenplay if you wish. Http:// I hope that helps.


Question: I came up with a theory: Jeremy Melton is not the killer, the boy with the mask at the prom is, and this is Adam avenging his friend. Jason Marquette is Jeremy Melton who still is a ladies' man who's constantly rejected by women. That explains how both share the same initials, why he disappears after dating Shelly and the next time we saw him was at the art show where he was staring like a creep at the girls, I know this was meant to be a red herring but what are the chances? Also this would explain how little resemblance Jeremy and Adam have, no surgery in the world could make you look like David Boreanaz. So my theory is that they worked together. The only problem with this theory is the nose bleeding but anyone could have a nose bleed at anytime. My question is does this theory hold up?

Answer: That would all check out, but the hole in this theory is that Jeremy has nosebleeds throughout his life, and it is unlikely that Adam, his avenging friend, has the same condition.

Answer: I agree.

Question: Why did Pete keep insisting that Michael beat up the burglar, instead of listening to him and simply hauling him away? Surely he would have still got on Michael's good side just to take him in, so why not just do want Michael wants, rather than complicate matters, which leads to Michael cutting ties off with Pete for good?


Answer: Pete was a psychopath and a murderer who did not think or act in a logical, reasonable, or restrained manner. He had become so enamored of Michael and Karen and their affluent lifestyle, that he went to extreme and dangerous lengths to ingratiate himself with them. He was not at all rational.


And also, his years of being a patrol cop and seeing the brutality of society on different calls may have made him snap. I mean, look how heartless he was-he throws a naked woman out into the street in a dark alley and leaves her there after having sex with her in his patrol unit, no regards for anything or anyone at all.

Question: This film will be a sequel to the first two Deadpool films, which were part of the Fox X-Men franchise, but will instead be a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Is this the first time in history that a film is a sequel to another film, but is now part of a new franchise?


Answer: In addition to Bishop's answer, you could theoretically apply this to Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man characters. They both appeared in "Spider-Man: No Way Home," which technically acts as a sequel to "Spider-Man 3," "The Amazing Spider-Man 2" and "Spider-Man: Far From Home" - three distinct movie franchises. (And there are persistent rumors that Maguire and/or Garfield may make future MCU appearances).


To add to that (I ran out of room in my reply), with the creation of the multiverse, now any Sony or Fox franchise or universe can be considered as part of the MCU. So any Fantastic Four or X-Men sequel (although most likely any up coming film will be a reboot) can be part of the MCU.


I get what you're saying, but No Way Home was more of a crossover film that acknowledged characters coexisting in the multiverse, with those characters returning to their respective universes by the end, and Sony would still have control of those characters. Although we won't know for sure until Deadpool 3 comes out, Deadpool is meant to start as a character in a previously established film franchise and then occupy a different one moving forward.


But what film franchise would he be in? If he's in a Deadpool movie, he's in the Deadpool franchise. If they stop making Deadpool films and put him in another film, then he becomes part of another franchise. (Or more likely, just another crossover film).


This is where I would disagree with you about the MCU not being a franchise. I would contend that it is a franchise, and every series of films and TV shows within it are sub-franchises. So the Deadpool series of films would be a franchise unto itself, beginning in the larger Fox X-Men franchise and transitioning over to the MCU.


So what distinguishes one Marvel film from being in the MCU and another Marvel film not to be in it? Marvel Studios has been part of the production of a lot of films not included in the MCU, including the Blade, X-Men, and Deadpool films.


Any film made by Marvel themselves (or co-produced like the Tom Holland Spider-Man films). Marvel didn't begin making their own movies until the first Iron Man. All previous movies based on Marvel characters were made by other studios in association with Marvel, largely because Marvel licensed out their properties to avoid going bankrupt. The MCU itself is recognized as being the highest-grossing film franchise of all time.


Answer: It depends how you want to define a franchise. Are you talking production companies involved or the distribution company? And are you considering reboots? The reason Deadpool 3 would be "set" in the MCU is because Disney bought Fox and the filming rights returned to Marvel Studios, along with the rights to X-Men and Fantastic Four. When Sony rebooted Spider-Man with Tom Holland, Sony shared the rights with Marvel Studios. So Spider-Man was part of the MCU while still being part of the Sony Spider-man franchise. Venom 2's mid-credit scene is meant to make it part of the MCU while still being part of Sony's Spider-Man Universe. That being said, there are a number of cross-over films that put sequels into another franchises. Such as Freddy vs Jason, Godzilla vs Kong, or Frankenstein meets the Wolf-Man.


I'm speaking strictly from a narrative point of view. Say, for instance, they made a new Alien movie, but it was now part of the Avatar franchise moving forward, while still being a sequel to the previous Alien movies, and not intended to be a brief crossover. I know the meta nature of the Deadpool character and movies makes it a different beast, but still.


And this is what's up for debate, but to me, the MCU isn't a franchise. It's made up of the various franchises; Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, etc. where they exist in the same universe. So when crossover films occur, it's two or more franchises now existing in the same universe. Even the Avenger films can be considered crossovers. Which is why people were wonder if Spider-Man was part of the MCU or the Sony universe. Deadpool is still part of the Deadpool franchise, but now part of the MCU.


Question: Why did Doug did not travel back to the night before his partner was killed? He could save his partner, the girl and the people on the ferry.

