Factual error: In the whole episode, Romania is depicted as a monarchy with the king in a position that allows him to make political decisions. However, Romania ceased to be a monarchy in 1947. By the time depicted in the episode (circa 1997), Romania was a republic and its head of state was the president. Members of the ex-royal family did not hold any positions in the Romanian government and were certainly not authorized to represent Romania in international events.

Factual error: Chakotay says "if our orbit starts to decay, Voyager will begin to feel the effects of the differential, and we'll begin aging hundreds of times faster than we would in normal space". Whilst it is true that they would be aging faster relative to normal space, they would not instantly become old. Time would simply slow around them, so whilst they would be aging faster relative to normal space, they would not all of a sudden become really old - which is how it is made out to be. They would all age the same amount whether in a standard orbit or in a more decayed orbit. (00:06:37)
Suggested correction: There is nothing incorrect about what he said. They will start ageing hundreds of times faster than in normal space.
Aging implies getting/feeling older. They'd only be "aging" relative to normal space. What would happen would be more akin to time travel, with the universe getting older around them.
But the point is, they wouldn't age faster just because "normal" time slows down. If they spent a year on the planet, they'd age 1 year, not 100 years.

Factual error: Aphrodite's son and Psyche's husband is Eros, not Cupid. Venus's son is Cupid. (Eros is Greek and Cupid is Roman).

Factual error: The Strikers steal several suits of Elemental armor in a few minutes and use it to escape after they are discovered. It takes 15 minutes to put on battle armor unaided and that's for an Elemental trained in its use. The armor is custom fit for a 6 and a half to 7 foot Elemental but 5 foot Val wears one. Elemental armor is also protected by voice recognition and code phrase software. Needless to say there's no way they could just walk out with 3 suits.

Factual error: When the missile intersects with the asteroid, and nothing happens right away, Arturo mentions to Bennish that light travels at over 186,000 miles per second, implying that the light from the explosion will take a moment to become visible. The problem is that by the time the missile is about to hit the asteroid, the light from the missile itself will have just as much lag time as the asteroid's explosion. The explosion should therefore have appeared immediately upon seeing the missile hit the asteroid.

Factual error: During Lizzie's visit to Rosings Park, Lady Catherine presses her to stay longer, saying that if she will stay another month, she will be able to accommodate Lizzie "on the barouche-box" as far as London. This is nonsensical. What Austen actually wrote (Ch. 37) was: "And if you will stay another month complete, it will be in my power to take one of you as far as London, for I am going there early in June for a week; and as Dawson does not object to the barouche-box, there will be very good room for one of you. . ." The box is the coachman's seat on top of the carriage. Dawson is a servant, but if there were enough room inside the carriage, she would ride inside. What Lady Catherine is doing is offering Dawson's inside place to Lizzie. But in the movie, she is offering to let Lizzie ride outside next to the coachman. Not much of a treat.

Factual error: When Dougal and Ted enter the cockpit, the pilot points out the gauges for 'engines 1, 2 and 3'. They are in a Boeing 737 (the internal layout is that of a 737, not a BAE 146), which only has two engines.

Factual error: When Tom is locked up in an institution for the mentally ill, he is given a bed on a mixed gender ward/wing (both men and women). Wings and wards in mental institutions have not been mixed gender for more than 100 years - it is inconceivable that this practice would be existing in the 1990s in a large city in the USA.

Factual error: In this final made-for-TV mini-series of the 'Lonesome Dove' franchise (the one with James Garner as Woodrow Call), they show the crazy renegade teenage killer hanging Judge Roy Bean from the beams outside the front of his own store/courthouse. Bean died peacefully in his bed on March 16, 1903, after a bout of heavy drinking in San Antonio.

Factual error: The episode has Mona Lisa and Teddy traveling to Yakima, Washington, showing green, tree covered hills. Yakima is in the middle of the Washington State desert, so the topography would be mostly flat, desert terrain, with yellow and brown colors.
Suggested correction: Don't think you have ever been to Yakima because Yakima is surrounded by hills and the only part that is flat is in the valley and Terrace Heights. I live in Yakima, and the map they showed of E Yakima Ave and Chestnut Ave and filming is wrong, though, because that area of the map is mostly neighborhoods, small businesses, and mini-marts. No trailer parks with a bridge nearby that has hills behind it in that area.