Corrected entry: The Replicator ship on which Daniel is being held prisoner is supposedly made entirely of Replicator blocks (a fact established in earlier episodes), yet only the walls of the set are made to look that way. The floor, visible repeatedly throughout the episode, is simply a concrete slab painted the same gray color as the block walls.
Corrected entry: When Daniel threatens Vala with the Zat, she says that she is still wearing the Kull suit and is therefore immune to it. Some time later, Daniel shoots her with the Zat but despite him hitting the suit, she goes down.
Correction: Vala was incorrectly assuming that the Kull suit would protect from a Zat with the helmet off.
Correction: Just because something is made of Replicator blocks doesn't mean it has to look like those blocks. Indeed, only the insectoid Replicators look like they are made of blocks, the humanoid models look like normal humans, but both are made of the same building blocks.