Answer: They only have a 4-day window to observe and intervene with the past events. Once Doug and everyone else observed his partner being murdered, the 4-day window for that event had lapsed.


In theory, he could go back (not far enough), then find the time travel scientist, convince him to believe his story, and travel back another 4 days, etc. A lot of ifs, but it could be possible?

He could, yes, but their priority right now is to go back and prevent the ferry attack. They were on the trail of the terrorist at this point, so going back before taking care of that matter could further complicate things.


Answer: Probably similar to today's 'business' circles, only small-timers drag their troops around in plain sight; when you're Made, you'll still have them within a few seconds' reach if needed, but having them visible makes you look weak and insecure. Even though everyone knows they're out of sight but not far away, the accepted illusion is that they're not there - that you're so strong, you don't need protection.

Question: Tod is only a cub the first time he encounters Amos Slade. Amos swears to shoot Tod the next time he sees the latter on his property. Amos leaves for a long hunting trip the next day and doesn't see Tod again until after he returns home. Tod is full grown before Amos returns. When Amos sees a full-grown Tod in his yard during the night, he yells, "It's that fox again." How does he know it's Tod?


Answer: As there're no obvious markings on Tod that Amos could recognize, it seems it's just an assumption on his part that it's the same fox he previously chased off his property. He probably says the same thing to any fox he sees.


Question: What was on top of the tortillas that the boys ate in the morning?

Answer: Honey and peanut butter.

Question: What did Rachel mean when she told Anna that she took away her ability to have her own daughter?

Answer: I think she said that after she was stabbed.

Question: Regarding the scene where people catch fire after John Wick shoots them with a particular gun, what exactly is causing them to catch fire? I recall an earlier scene showed men carving lines into the tips of their bullets, though I don't remember if the two things are related. If so, is there something about carving the bullet that causes it, or is it the particular gun?


Answer: These are dragon's breath shotgun shells. The shells are filled with magnesium pellets and ignite when fired. The film seems to exaggerate the stopping power, making it seem almost like an explosive round rather than incendiary. These are not the same rounds that we see the men carving into. Carving grooves into a bullet is done so the bullet expands upon impact and causes more damage similar to a hollow-point round, though the effectiveness of this method is debated.


Answer: It may be incendiary ammunition (not to be confused with tracer bullets). The bullets have a hollow head containing a flammable mixture that ignites upon being fired.


Question: Usually a cheerleader team has a coach. Where is the coach during practices?

Answer: We always lacked coaches for sports at school and just did our own practices, maybe this film reflects that aspect also?

Question: Why did Catherine change her mind about killing Nick at the end? Obviously she was planning on killing him anyway, but she changed her mind only hours after ending their relationship when her book was finished and was of no further use. So why did she spare him? Was it because she fell in "love" with him?


Answer: There's no definitive answer to this and the ending is deliberately ambiguous and open to interpretation. The audience is left to speculate whether or not Catherine kills Nick, or if she intended to kill him but changes her mind because she loves him, or intends to kill him at a much later time, and so on.


Question: I was wondering, if John Whitney's human soul and body is trapped inside the Kothoga's body, is there a way to help him return back into a human again?

Answer: John was given a brew from the tribe's "witch doctor." It was the plants that kept him from changing into the Kothoga. He killed for the human hypothalams as a supplement for the plants but it was a temporary fix.

Answer: John's soul and body was not trapped in the Kothoga's body. John's body was transformed into the Kothoga. Since John knew what he was going to turn into, he began killing most likely as soon as he began transforming. The only thing that was discovered was that what he was given is what caused his transformation but, since the Zenzera would use the plants to kill their enemies when they felt threatened and then let the Kothoga die after their enemies were dead, chances are no cure was ever created.

Question: When Chloe is looking out the window in Koulter's apartment it shows the city and right there in the skyline are the Twin Towers which went down Sept 11, 2001, but this was filmed in 2015? Was that not New York city or am I wrong about what I saw?

Answer: No, those are not the twin towers. What you are seeing is the Deutsche Bank Center (formerly Time Warner Center) on Columbus Circle. These two towers are at the southwestern corner of Central Park as you might see, whilst the World Trade Center twin towers were located much more south in Manhattan, in the financial district, and wouldn't be viewable from there. The two towers on Columbus Circle were constructed and finished between 2000 and 2004.


Answer: Just to add to the first answer, the Deutsche Bank Center towers are each 55 stories tall. The World Trade Center's North Tower and South Tower each had 110 stories. As for Chloe's "nice view" outside the window, some of the buildings are as follows. The first building on the left is The Plaza, its Central Park South side. The next tall building is the Park Lane Hotel. The very tall glass building near the center is a condominium tower, nicknamed One57.

Super Grover

Show generally

Question: Trying to remember which episode had a literal 'black market' - crooks were pushing shopping carts down isles with signs indicating which contraband was stocked in which isle.

Answer: "The Merc" was a warehouse like store with aisles that sold mainly weapons, machetes, AK-47s, C-4, barrels of acid, etc. In s02e05, "Scarification", it was shown being raided by GCPD.


Answer: This may be a plot inconsistency but probably a scene was shortened or edited out completely from the original episode that explained this. This is typical for syndicated reruns so that cable stations can air more commercials. The result is plot inconsistencies. Most likely Aunt Clara or another relative was summoned to watch Tabitha.


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