Audio problem: Rita is dubbed over extremely poorly - her words don't match her mouth. This is because Power Rangers is adapted from the Japanese Super Sentai series, and the footage of Rita was from the Japanese series.
Audio problem: During the whole scene of the guys leaving the command centre and saying they shouldn't have left, the audio is overdubbed. (00:12:00)
Audio problem: When Trini explains to Sylvia about staying together, the audio is an overdub as her mouth doesn't move. (00:04:00)
Green With Evil (5): Breaking the Spell - S1-E21
Audio problem: The Megazord throws the Dragonzord into a nearby mountain. As the Dragonzord tries to get back onto its feet, Jason, from the cockpit of the Megazord, tells Tommy to "give it up." A man who sounds absolutely nothing like Tommy replies "No way."
Audio problem: At the start, Kimberly says "Oh no, an earthquake" however, her mouth doesn't match her words. (00:02:30)
Answer: According to the IMDB, there are currently 10 different series (with an 11th premiering in 2006). And, as far as I can tell, there have been only two theatrically released movies. All of the series, with the exception of the first one (that premiered back in '93) are spin-offs of the original, and they all share similar plot lines, characters, etc.
Cubs Fan ★