Stargate SG-1

Secrets - S2-E9

Corrected entry: When O'Neill throws the knife at the System Lord, the knife disappears and you can see the knife already in his hand before the sparks start. Best viewed in slo-mo.

Correction: This is only true if you have watched the version that is edited for violent content, for showing before 8pm. In the original version, you do actually see the knife being thrown into the hand device.

Show generally

Corrected entry: Throughout the series, Daniel Jackson has worn glasses yet has used the sarcophagus on numerous occasions. If the sarcophagus can heal any wound and even bring back the dead, surely it can correct a small fault in his eyes.

Correction: The sarcophagus heals damage to the body. Daniel's eyesite is a genetic imperfection. The sarcophagus won't work on any defect the user is born with.

Grumpy Scot

Correction: The effects of the sarcophagus have been shown to wear off, which is why the Goa'uld (and others) have to keep using it. In "Need", when Daniel becomes addicted to using the sarcophagus, he eventually doesn't need glasses. But, while a wound won't come back after being healed, a failing organ will continue to fail after time.


Seth - S3-E2

Corrected entry: In episode "The Nox," where we first encounter personal shields, Teal'c says he never saw that before (pointing out that it is a new invention). Yet when Daniel and Jack attack Seth, he activates one. Seth was trapped on Earth for thousands of years. How did he get hold of that? (00:17:30 - 00:36:40)

Correction: Teal'c being Apophis' First Prime for many years prior to series and being as good a warrior as we know he is, he probably never allowed his God to put in a situation where he would need to use his personal shield. Although Teal'c's memory has never been great, as he once said he couldn't fly a Tel'tak cargo ship, until the time he could "with great proficiency."

Correction: This has been corrected before; she is not dead.


I am rewatching SG1 and I saw a weird movement then I saw some sort of distorted effect and then you see the (assuming) stuntwoman transitioning out of the room. So of course when I watched this I wondered is she still alive, but she does not appear later in the ep, so I assumed it was a goof.

The transition out of the tub does looks odd (intentionally) and then you see someone that looks like they're walking pass the shot. But Hathor does appear later in the episode, she's seen leaving through the Stargate.


Entity - S4-E20

Corrected entry: When the entity is looking at the personnel files, you see one for John O'Neill. His first name is Jack. (00:11:00)

Correction: O'Neill's first name is Jonathan. He is called Jack as a nickname.

Correction: The file says "O'Neill, John." Many people named John are called Jack.


Memento Mori - S10-E8

Corrected entry: When Vala's memory is being scanned and the scene is shot from behind the actors doing the interrogation you can see crew members eating and drinking in the background. (00:09:40)

Correction: We see henchmen dressed in black eating and drinking outside the room Vala is in, not film crew. These are the same henchmen that then engage the troops swarming in trying rescue Vala.


Redemption (1) - S6-E1

Corrected entry: In the episode there is a stopwatch on multiple screens, counting up. When Sam and Jack come back to base and are talking to General Hammond in the briefing room the screen shows 58:00:07, then in the next scene in Sam's lab her screen shows 54:19:07. (00:39:10 - 00:44:20)

Correction: The countdown timer is counting down to gate failure, not up. The numbers are consistent.

Death Knell - S7-E16

Corrected entry: After the G'ould attack on the Alpha site a malp is sent through the Stargate which is now on its side. The malp is therefore stuck at the bottom of the pit created by the incoming wormhole it travelled through. When SG-1 then travel to the alpha site and appear in the "perfect foxhole" the malp has magically disappeared. (00:08:00)

Correction: The malp has not "magically disappeared". It was destroyed by the unstable vortex created by the re-activating Stargate.

Prometheus Unbound - S8-E12

Corrected entry: When Daniel threatens Vala with the Zat, she says that she is still wearing the Kull suit and is therefore immune to it. Some time later, Daniel shoots her with the Zat but despite him hitting the suit, she goes down.


Correction: Vala was incorrectly assuming that the Kull suit would protect from a Zat with the helmet off.

Grumpy Scot

Ascension - S5-E3

Corrected entry: When listing off the items Orlin has ordered online to produce his own stargate, Simmons lists "seven 100,000 watt industrial strength capacitors". Capacitors are measured in farads, not watts. Not to mention that as of now, the world's best capacitors are less than 10,000 farads, not an order of magnitude higher.

Correction: Capacitors ARE measured in Farads, but like other electronic components, they can also be measured in Watts.


Enigma - S1-E17

Corrected entry: At the end of the episode The Nox take the stargate to Earth in order to "recue" the Tolen. They then leave before the gate closes. This is a continuity error, as the gate would have needed to be opened on Earth again in order to leave.


Correction: The wormhole does close behind Lya after she comes through. She then reopens the gate (without the typical "kawoosh") and leads the Tollan through.

Children of the Gods (1) - S1-E1

Corrected entry: When Apophis first enters SGC at the beginning, the worm hole shuts down. Then the fight between the SGC personnel and the Jaffa takes place. The scene then switches to some other part of the complex and back again. Suddenly there is an outgoing wormhole established. It is made clear throughout the show, that only very few aliens like the Asgard or The Nox can just establish a wormhole by waving the hand. Earth neither has a DHD (which is known to Apophis) nor does Apophis have access to the gate controls or was there enough time for the Jaffa to dial the gate by hand. Even assuming the scene switches giving enough time to enter the control room, the Jaffa can not be familiar with earth technology as to know how to initiate a dialing sequence on the computer.

Christoph Galuschka

Correction: It is later shown that a Goa'uld ribbon device can be used to power/dial a stargate, and in the movie continuum there is a device that can itself dial a stargate, in either case it would be possible.

