Game of Thrones
Movie Quote Quiz

Mhysa - S3-E10

Joffrey: I am the king! I will punish you.
Tywin: Any man who must say "I am the king" is no true king.


Breaker of Chains - S4-E3

Davos: Westeros is not the world, Your Grace. We need to look east for ships and men. Ten-thousand skilled soldiers fight for the Golden Company.
Stannis: The Golden Company!?
Davos: They've never broken a contract.
Stannis: They're sell-swords!
Davos: We're willing to use blood magic to put you on the throne, but we're not willing to pay men to fight?


The Night Lands - S2-E2

Tyrion: If I told you to murder an infant girl, say, still at her mother's breast, would you do it without question?
Bronn: Without question, no. I'd ask how much.



The Night Lands - S2-E2

Tyrion: I heard there was some trouble in Littlefinger's brothel the other night.
Janos Slynt: Mmhmm. Nasty business, had to be done.
Tyrion: Yes, of course. The City Watch must keep the peace. Only, I hadn't realised peace depended on killing babies.
Janos Slynt: Orders are orders.
Tyrion: Quite right. Especially the Queen's orders.
Janos Slynt: I never said they were the Queen's orders.
Tyrion: No, but who else would want to murder King Robert's bastards? She's always been a jealous woman.
Janos Slynt: You know your sister better than I do.
Tyrion: You've heard the awful rumors about my brother and sister.
Janos Slynt: I don't listen to filth.
Tyrion: That's good of you, but you have heard them. I suppose people who do believe that filth consider Robert's bastards to be better claimants to the throne than Cersei's children.
Janos Slynt: Joffrey is my king, the rest doesn't interest me.
Tyrion: I appreciate your loyalty. Tell me, when your men slaughtered Ned Stark's men in the Throne Room, did you give the order?
Janos Slynt: I did, and I would again. The man was a traitor. He tried to buy my loyalty.
Tyrion: The fool. He had no idea you were already bought.
Janos Slynt: Are you drunk!? I'll not have my honor questioned by an imp!
Tyrion: I'm not questioning your honor, Lord Janos. I'm denying its existence.
Janos Slynt: If you think I'll stand here and take this from you, dwarf...
Tyrion: "Dwarf." Hmm, you should've stopped at imp. And yes, you will stand here and take it from me. Unless you'd like to take it from my friend here [motions to Bronn]. I intend to serve as Hand of the King until my father returns from the war, and seeing as you betrayed the last Hand of the King, well I just wouldn't feel safe with you lurking about.



The Broken Man - S6-E7

Blackfish: Kingslayer.
Jaime: Blackfish.
Blackfish: I assume you're here to fulfill the vow you gave my niece. I don't see Sansa and Arya.
Jaime: I don't have them.
Blackfish: Pity. Do you wish to resume your captivity? [Jaime shakes his head "no."] Then why are you here?
Jaime: You know why I'm here. This castle belongs to House Frey. You're trespassing. In the name of King Tommen, I order you to surrender, or...
Blackfish: Or you'll kill Edmure. My nephew's marked for death no matter what. Hang him and be done with it.
Jaime: It won't stop with Edmure. You'll force me to storm the castle. Hundreds will die.
Blackfish: Hundreds of mine. Thousands of yours. If you can breach the walls.
Jaime: We'll breach them, and kill every last one of you. But if you surrender, I'll spare the lives of your men, on my honor.
Blackfish: Your "honor." Bargaining with oath-breakers is like building on quicksand.
Jaime: The war is over, Ser. Why sacrifice living men to a lost cause?
Blackfish: As long as I'm standing, the war is not over. This is my home. I was born in this castle, and I'm ready to die in it. So you can either attack, or try to starve us out. We have enough provisions for two years. Do you have two years, Kingslayer?
Jaime: You clearly have no intention of saving your men's lives. Why did you come treat with me?
Blackfish: Sieges are dull, and I wanted to see you in person, get the measure of you.
Jaime: Well now you have.
Blackfish: Aye, now I have. I'm disappointed.


Mhysa - S3-E10

Tyrion: You just sent the most powerful man in Westeros to bed without his supper.
Tywin: You're a fool if you believe he's the most powerful man in Westeros.
Tyrion: A treasonous statement. Joffrey is king.
Tywin: You really think a crown gives you power?


Mhysa - S3-E10

Igritte: You know nothing, Jon Snow.
Jon Snow: I do some things. I know I love you. I know you love me.

The Wolf and the Lion - S1-E5

Arya Stark: They said you found the bastard and the wolves are fighting the lions and the savage... Something about the savage.
Ned Stark: Where did you hear this?
Arya Stark: In the dungeons, near the dragon skulls.
Ned Stark: What were you doing in the dungeons?
Arya Stark: Chasing a cat.


The Kingsroad - S1-E2

Robb Stark: Good. Next time I see you, you'll be all in black.
Jon Snow: It was always my color.

Tyrion Lannister: Speaking for the grotesques, I'd have to disagree. Death is so final, whereas life... Life is full of possibilities.


Eddard Stark: Winter is coming.

The Last Of The Starks - S8-E4

Character mistake: Gendry gets declared as Lord Gendry Baratheon of Storm's End by Daenerys. But he refers to himself as Gendry Rivers - the surname given to bastards from the Riverlands. Gendry comes from King's Landing, and bastards from there are called Waters, not Rivers. Given that Gendry is not an acknowledged highborn bastard, he should never have had a surname in the first place.

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A Golden Crown - S1-E6

Trivia: The horse heart that Daenerys eats was actually made of gelatin, and genuinely tasted dreadful - her physical revulsion at eating it is real. It had dyed pasta to simulate veins, and was injected with fake sugary blood, which attracted flies. The blood was so sticky and ended up covering Emilia Clarke to such an extent that after filming it glued her to the toilet seat.

Jon Sandys

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Season 1 generally

Question: Why is Khal Drogo willing to give Viserys an army in exchange for Daenerys? Until she is almost poisoned, he seems to have no real interest in The Iron Throne or the Targaryen dynasty, considering how she has to beg him to cross the Narrow Sea. Why didn't he just marry a native Dothraki woman?

Answer: This is explained more in the book. Khal Drogo and his bloodriders do intend to help Viserys take the throne, however they do things in their own time. This is what causes Viserys's frustration. In the book, Illyrio Mopatis tells Viserys that he has already waited his entire life to claim The Iron Throne and that waiting a few more years isn't that big of a deal. The Dothraki are a nomadic tribe, which is largely why they have no interest in invading and sacking King's Landing. However, since Khal Drogo eventually grows to love Dany, her assassination attempt by the Westerosi compels him to seek revenge.


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