Stargate SG-1

Window of Opportunity - S4-E6

Corrected entry: A thermometer is placed into Teal'c's mouth twice every time loop. From the far shot, we see Teal'c in the background having the thermometer inserted into his mouth as Dr. Fraiser is speaking to O'Neill. There is then a close-up of Teal'c and the thermometer is placed into his mouth again.

Correction: Teal'c keeps taking the the thermometer out of his mouth, then the nurse walks back over and puts it back in.

Entity - S4-E20

Corrected entry: While the entity is looking through the files of people, if you pause and look at all the files, they all say: Team Designation: SG-1 None of those people are in SG-1 (except Carter and Daniel).

Correction: The designations for the team do not all say SG-1, they range from SG-4 to SG-7, however the same people are used over again - we see their faces several times.

Crystal Skull - S3-E21

Corrected entry: When SG1 and Nick are walking along the bridge inside the cavern near the end where Daniel is 'invisible', they are all evenly spaced out with Daniel in the middle and Nick at the front. But if he was invisible, then the person behind him would have not left so big a gap, it would have been half the size.

Craig Bryant

Correction: No, by this time Nick has convinced them that Daniel is alive and that Nick can see him. He has told them where Daniel is walking.

Grumpy Scot

Touchstone - S2-E14

Corrected entry: In this episode, Hammond says that a permanent iris will be welded over the Beta gate. In Nemesis (Season 3), he says "I want the beta gate unpacked and ready for use as soon as humanly possible." What happened to the words 'Permanent Iris".

Correction: In this case, the words "as soon as humanly possible" can be reasonably assumed to mean 'as soon as you can cut the iris off'. It was designed not to open, not to be indestructible.

J I Cohen

Correction: Actually, he is identified at some point as Charlie T. O'Neill. So both could be correct.

The Tok'ra (2) - S2-E12

Corrected entry: Selmak tells Jacob Carter that the symbiote is for life. However, in the episode where Jack gets a Tok'ra (I believe it's called Abyss) they say the Tok'ra could enter, cure and leave.

Correction: The Tok'ra are constantly looking to increase their numbers and aren't in the business of healing people. The agreement was that Jacob Carter would be healed but he would have to join them as a permanent member. However, it's not like they can't make exceptions. Jack desperately need to be healed and the Tok'ra needed the information from the symbiote. Knowing that Jack would never agree to permanently bond with a symbiote they made an agreement that was appropriate to the situation.

Children of the Gods (1) - S1-E1

Corrected entry: When SG-1 appear on Chulak, they have ice on their face. In the rest of the episodes, they don't. Also, Major Samuels uses a radio to say "Close the iris. Close the iris." This is never seen again.

Correction: Carter mentions in the series that the reason they have ice on their faces and why they fall out of the stargate is because they haven't compensated for stellar drift. Once they worked that out, it's a smooth ride through the stargate. As for the Major Samuels thing, He left the SGC after the episode, and they changed procedure.

Legacy - S3-E4

Corrected entry: When Carter is taking out the marker in the blood left by Jallinar, she uses a centrifuge. That will work great except that she didn't balance it by putting a test-tube or something else (water will work fine) on The Other Side. It's possible that she goofed up, Fraiser was walking her through it and everything, but I doubt it. If she did just have a slip of the memory, the centrifuge would only shake and maybe fall off the table, we don't see if it did or not.

Correction: There are centrifuges that will self balance or have a heavy weighted base that don't need balancing. They are VERY expensive and you don't see them that often. Considering the importance of the SGC, it wouldn't be out of place to have one there.

Grumpy Scot

Avenger 2.0 - S7-E9

Corrected entry: The whole premise for this episode is that we can transmit or implant a virus into a DHD which will scramble the coordinates, so that the symbol on the DHD will not correspond to the same symbol on the gate. Because of this, SG-1 accidentally manage to disable every gate in the gate system. Has everyone forgotten how to manually dial a gate? As the virus only infects the DHD, you can still dial manually, as the DHD is not required when dialing manually.

Craig Bryant

Correction: The gate and DHD are connected, the DHD is mostly a controller and both together operate as a computer, in this case, it is not the DHD that is scrambled, but it is the DHD that has scrambled the gate. This is why Earth's gate was not scrambled, it has no DHD.

Sol Parker

Correction: When Doctor Felger and Major Carter travel to the planet to investigate the virus program, they learn that the original program has been modified, possibly by Ba'al. If the program was modified, it would not behave as originally intended. The two surmise that the modification was done to help Ba'al, and the program was behaving as now intended.


Point of View - S3-E6

Corrected entry: In the alternate reality at the end when all the jaffa are running through the gate, you can see a staircase at the end of the ramp. There is no use for that there except for the jaffa to run through and run down instead of jumping off and risking injury.

Correction: The people at the SGC have to make repairs to the Stargate & also study it. The stairway provides easy access from the rear of the Stargate to do these two things. Also at any time someone may try to open a wormhole & in this case the stairs provide a quick & risk free means of escaping without needing to go down the ramp.

Show generally

Corrected entry: Throughout all episodes, when communicating via radio through the gate, they are always talking in real-time. However, there would be a delay on all transmissions equal to the time it takes for an object to travel through the gate.

Craig Bryant

Correction: But it's not an object, it's electromagnetic radiation. It can go both ways through an open gate, which solid objects can't; so why can't it move through the gate faster than solid objects?

J I Cohen

Proving Ground - S5-E13

Corrected entry: When the girl gives the planet designation for Argos, she gives four digits for the second part of the designation. Planet designations have two sets of three digits.