The Torment of Tantalus - S1-E11

Corrected entry: After the SG-1 team reach the planet and Daniel goes with Earnest to that room with the DHD lookalike object Earnest gives Daniel his diary which says "Like a United Nations of the stars". Earnest was sent there in 1945 before World War II had ended and thus there was no United Nations, it was still the 'League of Free Countries'.

Correction: This is not true; the United Nations did exist from 1942, with the Declaration by the United Nations. The United Nations was the alliance of nations against the Axis Powers, which we now historically call the Allied Powers (a name never used until historians decided on it to distinguish it from what the UN eventually became in 1946). The connotation, however, is different than it would seem; he's describing it as a grand alliance of the stars, not a peacekeeping organization.

Brief Candle - S1-E9

Corrected entry: If O'Neill could return to his normal age at the end of the episode, the population of the foreign world would logically also return to their natural age, which would make their survival pretty unlikely. Made worse by the fact that O'Neill promises to send a team to check on them from time to time.

Correction: Not necessarly, as they clearly explained in the episode, O'Neill was affected differently as he *started* at a much old age, which made him age in a non-perminant way, while the native would "live a long and healthy life"


Beachhead - S9-E6

Corrected entry: The Ori plans on collapsing a planet to form a black-hole, unfortunately you need a really big sun (several times more massive than our sun) before it will do this, there's no way a planet will naturally form a black-hole.

Correction: Any object of sufficient mass will form a black hole. As you point out it would need to be several times the mass of our sun. Perhaps he planned to put a stargate on the planet and send a super-dense material through.

Soylent Purple

The key phrase was "naturally form a black-hole." The Ori used technology to super-compress the planet to achieve an unnatural result, so the question of mass is misleading.

Point of View - S3-E6

Corrected entry: The Carters decide that Alternate Carter is suffering from the entropic cascade failure because of the "increased entropy generated by both of [them] existing in the same reality." It's further explained that Kawalsky didn't get the cascade failure because this universe's Kawasky is dead. Even so, Kawalsky's matter still exists. Shouldn't he also be generating increased entropy, and therefore be suffering from entropic cascade failure as well?

Correction: The matter that made up Kawalsky might still exist, but not in an active state or as i's role as Kawalsky. It would be absorbed into the universe and restructed as something else. Like the life cycle of collapsed stars becoming nebulae and the nebulae becoming new stars and planets, just on a much smaller scale.


Thor's Hammer - S1-E10

Corrected entry: Jackson and the MALP are on the ramp to the stargate as "chevron two encoded" comes over the speaker. Dr. Jackson may make it off the ramp before the last chevron is encoded, but the MALP has no chance of making it off the ramp before the outgoing worm hole would engage and destroy it. (00:03:00)

Correction: The MALP sits on the ramp below the "whoosh"'s lowest point, as seen in several episodes, so it is not in any danger.

Enigma - S1-E17

Corrected entry: When all the soldiers are pointing their guns at the group of Tolan at Maybourne's order, right before Tolan go through the gate, we see a guy standing down his weapon, holding it towards the ceiling. why is he doing this, especially when Maybourne is about to give the order to fire?

Sol Parker

Correction: This could be showing how one soldier felt. This could have been purposely done.

Threshold (3) - S5-E2

Corrected entry: When Bra'tac pulls the Goa'uld out of Teal'c, it looks like a mature Goa'uld, being colored brown, black, and grey. We know from past episodes that Jaffa cannot survive with an adult symbiote and that larval Goa'ulds are milky white colored. Later we even see the milky white colored Goa'uld in an aquarium in the background of Teal'c's hospital room.

Sol Parker

Correction: Actually, this was probably a symbiote in the middle of it's gestation, an adult symbiote is about two feet long and entirely black as seen in "Children of the Gods (2)", "Crossroads", and "Out of Mind".

Urgo - S3-E16

Corrected entry: Watch the scene where Urgo is sitting by Dr Frasier and she is skimming her notes. Urgo skims as well using his middle finger.

Joseph Z

Correction: This mistake, as it presently reads, makes no sense at all. If it could be reworded so others could actually understand its point, that would be excellent.

Super Grover

Correction: Urgo is just imitating Dr. Frasier's movement, except since he doesn't have a pen in his hand like she does, it looks like he's using his middle finger.


More mistakes in Stargate SG-1

Deadman Switch - S3-E7

Aris Boch: Doctor Jackson, if you don't mind treating my wound.
Daniel Jackson: I'm an archaeologist.
Aris Boch: I know. But you're also a doctor.
Daniel Jackson: Of archaeology.
Aris Boch: Never mind. Captain, you must have some medical training.
Samantha Carter: Actually, I'm a major now.
Aris Boch: Oh, well, how very important. I'll inform the galaxy.


More quotes from Stargate SG-1

Trivia: Dom DeLuise and his three sons Peter DeLuise (who has written, directed and produced a number of episodes), Michael DeLuise and David DeLuise have all appeared on the show at least once. Peter DeLuise has appeared many times.

More trivia for Stargate SG-1

Chosen answer: Report 30185 is a joke report referring to the time when SG-1 go back in time to 1969 in the episode '1969'. The joke is that Colonel O'Neil knocked up a hippie and made sure Mitchel was taken care of throughout his life, like how he got into the 302 program while his buddy, a better pilot, did not.

Answer: This answer is incorrect, because after Mitchell said, I'm being parked on a Samantha, in a very serious tone, said seriously we can't tell you about 30185.

To clarify this entry, what Mitchell asked is "Oh, I'm being punk'd, aren't I?" The joke in the scene was 30185 was too classified for Mitchell to know, but then they turn around and tell Vala. O'Neill isn't really Mitchell's father, they were joking around. But then Samantha does honestly say they can't tell them about 30185. From there we never learn what it is.


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