The Pork Chop Indeterminacy - S1-E15
Corrected entry: Sheldon asks Missy why she doesn't tell her friends that he is a toll taker on The Golden Gate Bridge. There are no toll takers on the Golden Gate Bridge. Tolls are paid by credit or debit card, a prepaid account or by invoice to the registered car owner's address. There is no way Sheldon would not know this.
Correction: Sheldon was just suggesting that being a toll taker or something of that profession is as ridiculous as her telling everyone he was a "rocket scientist." Even if the statement was indeed true it doesn't affect my point.
Corrected entry: At the apartment, after pretending to eat some of the granola bar, Howard throws the bar and wrapper down on the coffee table. He does not pick it up again before they leave the apartment. Later, at the hospital, he takes the bar from his pocket and eats some.
Correction: No, he breaks a chunk off the bar and stuffs it in his back pocket so it would look like he took a bite. This is what he removes at the hospital.
The Big Bran Hypothesis - S1-E2
Corrected entry: Sheldon is wrong about the physics of pushing the furniture up the stairs. This is not just a question of work (energy) but also of power (energy/time). Since he and Leonard cannot produce an unlimited amount of energy per second, they may need to push it slowly, contrary to what he asserts. This is a very serious and very basic error for Sheldon considering he has a PhD in Physics.
Correction: This is wrong. Not only does he not mention energy anywhere, the commenter is not correct. This is not a mistake, just a different way of saying it (even though he didn't, rewatch the episode and find anything about work there).
The Nerdvana Annihilation - S1-E14
Corrected entry: When Leonard starts packing his action figures away, the box says "Leonard's collectables. The spelling should be "collectibles" - an unlikely mistake from someone of Leonard's intellect.
Correction: Both spellings are correct. I checked thirty six online dictionaries and they all list "collectable" and "collectible" as the correct spelling.
The Nerdvana Annihilation - S1-E14
Corrected entry: In the scene where Leonard threatens to open his production era, we see the Star Trek The Next Generation Geordi LaForge (w/o visor) action figure. The uniform worn by the action figure is only worn by Geordi in Star Trek Generations the movie, not the television series.
Correction: The figure he's holding is a genuine Star Trek figure in the correct packaging. It was produced by Playmates Toys and marketed in the Star Trek The Next Generation packaging as "Lieutenant Commander Geordie LaForge Movie Uniform"
Correction: The figure in the episode is specifically a 'movie uniform' outfit, as labeled on the packaging. Many of these made their way into the standard 'Next Generation' line of figures. This is not an error.
The Bat Jar Conjecture - S1-E13
Corrected entry: Sheldon is very particular about sitting in his spot and not allowing anyone else into his spot. We learn later on in the series that he has been this way since Leonard moved in. However at the very end of this episode, we see Leonard sat in Sheldon's spot and Sheldon sat in the arm chair. (00:19:00)
Correction: At the start of the scene, Sheldon attempts to sit in his spot, but Leonard doesn't let him, because his Physics Bowl trophy is sitting there and then Leonard moves slightly onto Sheldon's spot to make fun of him using the trophy. Presumably, he is just sitting on the arm chair because Leonard wouldn't move and he is just sitting in that seat reluctantly.
The Jerusalem Duality - S1-E12
Corrected entry: At the start when Sheldon and Leonard are sitting at the table, and then talking with Dennis, their soda cans on the table keep rotating themselves and the straws in them change position a couple of times too. (00:01:00)
The Pancake Batter Anomaly - S1-E11
Corrected entry: When Leonard is standing outside the apartment his hair is tucked under the band of the wireless cam he has on his head, but when he is crawling on his hands and knees through the apartment his hair is out from under the band and is hanging in front of his face.
Corrected entry: While the group are trying to figure out how to play Halo without Howard, Leonard jokingly suggests cutting Raj in half. Raj responds, "Oh sure, cut the foreigner in half. There's a billion more where he came from." But Penny is in the room with them, so there's no way he should be able to talk in front of her, or even if he's been drinking, the fact alcohol helps him isn't realised until the next episode, so the fact he can speak with her there should have surprised everyone, including him.
Corrected entry: When Penny tells Sheldon that he forgot a plasma grenade, she presses the right trigger on the Xbox controller. On Halo 3, the right trigger fires weapons, not grenades. That's the left trigger.
Correction: In Halo 3 you can change around some features of the remote, including which trigger fires grenades and weapons.
