Factual error: Aphrodite's son and Psyche's husband is Eros, not Cupid. Venus's son is Cupid. (Eros is Greek and Cupid is Roman).
Factual error: The error begins in this episode and continues in Season 1 Episode 12: "Beware Greeks Bearing Gifts." Near the end of The Reckoning, Xena and Ares are talking about making Xena "the architect of a new world". Xena says that she'll need an army. Ares tells her she can have anyone she wants. She mentions Achilles and Agamemnon in her list of warriors and then follows up by saying "they're long gone." In "Beware Greeks Bearing Gifts," the Trojan War is going on. This is historically inaccurate as Achilles was killed in the Trojan War and Agamemnon was the leader of the Greek forces in the Trojan War and wasn't killed until after it was over. (00:36:25 - 00:37:00)
Factual error: Calliope is called the Muse of dance. The Muse of dance was Terpsichore. Calliope was the Muse of poetry.
Factual error: When ares says "In my brothers realm i have no power" What he should say is "In my uncles realm I have no power", as Hades is the uncle of Ares, not his brother.
Factual error: Akemi is Japanese, so the script she wrote for Xena should have used Japanese characters, however, the characters in the poem are Chinese.