Descent (1) - S6-E26
Trivia: Admiral Nechayev tells Picard that the Starship Gorkon will be her flagship. In Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, the Chancellor of the High Klingon Council was named Gorkon.
Trivia: In the Holodeck, you see Scotty's right hand open on the glass and later on the bottle. It can be seen that his middle finger is missing. James Doohan kept his hand closed most of the time on screen because he lost it in World War II.
Trivia: As Clara talks with Troi, a silver colored model of a Constitution class starship with reversed nacelles is seen on the shelf behind her.
Trivia: During the series, a number of times the shot of the Enterprise moving toward the destination at Impulse power is re-used, and there is a figure moving from left to right along the Conference room windows. According to the website, the figure in question is Captain Picard.
Hide and Q - S1-E10
Trivia: In this episode, as Picard talks to Riker about the Q power, he walks around his desk. As he does, a model of the Enterprise A can be seen by the wall. In later episodes, the model is of the Stargazer.
The Best of Both Worlds (2) - S4-E1
Trivia: When the Enterprise is travelling through the debris field, one of parts it goes past resembles the secondary, or bottom part, of the Enterprise A.
Allegiance - S3-E18
Trivia: In this episode, the stripe on Picard's door is light purple. Usually, the info stripes are brown with white lettering. Also, you see that Picard's quarters are on Deck 9, and has a view of space, whereas Kirk's cabin was further inside, with no windows. This was a means of protecting him from attack.
Trivia: Captain Jellico holds the distinction of being the show's only guest star to record a captain's log entry while in command of the Enterprise.
Trivia: In addition to playing Lt. Worf, Michael Dorn appears very briefly, without makeup, as a tourist on Risa.
The Royale - S2-E12
Trivia: When Captain Picard is reading Hotel Royale in his ready room, he comments that the book's first line, 'it was a dark and stormy night', is "not a promising beginning". This line is actually the first line of Edward Bulwer-Lytton's Paul Clifford; the line has become so clichéd that it frequently appears in satirical works to denote humorously incompetent or overly melodramatic writing.
Trivia: Most of the time when the crew plays poker, they do what's known as "string betting", Riker is especially notorious for doing this. String betting is calling the current bet and then raising in the same turn. It's not allowed in most poker games. You either call or raise (or fold) but not both. Since this is the future (where rules can change) and they're friendly games, it's more a point of trivia than a mistake. But can still be cringeworthy to watch.
Trivia: Before being cast as Jean-Luc Picard, Sir Patrick Stewart had never seen a full episode of "Star Trek."
Trivia: The Star Trek: The Next Generation novel "A Herd Rain" was based on this episode. Picard and Crusher are pictured on the cover in the clothing they wore in the episode.
The Ensigns of Command - S3-E2
Trivia: Due to a noisy aqueduct on the set, they had to go back and overdub virtually all of the dialogue in the pumping station scenes on the planet's surface. This is most apparent with the character of colony leader Gosheven, who was portrayed by guest actor Grainger Hines. After filming was completed, a schedule conflict prevented Hines from participating in the overdubbing sessions, so another actor rather mechanically voiced Gosheven's lines. The incongruous overdub was so obvious and so unflattering to Grainger Hines that he requested his name be dropped from the episode credits, and so it was.
Trivia: As Troi talks to Picard about the language of the Harada, there's a model of the Enterprise-A behind her painted silver. The difference is that the nacelles are flat rather than in profile (straight up) to make it appear as a different ship.
Answer: Yes. The doors to the holodecks can be locked when in use by anyone aboard the Enterprise so they couldn't be disturbed. However, high ranking officers like Captain Picard could override the doors as it's seen that overrides are in use even for the crews quarters. Even Barclay, when he's indulging in one of his fantasies could have the doors to the holodeck unlocked by an override code.