Corrected entry: While the group are trying to figure out how to play Halo without Howard, Leonard jokingly suggests cutting Raj in half. Raj responds, "Oh sure, cut the foreigner in half. There's a billion more where he came from." But Penny is in the room with them, so there's no way he should be able to talk in front of her, or even if he's been drinking, the fact alcohol helps him isn't realised until the next episode, so the fact he can speak with her there should have surprised everyone, including him.

Corrected entry: Before Mason dates Alex he attends school, but when they start to date Mason is never seen in school again.
Correction: He's seen in school working on a sculpture in the Beast Tamer episode. But remember after they first met and got together he got turned into a wolf.
Correction: He is in the episode where Alex is going to the Beast Tamer actually. They don't seem to cross paths much, that's all.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Chuck's dad dies outside, Ned is seen backing up to the table while his mother is taking a pie out of the oven. When she takes the pie out of the oven, she has oven mitts on, but in the next shot the oven mitts are gone and she is still holding the supposedly hot pie with her bare hands.
Correction: First, it's not the next shot. The shot of Ned backing up to the table is between the two. Second, there are two pies. So she takes the hot pie out of the oven. Then while Ned backs away to the table, offscreen she sets the hot pie down, takes the mitts off and picks up the already cooled pie.

Chuck Versus the Sizzling Shrimp - S1-E5
Corrected entry: A title card at the beginning of the episode identifies the location as the Chinese Consulate in Chinatown, Los Angeles. The Chinese Consulate is at 443 Shatto Place, west of Downtown Los Angeles and even farther west of Chinatown.
Correction: Addresses and buildings are often substituted, and is a standard filmmaking convention, not a mistake.

Corrected entry: Ken Cosgrove asks Jane if she would like to go to a Mets game at Shea Stadium. The episode was set in 1962 and Shea Stadium didn't open til 1964. The Mets originally played at the Polo Grounds.
Correction: Ken says "I have tickets for the Mets tonight. Great seats for, probably, a terrible game. I'll be by at five." There is no mention of Shea.

Corrected entry: How is it that Jane does not know that she can regenerate injuries? She's never gotten hurt in her entire lifetime?
Correction: She was injected with the Neuro 2.0 strain when she was in the Vonotek building (right before she went up the elevator) during the first episode. Before her first mission, she was not capable of rapid regenerating because she was not a Neuro yet.

Corrected entry: In the episode where Carly turns in her history report, when she's with the paper at home, it has no holes punched in it. When she got back, however, it was 3-hole punched.
Correction: If you watch the episode in High Definition, the report is indeed hole punched during the entire scene. However, in standard definition, the holes are difficult to detect due to the angle of the paper.

Corrected entry: The second time Thomas O'Neill and his crew attack Michael, Fiona and Shaun at the hideout, they throw in a tear gas grenade. The next shot, Michael is hit in the lower back with a stun ball. Michael grabs his lower back before the stun ball actually hits.
Correction: He was reaching for a gun, not to cradle his back in pain.

The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith (1) - S3-E6
Corrected entry: Both Sarah Jane and The Doctor realise that the same second is repeating itself around them after seeing a TV clip of some racehorses. But both clips are identical, even though she is supposed to be a second behind him.
Correction: Both clips are slightly different. In the Doctor's one, the horse has just taken off in the clip, and in Sarah's, the horse lands.

Corrected entry: Each series is supposedly a year after the previous one. In the first series, Karen turns 5, Ben is 6, and Jake is 11, In series 2, Karen is 6, Ben is 7 and Jake is 12, but then in the Comic Relief Special, it is mentioned that Ben is 8, but Jake and Karen's ages haven't changed. Then in Series 3, Ben is 9, Karen is 7 and Jake is 13. The age differences are not only impossible but confusing.
Correction: If Ben's birthday is the first of the three, then he can (for part of the year) seem to be a different age than he should be. eg. if one child's birthday is in August and is 7 and another child's birthday is in November and is 10 then from September to October they will have 2 years between them rather than 3.

