Amy's Choice - S5-E7
Continuity mistake: When Rory and Amy are running from the Eknodine, there is no mud on Rory's back, but he was thrown on his back into mud a minute before. (00:23:06)
The Family of Blood (2) - S3-E9
Continuity mistake: When Timothy opens the watch into the girl's eyes, Jeremy Baines shouts "Time Lord", then a few seconds later; "What are we waiting for. Attack!" There is then a shot looking down on the scarecrows, Jeremy and Jenny. If you look closely at Jeremy Baines, it's a different actor playing him. (00:16:20)
Other mistake: Just before the Doctor ignites the atmosphere, Sylvia's house is getting dangerously full of gas. When Sylvia and Wilf go outside after the air is cleared, the inside of their house is completely clear. Meanwhile, back at the Rattigan Academy, there is still gas lingering in the air. (00:34:43 - 00:37:15)
Factual error: The Doctor sets the atmosphere on fire, but only the upper part burns. The atmosphere extends from the Earth's surface (where it is densest) upwards, and so the flames would come right down to the ground, burning everyone to death. Of course that wouldn't work with the plot, so artistic licence has been applied.
The Impossible Planet (1) - S2-E11
Plot hole: The Doctor and Ida are stranded 10 miles down, and yet the lift travels very slowly, like walking pace. They only have an hour's worth of oxygen left in their suits - by the time they get to the surface, it would have run out.
The Impossible Planet (1) - S2-E11
Plot hole: The rocket flew down a gravity funnel and (presumably) crash-landed on the planet, since the true Captain died during the landing. The rocket is big, but surely not large enough to contain all the 'flat-packed' materials for the sanctuary base (which is massive) and the gantry which supports the rocket. Where did that gantry come from? It is the same size as the rocket. It is not possible that the sanctuary base and rocket gantry could have fitted on board that rocket.

Flux: Chapter One - The Halloween Apocalypse - S13-E1
Continuity mistake: At the very start, when Yaz says, "Oh yeah, we are totally in command," just as it begins to zoom out, the handcuff around Yaz's right wrist has the double bar facing out and her left wrist has the single bar facing out, but in following shots both handcuffs are facing the same way. Similarly, this occurs with the Doctor's handcuffs around both wrists, when the Doctor keeps trying the voice recognition. (00:00:10)
Continuity mistake: Generally, it seems like it's cloudy on a rooftop, or Atraxi ship is making a shadow on it, but for one moment, after Doctor comes through the hologram, we can see bright sun and a shadow of construction behind the camera.
The Unicorn and the Wasp - S4-E7
Factual error: In Lady Edison's flashback, she's reading "The Murder Of Roger Ackroyd", her favorite book. However, this episode is set in 1926, and the dust cover is from 2006.
Factual error: The all important date of 26/06/2010 and it ticks over on Amy's alarm clock right at the end of the episode. However it shows 11.59 AM and flicks over to midday (12.00PM) the next day. The date should've stayed on 25/6 or, as I suspect was the intention, the clock should've read 11.59 PM and then ticked over to 12.00 AM thus changing the date correctly. (00:41:00)
Other mistake: As Amy, River and The Doctor enter "the Underhenge" River says "More than just a fairytale." This is a reference to The Doctor saying pretty much the same thing to River at the end of S5 E5 when she says she will see him again "when The Pandorica Opens." This moment has not happened for River yet, it is still in her future. So how can she "call back" to it? (00:11:48)
The Day of the Doctor - S7-E16
Deliberate mistake: Looking closely at the floor of Eleven's console room reveals that the part of the floor around the console facing the door has been discreetly raised up, which it isn't in any other appearance of this console room, so that Clara can ride her motorcyle inside it without going down two steps. This wasn't in any previous episode and is gone in the next one.
Suggested correction: The Tardis has constantly shown it can change its internal structure to fit its needs or desires.
The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe - S7-E1
Factual error: Cyril is introduced looking at the Moon with a telescope... in a brightly-lit room through a window with the curtains mostly shut, circumstances in which he's not going to see anything at all. (00:03:56)
The Wedding of River Song - S6-E14
Factual error: During the zoom-out from Earth at the end, the Sun is depicted as far, far too large than it actually appears from Earth. (00:40:03)

Continuity mistake: When the Doctor finds Joe's corpse, he walks up to him and puts his hand on his shoulder. In the next shot, facing Joe, the Doctor is suddenly in a completely different position relative to him, behind him as opposed to next to him. (00:15:06)
Revealing mistake: The Cyber-Leader has a clear section in the top of its head through which its brain can be seen. The brain in question is very obviously plastic.
Continuity mistake: When Davros activates a screen in the Vault to show the Doctor and Rose the Reality Bomb test, the screen shows the prisoners being herded into the testing area, something that already happened shortly before. (00:23:14)
Factual error: Colonel Mace says the Sontaran ship is orbiting 5,000 miles (8,050 km) above the Earth. However, in shots of and from the ship in both this episode and "The Sontaran Stratagem", the Earth appears far too small for the ship to be that close, with the ship's true distance appearing to be well over double that. (00:08:34)

Continuity mistake: When Rose is telling Auton Mickey that she thinks they should stay away from the Doctor because he's dangerous, a lock of her hair in front of her face tucks itself behind her ear when the shot changes to a close-up. (00:24:42)

Factual error: The upper peninsula of Michigan is missing on the map of the US shown on Van Statten's monitor.
Suggested correction: In that era of Doctor Who the Earth was being invaded by aliens on a regular basis. Since the story is set in the 'future' year of 2012, anything may have happened to wipe that part of Michigan off the map.
I'm from Michigan and when I noticed the UP missing, I jokingly said to a friend "looks like Canada stole that finally"