Plot hole: Lister is not allowed any dangerous objects that he might try to commit suicide with, yet when he is with the canaries on their missions, he carries an assault rifle. The canaries aren't always supervised and it would be impossible for a guard to stop any of them putting a gun to their head and pulling the trigger. (00:05:05)
Continuity mistake: In the scene on the Canaries' transport, where they first try to convince Kryten to record the women showering, Kochanski speaks the first line in the scene, but when the shot changes to the wide shot, she isn't there anymore. (Confirmed on the DVD commentary). (00:05:55 - 00:07:20)
Answer: Presumably he does, but it's never been used in any material related to the show. He is the only Cat left (as shown in Series 1), so even if he had once had a name, nobody would know it.
Moose ★