Red Dwarf
Movie Quote Quiz

Terrorform - S5-E3

[The Unspeakable One rises in front of Rimmer]
Rimmer: Boy, am I glad to see you. You must be the Unspeakable One. Just to fill you in, there's been a gigantic administrative cock-up. Some of your staff have somehow mistaken me for a virgin.
Unspeakable One: Stop your putrid whining, you dank gift of rectal public hair.
Rimmer: Sorry. Yes, I do tend to jabber on when I'm a bit nervous.

Casual Person

Terrorform - S5-E3

[Rimmer has been chained up]
Rimmer: Is this the British Embassy? Does it even look the remotest bit like the British Embassy? I want to know who you are, what I'm doing here, and I want to know now.
Hooded Guard: In accordance with the appetites of the Dark One, the vicious ruler of this domain, we, the holy legions, proffer up this sacrifice to slake the vile depraved thirsting of the Unspeakable One.
Rimmer: Well, that's cleared that up.

Casual Person

Terrorform - S5-E3

[Rimmer is being taken by a group of hooded guards on a cross]
Rimmer: Look, I don't know who you are, or what you think you're doing, but I demand my right to a phone call.
[The guards stop]
Rimmer: Yes, I thought that'd stop you. I thought the threat of legal action would have you running for cover.
[Rimmer is now being dragged by the guards]
Rimmer: Look, I'm trying to keep my temper, but you really are pushing your luck now miladdikins.

Casual Person

Skipper - S12-E6

Plot hole: Kryten explains that the quantum skipper must be recharged after every use, and the time this takes must be must be taken into account. This is an important plot device the first time Rimmer uses it, but it is conveniently forgotten for the rest of the episode.

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Meltdown - S4-E6

Trivia: "Meltdown" was originally planned to be the first episode of Series IV of Red Dwarf. However, the militaristic tone of this episode - and in particular Dave Lister's strident anti-war speech near The End of the episode - meant it fell foul of the BBC censors. The original planned transmission date (Feb 14 1991) coincided with the outbreak of "Operation Desert Storm" - the Gulf War...and the BBC felt that an "anti-war" episode of Red Dwarf would be inappropriate for a country at war with Iraq.

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Kryten - S2-E1

Question: When Holly is saying about how he has changed music he says that because of the 2 new notes he's made instruments would be bigger. "Triangles will have four sides. Piano keyboards the length of zebra crossings. Course, women will have to be banned from playing the cello." I don't understand the joke about the cello part. Could someone please tell me what he means?

Answer: The cello is a large four-stringed instrument, which, when it is played, stands vertically on the floor between the player's legs (assuming they are seated). If it is to grow as large as the other instuments mentioned will, it would require a rather unseemly lack of femininity to be able to encompass it with the legs.

Rooster of Doom

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