Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers

Show generally

Corrected entry: Rita throws her wand down to earth and we see the red ball on the left hand side as it flashes. When the camera cuts out to show the ground falling away, the red part is now on the right.


Correction: The staff is traveling a quarter million miles. I don't think a half turn is that unlikely. Even if it didn't turn, all that would have to happen is the viewpoint to switch from one side to the other.

Greg Dwyer

Season 1 generally

Corrected entry: When the Dinozords are called, they emerge from their hiding places, and assemble in a line, before formed Megazord Tank mode. During this time, it is a completely rocky background. After the Sabre-toothed tiger assembles, we cut to the Triceratops - which is now assembling in a completely desert-like environment. It then switches back to the rocky environment.

Correction: What we see is the Zords travelling from their hiding places. The triceratops hides somewhere like a desert, so it will change between desert and rocky as the terrain where they all meet is rocky.


Show generally

Corrected entry: This happens until the end of series 3. Lord Zedd and Rita send down monsters to Angel Grove, in California. Yet when they cast their projectiles down to Earth (for example, with Zedd, a lightning bolt) they are seldom ever aimed even in the American continent.

Correction: We also occasionally see them fly around the earth. So its easy to assume they just fly to the destination.


A Friend in Need (1) - S3-E1

Corrected entry: In the UK, the "Friend In Need" episodes were aired after "Ninja Quest". In "Ninja Quest", the Rangers got new Zords and Powers, and they had their old ones again in "Friend In Need" - despite them being shown to of been destroyed in "Ninja Quest".

Correction: That's not a mistake in the show. The episodes simply aired out of order in the UK.

Correction: The Dragon Dagger has holes on the blade and buttons on the handle: http://www.danglitch.com/costumes/props/images/dagger.jpg.

Hogday Afternoon (2) - S3-E43

Corrected entry: Assuming that in Series 2, Zordon gave permission for (before they were Rangers) Rocky, Aisha, and Adam to enter, Goldar and Rito shouldn't of been able to go into the Command Centre. Thoughout the series, it has been stressed that no-one enters the Command Centre without a Power Coin - this was even one of the subplots of Green with Evil, in Series 1.

Correction: The entire subplot for Rito and Goldar during this period involved them getting through the Command Center's defenses using an ancient map, thereby gaining access to the Command Center.

A Different Shade of Pink (3) - S3-E24

Corrected entry: Season 2 had a two part episode called "The Power Transfer" where Jason, Zack, and Trini transferred their powers to three new rangers. To do this they needed some special sword on a far away planet. So how come Kimberly didn't have to use the same sword to transfer her power coin to Katherine?

Correction: Alpha had worked on severing Kim's connection to the Pink coin a few episodes earlier or she would have died. He probably did use the sword off screen.

Show generally

Corrected entry: This happens mostly during the early series. Whenever the Rangers throw a flying side kick (the jumping one that they seem to be rather fond of), they do it all wrong. They throw the kick leg out from the start, while the kick is actually thrown with the leg chambered until the moment before impact. Throwing it the way that the Rangers do will jam your leg.

Correction: It's stylized. Every martial arts film/series/show ever made features "fake" moves like this. It's a filmmaking convention, not a mistake.


Season 2 generally

Corrected entry: Whenever we are shown Lord Zedd's palace on the Moon, we can see dark storm clouds overhead...which, of course, is impossible on the Moon.

Correction: A guy who can create magical monsters and grow them to giant size can probably manage a few storm clouds, to make his fortress look more menacing.

Return of an Old Friend (1) - S1-E49

Corrected entry: When Billy is under Rita's spell, he goes to the Command Centre, and calls on the Dragondagger from Zordon. When Tommy gave up his power coin in the Green Candle, he was shown to have given the Dragondagger to Jason, not to Zordon.

Correction: Jason gave it to Zordon for safe keeping, as he still had his original red powers and dinozord.

Day of the Dumpster - S1-E1

Corrected entry: Zordon tells the Rangers that their Zords are based on Dinosaurs. 2 of the Zords are the Mastadon and Sabre-toothed tiger - these are not dinosaurs, merely pre-evolutionary creatures.

Correction: First, there is no such thing as a pre-evolutionary creature, you mean prehistoric. Second, Zordon just lumped them all as dinosaurs rather than split hairs. Technically, the pteradactyl isn't a true dinosaur either.

Season 2 generally

Corrected entry: Whenever the Triceritops is shown transforming into the Unicorn, The Triceritops is missing it's grey tail as seen in series 1.

Correction: It is there; it's just tucked in at the top, you can see the end of it out the back.

Correction: Goldar is a space alien and we know little about his species; his voice changing could be apart of him growing older.

