Factual error: In order to take delivery of the demon baby, Crowley meets Hastur and Ligur - two fellow demons - in a church graveyard, but later we find that demons cannot step on to consecrated ground without suffering extreme discomfort. Church graveyards are always on consecrated ground.

Factual error: Wanda's father opens his briefcase of DVDs and one of them is Malcolm in the Middle. But the bomb that killed him fell in 1999, and Malcolm in the Middle didn't start airing until 2000.

I Only Have Eyes For You - S2-E19
Factual error: In the episode 'I Only Have Eyes For You', during the flashbacks to 1955 James and Grace dance, and James later shoots himself, to the song 'I Only Have Eyes For You', which wasn't released until 1959. (00:18:20 - 00:26:50)

The Ninja Poke-Showdown - S1-E32
Factual error: When Venonat uses Stun Spore, Ash tells Bulbasaur to use Whirlwind. Bulbasaur just blows the powder away with his mouth, but he doesn't use the Whirlwind attack. He can't learn Whirlwind in any of the games, and what Whirlwind is supposed to do is to blow the opposing Pokemon away. Ash could have just as easily told Bulbasaur to blow it away, but he instead chose to tell him to use a move that he can't possibly learn. The only Pokemon that can learn Whirlwind are either Flying types or Bug types; i.e., Pokemon with wings (with the exception of Makuhita and Hariyama, which weren't introduced until generation III, and did not exist at the time this episode aired). In The School of Hard Knocks (Season 1, Episode 9), a character mentions information regarding a Pokemon's levels, attacks, and information which is taken straight out of the game, so it's very clear that Bulbasaur should not be able to use Whirlwind. [This is a result of mistranslation. In the original, Japanese version Ash orders Bulbasaur to "blow it away." He didn't say Whirlwind. Still a mistake in the English version.]

Factual error: The astronauts land on an asteroid said to orbit a binary star 655 million miles from Earth. This is impossible, as that distance would place them well within our solar system. In fact, they'd be inside the orbit of Saturn, where of course there aren't (nor could there be) any extraneous suns. The nearest star to our system is, in fact, trillions (not millions) of miles away. (00:02:15 - 00:04:00)

The Secret Origin of Denzel Crocker - S3-E8
Factual error: Each time Timmy jumps through time, he goes back 10 years from 2002 (1992, 1982, 1972). However, some of the 80's references, such as Miami Vice, Flashdance & Back To the Future all came out after 1982.

A New World - S3-E20
Factual error: Connor has been raised since he was a few months old by Holtz, a man with a British accent, in a dimension where there are no other humans. There is no possible way he could have an American accent, yet from the moment of his return he speaks with one.
Suggested correction: The demons in Pylea spoke English with American accents (possibly due to Wolfram and Hart's interference), and in tie-in comics, demons in the dimension Connor and Holtz went to were shown speaking regular English, though these comics were released years later.

Factual error: In the classroom where Jack argues with Roger next to the chalkboard we can see a poster of the periodic table of the elements. We can see some elements that wouldn't be there in 1977 since they weren't discovered until 1999.

A Paige from the Past - S4-E10
Factual error: On the wall of Paige's bedroom when she was a teenager is a Metallica poster for "Garage Inc.", a CD not released until 1998 although Piper later says that Paige has gone back to 1994. (00:16:05)

Factual error: Aphrodite's son and Psyche's husband is Eros, not Cupid. Venus's son is Cupid. (Eros is Greek and Cupid is Roman).

Factual error: The saboteur sabotages Raven's business by pouring lots of kernels in the popcorn machine. However, the saboteur pours the kernels into the glass holding box instead of the pot, so the kernels would not have heated up enough to cause the popcorn mountain.

Epiphanies - S2-E13
Factual error: Early in the episode a damaged Viper makes its way back to Galactica with its port-side gun trailing smoke as if in an atmosphere. But in a vacuum, the smoke wouldn't trail. It would build upon itself much the way shaving foam does when slowly leaking from a damaged can, unless the ship changed course and/or speed and then the smoke would appear to do the opposite - ship turns right, smoke moves off to the left because it remains on its original course regardless of what the ship does. The gun is not propelling the smoke rearward. The ammo inside is simply burning. (00:05:15)

Factual error: Talking to Dresden, Bob refers to his first grimoire (a book of spells & magic). But the closed captioner, apparently unfamiliar with the term, has rendered the line, "My first Renoir," which, though amusing, makes no sense at all in the context of the conversation. (Refers to the aired version: the error was corrected on the DVD release.) (00:24:00)

Factual error: When Klaus and Ben visit Dave at the hardware store in November 1963, they arrive in a 1965 Imperial. (00:32:48)

Factual error: When Dan goes into the machine for his MRI a light switches on just as his head enters the machine. MRIs have soft muted lights already in the machine (so technician can see the patient via cameras) they want you to rest and be calm to avoid claustrophobia, there are no bright lights. I have had 5 different MRIs in 4 different machines in 2 different states, all were the same. (00:02:00)

The Crazy Ten Minute Sale - S1-E1
Factual error: When we see Gigi and her gang walking down the hallway, their hair is blowing backwards behind them. Yet the fan is in the wrong position (behind them) and therefore their hair should be blowing forward.

Sandy's Rocket / Squeaky Boots - S1-E8
Factual error: Sandy's dome is both airtight and watertight to keep any water out of the dome and any air inside the dome. When the rocket, positioned outside of the dome, begins to launch, smoke is coming inside the dome. This shouldn't be able to happen if the dome is airtight and watertight.

The Return of Wonder Woman - S2-E1
Factual error: When Steve gets attacked by the bad guys and Wonder Woman shows up, the lady in the car pulls out a camera and films the event. She sits still, the car isn't moving, and she does all the filming from the same position. However when she watches the playback, the film shows footage from multiple angles and varying distances, which is impossible because she and the camera were in the same spot the whole time.

Factual error: When Emma freezes the water in Elliot's shower, frozen water continues to fall on Elliot. This is not possible because Emma only froze the water Elliot was using. Water would still come out of the shower head, but ice comes out instead. Arguably, Emma could be freezing the water in the pipes, but if she did that, nothing would come out of the shower.

Factual error: When the missile intersects with the asteroid, and nothing happens right away, Arturo mentions to Bennish that light travels at over 186,000 miles per second, implying that the light from the explosion will take a moment to become visible. The problem is that by the time the missile is about to hit the asteroid, the light from the missile itself will have just as much lag time as the asteroid's explosion. The explosion should therefore have appeared immediately upon seeing the missile hit the asteroid.
Suggested correction: But it is a satanic church so Crowley can step in it.
There is nothing in The Book or the film to suggest that the graveyard is part of a "satanic church."
The church is run by Satanic nuns who are orchestrating the entire plan to switch babies.
No, it is not. Crowley has to drive for a considerable distance from the church to the convent in order to deliver baby Adam to the satanic nuns. They have nothing to do with it.