Character mistake: When Aiden and Melinda go the the hospital to visit Jim/Sam the picture on the hospital badge is of Jim Clancy not Sam Lucas... Jim has been in Sam's body for many years at this point. You can see the badge multiple times in the episode.

The Last Of The Starks - S8-E4
Character mistake: Gendry gets declared as Lord Gendry Baratheon of Storm's End by Daenerys. But he refers to himself as Gendry Rivers - the surname given to bastards from the Riverlands. Gendry comes from King's Landing, and bastards from there are called Waters, not Rivers. Given that Gendry is not an acknowledged highborn bastard, he should never have had a surname in the first place.

Character mistake: Brock states that the Diglett are plowing the ground and the Dugtrio are planting the trees, but the opposite is true (The Dugtrio are plowing, and the Diglett are planting).

Tenacle-vision/I Heart Dancing - S7-E8
Character mistake: In "I Heart Dancing", the lady at the Krusty Krab tells Spongebob the dancing audition is the next day. Later, Spongebob is practicing at Squidward's house for a whole night, and the next morning Squidward says they have one more day to practice, even though the audition should have been that day.
Suggested correction: The audition could have been during the afternoon.

Little Box of Horrors - S7-E18
Character mistake: Katya (as Nina) says that Pandora's Box is "a gift the gods gave to Prometheus." But the Box was given to Epimetheus, not Prometheus. Epimetheus ignored the warnings of Prometheus, his brother, and accepted Pandora herself, who bore a box, as a gift from the gods.

Character mistake: When the zombies break into Buffy's house, she stakes one to check if it's a vampire. But she should know full well that it isn't a vampire as they all broke into her house without being invited.

Character mistake: Referring to the US, Russian and Chinese governments, the admiral says that "Washington, Moscow and Shanghai" have been informed. The capital of China is Beijing.

Character mistake: In the first scene with Cameron after she walks away from John next to the lockers, there's a poster on a wall to the left. It contains the word "guidance" misspelled as "guidence".

Character mistake: When Bill mentions to Sophie-Anne that drinking the maenad's blood poisoned him, she says that vampires can only feed off human blood. However, across the show, we've seen vampires drink from fairies, werewolves and even the blood of other vampires, like Lilith's blood. (00:05:50)

Character mistake: In the evening, Emma states that Kathryn Nolan has been missing for 24 hours, meaning that this episode takes place the day after Kathryn disappeared. When Emma investigates Kathryn's car, David tells Emma that he last spoke to Kathryn "yesterday afternoon" (and stresses that he is telling the truth), and that he hasn't spoken to her since he ended their relationship. However, "What Happened to Frederick" establishes that David broke up with Kathryn the day before she tried to leave town and disappeared, because when Kathryn apologized to Regina, Regina referred to the events surrounding the break-up as "what happened yesterday." Emma checks Kathryn's phone records and finds out that Kathryn talked to David on the phone the day she disappeared, but David could not have referred to that conversation, since "Red-Handed" and "Heart of Darkness" both establish that he doesn't remember the phone call because of a memory blackout. Making matters even more complicated is that when Sidney shows up with the phone records, Emma specifically says to him that David told her that he DIDN'T speak to Kathryn that day, which, in fact, he said he did. (00:12:45 - 00:26:45)

Character mistake: When Jet tells Katara and Aang to waterbend the water from underground in the geysers, Katara states that she has never waterbent on water she couldn't see before. However, six episodes prior to this, in 'The Warriors of Kyoshi', she waterbends the water out from Aang's lungs to save his life.
Suggested correction: That was a moment of desperation on her part, and she probably doesn't think of it/think she can do it again without the same desperate impetus, Furthermore, the water in Aang was only a small amount and very close anyway.
Regardless of if she did it in desperation or not, she did use bending on water she didn't see. The mistake isn't suggesting anything about Katara's ability to waterbend unseen water, the mistake is only in regards to the statement Katara made about never using bending on water she can't see. And for Katara to forget the one time she used bending on water she didn't see would qualify as a character mistake as well. Now if she made the statement "I don't think I can do this" or "I've never used bending on underground water", etc, that would not be a character mistake.

Character mistake: When Faith arrives in LA she is carrying a bag. She puts it on the ground and then steals a man's jacket and wallet. Afterwards however, she leaves without picking up her bag.

Character mistake: When Ginnifer Goodwin leaves the supermarket to go the parking garage, the green sign says 1 hour parking Customer's Only. It should say Customers Only, without the apostrophe.

Character mistake: At the Roadhouse Cooper states that the second victim (Maddy) was found dead two days ago. It has been less than 24 hours since the body was found: he likely means she was murdered two days ago.

Character mistake: Tai says "And it started to snow in the middle of July" but later you find out that it takes place on August first.

Character mistake: When trying to decipher what the letters from the dermal implants spell, Lucifer rearranges the letters and says "Hilii Fircus, it means 'children of the goat.'" However, the correct phrase was Filii Hircus, not Hilii Fircus. (00:13:27)

Character mistake: Another identity mistake in the finale: When Beast Boy's team is initially subdued, we see honorary Titan Hot Spot standing amongst the villains even though he is a) a hero and b) is supposed to be frozen solid at that time.

Fenikkusu! Jigoku o mita senshi - S1-E6
Character mistake: When Jabu gets maimed by the Nebula Chain attacking from above, the commentator says "One point for Andromeda Shun." Points? There never were points during the previous fights. (00:11:05)

Adam, Warlock or Washout? - S8-E14
Character mistake: In Season 3, Witches and Warlocks are My Favorite Things, Maurice says he won't stay for Tabitha's testing coven because it's "women's work" but in this episode, when Adam is finally tested, he arrives and says he wouldn't miss seeing his grandchild being tested.

Character mistake: One character says a concentration of 0.09 parts per million in the water is bad: "if it were salt it'd taste like you were drowning in the ocean." Rubbish. The concentration of salt in seawater is about 35,000 parts per million.