Tyrion Lannister: The Eyrie. They say it's impregnable.
Bronn: Give me 10 good men and some climbing spikes... I'll impregnate the bitch.
Arya Stark: They said you found the bastard and the wolves are fighting the lions and the savage... Something about the savage.
Ned Stark: Where did you hear this?
Arya Stark: In the dungeons, near the dragon skulls.
Ned Stark: What were you doing in the dungeons?
Arya Stark: Chasing a cat.
Answer: As Hand of the King, Tywin is the second most authoritative person in Westeros behind only the king. The Hand's duties include sitting on The Iron Throne and dispensing order, justice and judgment, similar to what Ned Stark did in the Season 1 episode "A Golden Crown" while then-king Robert Baratheon was out hunting. It's also worth pointing out that Tywin's enormous wealth makes him the de facto most powerful person in Westeros, which he demonstrates in the Season 3 episode "Mhysa" when he sends King Joffrey to bed without his supper and remarks to Tyrion "You're a fool if you believe he's the most powerful man in Westeros. Do you really think the crown gives you power?"
Phaneron ★