Touch of Eva - S4-E4
Corrected entry: After seeing Serena talking to Nate, Dan says to Serena "I saw you talking to Dan." He meant to say "Nate" but instead he said his own name. (00:33:55)
Correction: He said talking to Nate.

Corrected entry: In the episode "Candace Loses Her Head" when they are singing the Candace song at the beginning, they say she has an allergy to dairy. However, later in the episode "Journey to the Center of Candace" we find out that her favorite food is grilled cheese, a dairy product.
Correction: But not always a dairy product, there are a number of soy cheese and other cheese products produced specifically for the lactose intolerant.

Episode Four - S2-E4
Corrected entry: When the families assemble to watch Mick's appearance on TV, it's dark outside. Yet the supposedly live report that frames Mick's appearance takes place in daylight.
Correction: The news report wasn't live. Mick found the body on the way to work in the morning and it aired on the news that night. That's why it's day in the interview but night when it airs.

Episode #1.1 - S1-E1
Corrected entry: At the start of the episode when Mick asks Janice if she wants anything from the shops, he is wearing a white wristband. In the next shot when he crosses the road the wristband has changed to red.
Correction: The wristband he wears is red plastic that has a white insert, with Solana written on it. Most of Solana Resort's guests wear it. The red and white color duo is visible on Mick's wrist (as well as other guests' wrists) during the episode.

Corrected entry: The date for this episode is 1975 (as established by the front page of the newspaper one of the passengers is reading). The in-flight movie is Conquest of the Planet of the Apes, which premiered in 1972. Usually in-flight movies premiere just a few months after their theatrical run.
Correction: Usually does not mean always. There's absolutely nothing to say that they couldn't show an older film. Maybe they've already shown a more recent movie and are now showing an older one.

Lumpy's Alvin Goes to Pieces / Rabbit's Eggcellent Adventure - S1-E24
Corrected entry: Rabbit hatches an egg. About a minute or two after the egg is hatched, the bird flies away. It takes at least at least a couple weeks before a bird can fly on its own.
Correction: Sentient rabbits, bears, pigs, owls all indicate that this doesn't take place in our universe and doesn't follow our laws of reality. Their universe, their rules.

Corrected entry: Druitt (Jack the Ripper) states that he needs to have seen a place before he can teleport there, otherwise he might materialize inside a rock or wall. Yet he was able to teleport into the middle of some housing development, in the middle of Baton Rouge, to look for the invisible girl.
Correction: He can still teleport to places unseen, he's just saying doing so is dangerous (but not impossible). Throughout the series we see the characters do dangerous things out of necessity.

Corrected entry: Politics and Psychology A-Level do not have coursework, yet characters or teachers across the different series mention that coursework needs to be done in these subjects.
Correction: Some exam boards do (or did a few years ago when the show was on) have coursework in these subjects.

Corrected entry: In the first episode, Mick states that Josef is four hundred years old. In "The Ringer", Josef says that he was four years old in 1603, meaning he was born in 1599. He is actually about four hundred and seven, since the show takes place when it was filmed in modern-day 2007.
Correction: Rounding time and ages up or down, especially when so close to a centenary point is common practice. People still say it's been 500 years since Columbus discovered America, even though it's really been 518 years.

Corrected entry: In episode 18, as Henry is lying on the table after the jousting accident, the camera pans up and reveals a fluer de lis on Henry's breastplate. The fluer de lis is/was the symbol of the French King and it is highly unlikely that it would be so prominently displayed on the English king's armor.
Correction: The fleur de lis was part of the heraldry of many British Kings\Queens, including Henry VIII. http://www.fleurdelis.com/royal.htm.
Correction: Penny is on the other side of the room and not in the conversation. Raj's comment was an aside to Howard and it can be reasonably concluded that nobody else could hear.