Stargate SG-1

Show generally

Corrected entry: Throughout the series, incoming wormholes are indicated by the chevrons lighting up one by one - but the incoming gate could not "know" a connection was coming until the connection had already been made and the wormhole formed.

Correction: You have to dial up the destination stargate. It has to be aware that a wormhole is about to open, or the connection could never be established. Just like your telephone rings before you pick it up and begin speaking, the chevrons light up to open the wormhole.


Solitudes - S1-E18

Corrected entry: The DHD of the second Stargate can be seen. It has a point of origin different to that from the gate found in Gizeh. However, after SGC starts using the Antarctican gate at the end of season 3 the glyph indicating the point of origin on the gate and in the computer systems is still as seen on the gate from Gizeh.

Correction: Point of origin is not an aspect of the gate or the DHD. The pyramid with the circle on top is the symbol for Earth. The gates found in both Giza and Antarctica use the same symbol. Carter originally thought the one in Antarctica used a different one because she thought they were not on Earth.

This correction is inaccurate. Every gate and DHD has their own unique point of origin. There's no reason for the Antarctica gate to have the same point of origin as the Giza gate, which was brought from another planet by the Goa'uld. Also, the Antarctica gate's DHD was shown with its own unique point of origin in "Solitudes." It was a filled in circle with a line under it (google image: antartica gate point of origin). When the SGC used the beta gate they ignored that and continued to show the Giza gate's pyramid + sun symbol. Doing so directly contradicted what we had seen before and what we were told about point of origins and therefore is a legitimate goof.

Season 7 generally

Corrected entry: This actually refers to the season seven episode 'Lost City' when all of SG-1 is at the home of Jack O'Neill and Daniel has had too much to drink and he is babbling incoherently. What happened to the season three episode 'Shades of Gray' where Daniel is offered a beer and he says "No thank you, I really don't like beer"?

Correction: Over the years people can change. Just because Daniel didn't like beer in season three doesn't mean that in four years he couldn't have developed a taste for it.

The Fifth Man - S5-E4

Corrected entry: If the SGC needed to lock up the team because they had been compromised, why on earth did they lock them in a room full of computers? Everyone knows that all three of them know how to use computers and likely one would hack into something.

Sol Parker

Correction: Hack into what? Personal files? Even if they had been compromised, they already knew everything there was worth knowing (besides of course knowing something that wasn't real) and protocol would change codes after members of the SGC were compromised so there was no threat there (codes are not kept on file...outside sources could hack in, as we find out with that user number guy). Finally, if they did find something out, who one will know but SG-1. They couldn't transmit information off world if the wormhole isn't active. All-in-all, Hammond probably hoped Carter would find out SG-1 was wrong after all.

Enigma - S1-E17

Corrected entry: When Jack first tells Daniel to dial home, he brushes off the edge of the DHD which is covered with about 2 inches of ash, but when we see the DHD in the background just seconds later, it has only a light dusting of ash on it.

Sol Parker

Correction: The DHD only has a light dusting of ash because Daniel had to brush the ash off to dial home which is why there is less ash on it.

Correction: Why is this a mistake? A zipper is a simple and effective method of fastening clothes. We have been using it for close to 100 years (1913). Once something so simple is in use, why waste time and money on finding something more fancy? And with all the cultures SG-1 finds, surely some things like buttons, zippers, bows and arrows, candles, etc are going to be the same from culture to culture. There are only so many ways to handle mundane tasks no matter how high your tech level is.

Grumpy Scot

Avenger 2.0 - S7-E9

Corrected entry: Right after Jack reports that the gate is down and Carter and Felger are talking can still see Jack in the screen in the background. He actually moves closer to the MALP camera twice. As the camera angle changes, you see him do it again.

Correction: Not a mistake. Scheduled transmissions were possible FROM Earth's Stargate - no reason why Jack would've cut off. His moving closer to the camera was a comic moment.

You're missing the point of the mistake. Continuity mistakes occur when the camera angle change and no time elapses. The mistake is saying Jack moves closer to the MALP's camera and then does it again in the next shot (with no time for him to move back to repeat the action).


Bloodlines - S1-E12

Corrected entry: At the end, the glyphs on the Dial Home Device are not lit while the gate is open. Also, is the Pri'mta only for males? Teal'c implies so, but in Children Of The Gods Part 2 we see a female Jaffa.

Correction: The glyphs on the DHD are lit up, but you have to look very closely.

Show generally

Corrected entry: The Stargate in the series is slightly different from the one in the movie. The top chevron moves up and down to lock the symbols, the other chevrons just light up. In the Stargate movie, the chevrons all move in and out to select the chevron.

Correction: The movie and series do not go hand in hand. Some changes were made, such as how Ra was actually an unusual looking alien who took over the boy's body.

Prisoners - S2-E3

Corrected entry: When a stargate first opens, we see what looks like a splash of water. In "Prisoners" we learn that this is an unstable wormhole being established between stargates, we also learn that anything in the way of the splash will be instantly disintegrated. How then is the Iris not disintegrated when the stargate opens while it is closed? Granted, the iris is slightly inside the event horizon, but if it would not be affected because of that, the splash should be seen coming past the iris. Neither of these things ever happens.

