Battle of the Bastards - S6-E9
Character mistake: When Theon and Yara are given an audience with Daenerys, Tyrion remarks to Theon that when they last saw each other at Winterfell, Theon was making jokes about Tyrion being a dwarf. The mockery was actually the other way around: Tyrion mocked Theon for being a glorified and subservient hostage of the Starks, as well as taking potshots at the foolish strategy of the Greyjoy rebellion.
Answer: This is explained more in the book. Khal Drogo and his bloodriders do intend to help Viserys take the throne, however they do things in their own time. This is what causes Viserys's frustration. In the book, Illyrio Mopatis tells Viserys that he has already waited his entire life to claim The Iron Throne and that waiting a few more years isn't that big of a deal. The Dothraki are a nomadic tribe, which is largely why they have no interest in invading and sacking King's Landing. However, since Khal Drogo eventually grows to love Dany, her assassination attempt by the Westerosi compels him to seek revenge.
Phaneron ★