Corrected entry: Penny storms into Sheldon and Leonard's apartment to throw her boyfriend's iPod out of their window and yell at her boyfriend who has just left. Raj then finds the iPod on his way in. However, according to the layout of the building with the front door being to the left of the elevator, the front side of their apartment building would be on Penny's side, so she should have thrown it out of her own apartment window. The window through Sheldon and Leonard's apartment would lead to the back.
Correction: There's no indication from the scene that she's catching him as he is stepping out the door. He could have had his car parked behind the building and was on his way round to the front.
The Luminous Fish Effect - S1-E4
Corrected entry: At the buffet table when the gang gets food, Howard walks in with his 'date.' Between shots, as he walks in, in one shot Sheldon puts his right hand up on his plate. In the next shot his hand is down.
Corrected entry: When Penny and Leonard are talking to Sheldon about their date, Sheldon refers to Schrodinger's Cat, stating "The cat in the box is both alive and dead, until you open the box and find out." Yet the precise point of the Schrodinger's Cat example is that the cat cannot be both alive and dead. Schrodinger was arguing against physicists of the time who claimed that certain subatomic particles were special and could be in opposite states at the same time; his argument was that you can't make small systems special because a large and obvious system (e.g., the cat) could always be made to depend on the state of the smaller one, and for a large and obvious system to be in opposite states simultaneously is ridiculous. Now, this is pretty obscure and the misunderstanding of Schrodinger's Cat experiment is widespread, but this is Sheldon we're talking about.
Correction: This is not a factual error on Sheldon's part. He explicitly says that Schrodinger's experiment was an attempt to explain the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum physics, which implies that the cat could be both dead and alive until the box is opened and observed. While he doesn't explain that the point of the experiment was to critique the prevailing thought of the time, his overall point to Penny fits within the context as given.
Corrected entry: Sheldon states that reductio ad absurdum is "the logical fallacy of extending an argument to a ridiculous extreme and then challenging it". This is incorrect; this is the straw man fallacy. Reductio ad absurdum is the entirely valid inferential technique of demonstrating that the consequences of an argument being true result in a contradiction.
Correction: Sheldon is correct. "Reductio ad absurdum" (Latin: "reduction to the absurd") is a form of argument in which a proposition is disproven by following its implications logically to an absurd consequence. Proof by contradiction is a specific form of Reductio ad absurdum. A strawman argument is committed when a person simply ignores a person's actual position and substitutes a distorted, exaggerated or misrepresented version of that position. The major difference between the two is that an Reductio ad absurdum argument presents the opponent's claim correctly but carries it to an extreme. The Strawman argument presents the opponent's claim incorrectly.
Corrected entry: Raj talks aloud whilst Penny is still in the room.
The Bat Jar Conjecture - S1-E13
Corrected entry: Towards the end of this episode, Raj answers a question by buzzing in with Leslie Winkle sat next to him, and he answers. I though he couldn't talk to women or around women? Is this a mistake?
The Cooper-Hofstadter Polarization - S1-E9
Corrected entry: Howard explains how the signal travels to the lamp via various means and clicks to switch the lamp on. There is then a delay of around 1 second. However when he does the same thing for the stereo the sound starts instantly. (00:00:10)
Correction: Technically, when you use a network for the first time, there are many steps involved like creating a VPN, matching IP addresses, etc, hence the delay. Once you have connected and used it at least once, the go-betweens don't exist, hence there is no delay.
Corrected entry: Characters in Halo games can never be decapitated, as Penny states about Sheldon's player character.
The Grasshopper Experiment - S1-E8
Corrected entry: Leonard wonders aloud "I wonder who's going to tell his (Sheldon's) parents they're not having grandchildren." Leonard and Sheldon have been sharing the apartment for long enough for Leonard to know that Sheldon's father has been dead for a number of years, but it is at least since S1E04, when Sheldon's mother says "God rest his soul" while talking about his father.
Correction: Episode S01E04 ended with Sheldon asking his mother if Dr. Gablehouser is going to be his new daddy and her saying "We'll see." So he could be the other "parent." Or his mother could have met someone else between the episodes.
Corrected entry: At the end of this episode when Penny asks to use Leonard and Sheldon's bathroom for a shower, when she goes down the hallway towards the bathroom/bedrooms, she turns past the bathroom (the door that is visible from the living room) and turns right and goes towards the bedrooms.
Correction: Penny could simply be going to grab a towel from the linen closet before having her shower.
Correction: S1-E15 aired in May, 2008, but the Golden Gate Bridge didn't switch to all-electronic toll collection until March 2013, and the decision to convert to electronic toll collection wasn't made until January, 2011.