Sol Parker

Correction: It is thought of that a wormhole can still be established even if the "splash" is prevented due to the iris as in episode "A Hundred Days" where the stargate is buried, they are still able to dial to it because an iris of sorts was formed (they explain this), they used a proton accelerator (or something) to create a space. Once the space is large enough they can then dial and the "splash" will encompass the whole cavern making it even larger. So for the splash to occur there just needs to be a volume large enough to encompass a minimum amount of the splash.

Show generally

Corrected entry: Whenever you see the bottom of a Ha'tak vessel (Goa'uld mothership) the pyramid is triangular at the base, but somehow they can still land perfectly on a square pyramid landing-pad.

Correction: The material that the Goa'uld make their ships, and most other things, from can morph and change shape. Look at Ra's guards and ship in the movie or Heur-ur's guards in the series to see this happening.

Correction: Not all races call the Stargate 'Chappa'ai'. The Norse descendants in "Red Sky" call it the 'Anullus', as Teal'c has gone through the Stargate more times than anyone else it is likely that he interacted somewhere where heard the name.

2010 - S4-E16

Corrected entry: In series two's "1969" we saw that when time traveling by solar flare to the past, an object would come out in the same place it left from before actually time traveling. When the note comes through to the "present," it comes from the SGC's gate, not the future site of the J.R. Reed Space Terminal in Washington.

Correction: Objects actually come out of the same Stargate not the same physical location. The gate was moved in the alternate timeline.

The problem that the original poster is attempting to point out is that objects both came out of the same Stargate and the same physical location in this episode. When Sg-1 first arrived in the past, they appeared in Cheyenne Mountain even though the gate was not present. As a result, they had to spend the bulk of the episode traveling to the warehouse where the Stargate was being housed in 1969. When they dialed the gate from the warehouse, they all ended up back in the SGC instead of being deposited in the warehouse. This is a legitimate goof.

Correction: The reason it was called P8X987 is because the characters can't be expected to remember every name of every planet they've been to exactly. As for the windmills, Niirti had death gliders attack the planet. The windmills could've been destroyed after teal'c and O'neill went through the stargate.

The planet designation is a legitimate error. The issue is that if he look at the billboard in "Singularity" the planet designation is PX8 987, but in "Fair Game" Daniel talks about how Nirrti wiped out everyone on that planet except for one person. However, he refers to it as P8X 987. This is a problem because he flips the X and the 8. It could be a character error, but it's an error.

A Matter of Time - S2-E16

Corrected entry: The star collapsing into a black hole suddenly seems to increase its gravitational pull on the planet that SG-10 is on. When an object collapses to a Singularity, the pull it exerts on an object does not suddenly change because the mass, and therefore the strength of its gravity, has not changed.

Correction: The gravitational pull of the Singularity doesn't change. The SG team simply didn't know it was there, and its effect increased as the planet's rotation caused the black hole to "rise" in the sky. Just as the Sun doesn't get hotter or colder during the day, it still feels hotter at midday than at sunrise.

Your analogy is flawed because the sun's heat is blocked by the earth until it has a line-of-sight, while gravity's effect goes through the planet. A black hole millions of miles away would have no noticeable gravitational difference during the different phases of the planet's rotation - noon or midnight. The only way what you said would make any sense is if the black hole is small and close to the planet, but then that wouldn't be a black hole from the planet's star collapsing since the mass and distance would be wrong.

Correction: Black holes certainly increase gravitational pull and can tear planets apart. In additions, black holes are pulling in matter around it, adding to its mass.


A star and a black hole formed from it have the same mass and cause the same gravitational pull on objects outside the star's original diameter. Yes, a black hole pulls in matter around it, but that is the exact same matter that would also be pulled into a star of the same mass, so again the star and black hole would have the exact same effect on everything around it, including the planet. Regarding black holes (and stars) pulling planets apart, that is from tidal forces that grow exponentially as they approach a large mass, and again for objects at a distance outside the stars original diameter a star and black hole of the same mass cause exactly the same effect. The reality is when a star collapses into a black hole, some of the matter gets ejected and causes a supernova during the process, so the planet would have been torn apart long before any black hole was present, with the planet's debris thrown away from the event, not sucked towards it.

No, the gravity on surrounding objects does NOT increase, unless the black hole absorbs sufficient amounts of matter to increase it's gravity noticeable. Merely turning a star into a black hole won't affect objects such as orbiting planets.

More mistakes in Stargate SG-1

The Other Guys - S6-E8

Coombs: I knew I should have updated my will before agreeing to off-world assignments.
Felger: You are not going to die, Coombs.
Coombs: Oh, come on, Felger. We might as well be wearing red shirts.
Felger: I don't get that.

Super Grover

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Chosen answer: It's never actually mentioned on the show, though in the 'Continuum' universe, she says she's been with Ba'al for 50 years.


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