Sol Parker

Correction: The designation for Argos is P3X-8596. They use three digits for most planets, but not all planets, since it is dependant on how many planets are in a given grid.

Children of the Gods (1) - S1-E1

Corrected entry: Right at the start when the Goa'uld come through the stargate they leave back through the stargate after the firefight... with the dialing computers in another room not directly connected to the gate room. And of course they wouldn't know anything about computers. The only person who probably could have ordered the stargate to be opened is Hammond, but it is active even before Hammond meets the Goa'uld, so that leaves him out.

Correction: We see in later episodes that a Goa'uld can fire up the Stargate with a ribbon device.

Grumpy Scot

Exodus (1) - S4-E22

Corrected entry: The ring transporter device is being used incorrectly in this episode. When you go up, the rings come from above, get you, and then go back up. When you go down, the rings come from below, get you and then go back down. Several times when the characters are going back and forth between the planet and the ship, the rings come up from the ground and then go back down when they should be coming from above.

Sol Parker

Correction: This is incorrect as in many episodes the rings of the ring transporter come up from the ground. It only depends on whether there is a ceiling or not. As out in the open on planets the rings come up from the ground, whereas if they are in a building or in a ship, they may come down from the ceiling. But it does not depend on whether they are transporting "up" to a ship or "down" to a planet.

New Ground - S3-E19

Corrected entry: At the very beginning when the scientists have uncovered a new chevron, it's the "Earth" chevron; a triangle with a circle on top, which indicates the planet of origin of the wormhole. However, ONLY earth should have an earth chevron - all other worlds have their own symbol.

Correction: Yes, that symbol is Earth's point of origin, but that does not mean it cannot appear on other Stargates to be used as one of the first six symbols in any given address (using that symbol would probably mean that's Earth's position in space was being used to to calculate where the wormhole was going). That Stargate would still have its own symbol that could only be used as the point of origin, but which maybe a regular symbol on Earth's gate, for example.

The Serpent's Lair (3) - S2-E1

Corrected entry: Lt. Col. Samuels claims that the missiles they plan to launch against the Goa'uld ships are made of the same material as Stealth aircraft and should therefore be invisible to radar. The missiles however, unlike Stealth fighters, have jet engines which are visible to the naked eye, thus negating the Stealth technology.


Correction: The visibility of the propulsion does not negate the fact that the missiles are made of the same material as stealth aircraft and that they are invisible to RADAR. They are hoping that there are no Jaffa looking out of the Hatak windows.

Season 1 generally

Corrected entry: Throughout the whole first season and some of the second, Walter or someone else in his position, counts the time it takes for something to get to its destination from when it enters the wormhole. They tend to say something like "Object should reach destination in, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1." But after the first season or two they stop and it is not brought up until later when it is said that travel through a stargate is almost instant, and in one later episode Carter says that it takes about 0.3 seconds on average to travel through a wormhole and that the travel time from the last team to come through the gate was over three seconds and that was a long time. That must mean that 5 seconds would be like traveling from another galaxy in a different dimension through a black hole.

Correction: After the first season Carter and the SGC have been able to better compensate for stellar drift, meaning that a lot less time is needed to reach the destination.


Red Sky - S5-E5

Corrected entry: At the end of the show, SG1 travels back to the planet after the delivery of the heavy element into the alien sun to determine if the delivery of said material worked in restoring the sun to its original operational characteristics. However, if presumably they used the stargate to travel to and from the planet, then they would necessarily reintroduce the plutonium into the sun, causing a chicken-and-the-egg thing. The only way around this, which wasn't mentioned, would be to travel to a third planet and then to the world.

Correction: SG-1 often gets transportation from the Tok'ra and (less often) the Asgard when the gate is not an option.

Grumpy Scot

Nightwalkers - S6-E5

Corrected entry: At about 8 minutes and 30 seconds into the episode, Carter, Quinn and Teal'c are investigating the dead Dr. Richard Fleming's house. It shows a computer screen with the Disk Information open. It shows that not a single byte has been used on the disk (C: drive, so it's very unlikely a secondary drive). If not a byte has been used, why is an operating system running? (00:08:25)

Correction: The Operating System (OS) could have been placed on another partition (in order to stop the good Dr. from playing around with it -I've had to do this in order to stop small children from doing it in my families homes-) or he could have the the secondary drive actually designated as C: drive & have the computer set up so it checks the secondary drive first for the OS.

Ripple Effect - S9-E13

Corrected entry: Sgt Walter Harriman shouts "Unauthorized offworld activation" instead of "Unscheduled offworld activation". "Unauthorized" is only for outgoing wormholes, and makes no sense in this context. It is unlikely to be a character mistake as he generally says "unscheduled" two or three times per episode.

Soylent Purple

Correction: Why could this not be a character mistake? People sometimes say the wrong thing inadvertently, so this actually makes Walter appear for "real" in a sense, so this would not be a production mistake.


More mistakes in Stargate SG-1

Deadman Switch - S3-E7

Aris Boch: Doctor Jackson, if you don't mind treating my wound.
Daniel Jackson: I'm an archaeologist.
Aris Boch: I know. But you're also a doctor.
Daniel Jackson: Of archaeology.
Aris Boch: Never mind. Captain, you must have some medical training.
Samantha Carter: Actually, I'm a major now.
Aris Boch: Oh, well, how very important. I'll inform the galaxy.


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Chosen answer: It's never actually mentioned on the show, though in the 'Continuum' universe, she says she's been with Ba'al for 50 years.


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