A Friend in Need (3) - S3-E3

Corrected entry: Kimberley (in morphed form) sneezes on Repellator, causing it to catch Kimberley's flu. How did Repellator catch the flu, with Kim's helmet being in the way?

Correction: The germs from her sneeze travelled through one of the breathing holes the mask has wherever they may be.

Show generally

Corrected entry: When the Rangers, and Villains fire projectiles at each other (for example, energy blasts) the ensuing blast suggests they were hit. However, when played in slow motion, we can see that the explosions shoot up from the ground around them - they don't even touch the characters.

Correction: A) having to watch something in slow mo is not a valid mistake. B) Just because the explosion doesn't touch them it does not mean it will still throw them around and hurt them even if the bad guys do miss.

Changing of the Zords (2) - S3-E19

Corrected entry: Billy tells Tommy that he can use his Portal Opener to rescue Kimberley from the Dark Dimension, where Tommy once was. There are a few mistakes here. 1) The Portal Opener is completely different to one used in Series 1. 2) The first time it was used, it was to go after the Green Candle, which was stealing Tommy's Green Ranger powers. Tommy was never trapped in a Dark Dimension. 3) Kimberely is in Lord Zedd's Dark Dimension, not Rita's. (Which is where the Green Candle was). The Dimensions are completely different.

Correction: 1)A more powerful portal opener was used since the first one was flimsy and weak. 2)Tommy was trapped in the Dark Dimension as the evil Green Ranger. He was left there as punishment by Goldar for letting Jason escape in "Green with Evil 3, The Rescue." 3)The Dark Dimension is a holding cell for Zedd's or Rita's prisoners. Even the Rangers parents were trapped there once when they were kidnapped and ransomed for the power coins resulting in Tommy's return as the Green Ranger.

Correction: This is because the White Ranger suit is nor based on designs from the same Sentai series. The original six Power Rangers (Red, Black, Blue, Yellow, Pink and Green) were based on costume designs from ZyuRanger. The White Ranger costume is from the next Sentai series DaiRanger, which were totally unrealated to each other. The DaiRangers did not have morphers like the ZyuRangers. They morphed using devices called "Doron Changers" (later used as the Magna Defender morpher in PRLG). Tommy still had the usual morpher like the others, but gold like his Green Ranger morpher was.

The Wanna-Be Ranger - S2-E4

Corrected entry: It was stated in the first episode that the Rangers should always keep their identity secret, or they'll lose their powers - yet the Rangers had no problem calling the Blue Ranger by his real name of Billy, right in front of the public.

Correction: Like he's the only person named Billy in the entire world...


Hogday Afternoon (2) - S3-E43

Corrected entry: Billy uses a remote control to pilot the Falconzord (a Ninjazord) to assist the Aquitain Rangers. However, when Goldar destroyed the Rangers power coins in "Alien Rangers of Aquitar", we are told that the Ninjazords were now inoperable.

Correction: The Falconzord is special as it can combine with both the Ninja and Shogun Megazords. Billy was probably controlling the Falconzord as a Shogunzord, thus not needing the Falcon Power Coin.

White Light (1) - S2-E17

Corrected entry: This happens until "Alien Rangers of Aquitar," in Series 3. When Tommy is the White Ranger, Saba, his sword constantly disappears and reappears.

Correction: Saba does not disappear and reappear at anytime. The only times when Saba is not holstered on the White Ranger's belt, was before Saba was presented to Tommy, when Saba is being used to fight with, Saba is controlling the Tigerzord or in "Best Man for the Job" when Saba was stolen.

Green With Evil (1): Out of Control - S1-E17

Continuity mistake: Up until Green No More in Series 2 (where the Green Ranger powers are destroyed), the Green Ranger's overshield constantly changes between solid-looking metal to flimsy-looking cotton. This is the most obvious difference between the Japanese and US footage.

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The Green Candle (2) - S1-E35

Trivia: Jason David Frank, who played Tommy, left the show in the episode because his powers had been stolen by the Green Candle. However, he had become the most popular member of the Power Team, despite the original plan being just to temporarily have him on the show. Saban received large amounts of letters daily requesting Frank be brought back. The company eventually gave in and brought Frank back in the episode "Return of an Old Friend." He was returned to Green Ranger status in part 2.

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Question: How many different Power Ranger TV shows/movies have there been? To my knowledge, I know of at least 7 different series, but I think there is more. How do they all connect?

Answer: According to the IMDB, there are currently 10 different series (with an 11th premiering in 2006). And, as far as I can tell, there have been only two theatrically released movies. All of the series, with the exception of the first one (that premiered back in '93) are spin-offs of the original, and they all share similar plot lines, characters, etc.

Cubs Fan

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