Smack in the Middle (2) - S1-E2
Continuity mistake: After Riddler bursts through the vent, the position and arm movements of Aunt Harriet are inconsistent between shots. (00:18:45)
Smack in the Middle (2) - S1-E2
Continuity mistake: When Riddler emerges from the ventilation system, the grate is placed against the hole. In the rest of the scene it disappears. (00:18:50)
Smack in the Middle (2) - S1-E2
Continuity mistake: After the Garbo joke, the various extras begin to pass out from the gas with multiple inconsistencies between shots. In the shot that follows the joke, the woman with the red and black dress is fainting, but she's back up in the next, in which the policeman goes down, only to be up in the one later, etc. (00:19:35)
Smack in the Middle (2) - S1-E2
Continuity mistake: Elephant-man Riddler is the one man left standing in the room. The problem is, he is standing with one hand on his hip, which becomes a totally different pose at the cut, with the arm chest-high and his finger pointing down. (00:19:55)
Smack in the Middle (2) - S1-E2
Continuity mistake: Riddler stares at Batman and Robin popping out of the stuffed animal; in the wide shot he has a (delayed, really) reaction opening up his hand, which becomes a closed fist in the next angle. (00:20:50)
Smack in the Middle (2) - S1-E2
Continuity mistake: During the fight, the breather Batman has disappears, but suddenly returns afterwards. (00:21:50)
Smack in the Middle (2) - S1-E2
Continuity mistake: Batman, after losing his breather between an "Urkkk!" and a "Zok!" chases down a goon that is making a run for it going for the window. Two other minions are following Batman, but their motion repeats in the next shot, when it's "Zzzzzwap!" time. (00:22:00)
Smack in the Middle (2) - S1-E2
Continuity mistake: When Fake Robin takes Riddler's wheel to drive, the shot cuts to the Batmobile. It appears that Robin is a passenger, but he is supposed to be Riddler's prison service.
Fine Feathered Finks (1) - S1-E3
Continuity mistake: The bat-phone rang, and Dick is practicing his French. Bruce in the wide shot has taken his pen off the sheet, but he is in a different position in the close-up that follows. Same when he mentions the "key to world peace"; his hand changes position. (00:03:25)

Fine Feathered Finks (1) - S1-E3
Continuity mistake: When Batman starts the Bat-Turn, the parachutes are shown deploying on a 6-lane major roadway (3 lanes in each direction) in a very open area, but after completing the 180-degree turn, the car is shown driving away from the crumpled chutes on a much narrower side street among tall buildings. (00:14:10)
Fine Feathered Finks (1) - S1-E3
Continuity mistake: When Batman reverses direction of the Batmobile via a "Bat-Turn", the car is shown from above turning counter-clockwise, but the next interior view shows the car is spinning clockwise. (00:14:20)
Fine Feathered Finks (1) - S1-E3
Continuity mistake: The dynamic duo enters the umbrella factory and begins talking with the Penguin. Right away you can see the cigarette in the holder has its tip turned into ash, but in the close-up on Burgess Meredith's grin a greater part of the cigarette is consumed. (00:16:40)
Fine Feathered Finks (1) - S1-E3
Continuity mistake: When Batman opens his drawer full of electronic (not to mention, literal) bugs, the various pseudo-creatures are arranged in different ways between the wider angles and the close-up. (00:20:50)

Fine Feathered Finks (1) - S1-E3
Continuity mistake: The tiny spider microphone rests on the back of Robin's right hand, but the close-up shows a gloved left fist. (00:20:55)
Fine Feathered Finks (1) - S1-E3
Continuity mistake: Adam West's hands inside the net are in a different position when Penguin sprays him with the red gas. (00:22:20)
The Penguin's a Jinx (2) - S1-E4
Continuity mistake: When the Penguin goes to Wayne Manor to put Batman and Robin to sleep with the gas from his umbrella, just before he shoots the orange gas at Robin's suit of armor, there's a quick shot of the armor's helmet. The problem is that there's already an orange stain on the face of the helmet from the orange gas that comes out of the tip of the umbrella, even before Penguin shoots any gas. (00:19:15)
The Penguin's a Jinx (2) - S1-E4
Continuity mistake: At the beginning of the big fight with Penguin, everyone is doing some fencing with the umbrellas. The guy with the caveman face on the left switches stance depending on the camera angle; he's lunging forward waving his umbrella with one arm in the frontal views, and he's in a guarded position in the overhead shots. (00:21:20)
The Penguin's a Jinx (2) - S1-E4
Continuity mistake: When the umbrella fight erupts, the red suitcase with the money changes position on the corner of the counter (basically rotating of 90°). (00:21:20)
The Penguin's a Jinx (2) - S1-E4
Continuity mistake: Batman sends Swoop into the wall with an "OOOOFF!" onomatopoeia. The impact knocks down from the shelf a bunch of umbrellas that fall on the poor guy, but as the scene goes on, the floor is clean and the umbrellas are still on the wall rack. (00:21:30)
The Penguin's a Jinx (2) - S1-E4
Continuity mistake: Robin jumps on a table, dodges a swing and gives a (really weak) kick to his adversary. Cut, and he is nearly tripping over two umbrellas on the table he is standing on, suddenly appeared out of nowhere. (00:21:40)
Answer: There wasn't one singular city used. It was shot in and around various locations in California, plus on a lot of sets and backlots. Ex. Some scenes were shot in LA, some in Pasadena, some in Santa Barbara, etc.