Death in Paradise

Episode #2.7 - S2-E7

Continuity mistake: When the dean plays Leo Downs' message for Camille, in close-up her hand is on the organizer; it was the whole sleeve in the previous angle. Not just that; the flyer underneath the rubber band of the file board is in a different position. (00:06:25)


Episode #2.7 - S2-E7

Continuity mistake: Dwayne walks towards Poole and Bordey introducing Judy Hearst, the dean. She removes her bag from her shoulder and puts it on the lawn twice in two shots about 5 seconds apart. (00:04:40)


Episode #2.7 - S2-E7

Continuity mistake: Inspecting the crime scene, after Richard conjectures foul play Camille asks "So we've found the body before it was intended to be found?" She shrugs and holds her hands elbow-high, but they are thigh-high at the cut. (00:04:20)


Episode #2.6 - S2-E6

Continuity mistake: Camille bags the phone holding the lid with the left hand in the wide shot when the action begins, but her hand is much lower in the following shot when it ends. (00:06:25)


Episode #2.5 - S2-E5

Continuity mistake: The detectives realise that the backup singer is the wife of the boss. When Camille asks him that, she folds her arms, but she has her arms down her sides and folds them again in the following shot. (00:20:30)


Episode #2.5 - S2-E5

Continuity mistake: At the start of the denouement, Richard says "during what was to be her final number." Both Camille and the boat owner are in a slightly different pose between takes (he distances his fist from his mouth, she has her finger in front of her lips, a closed fist in the next shot). (00:43:05)


Episode #2.5 - S2-E5

Revealing mistake: When Ben Miller asks for the forensics report on the oyster and shot glass, the report has egregious spelling mistakes ("Specimin" instead of Specimen) and shows the victim testing positive for Oxycodone rather than strychnine! For the record, it is an entirely different lab test (a real one, with 'specimen' spelt correctly) done for a patient under prescription medications (morphine, oxycodone and benadryl) and its date is inconsistent with every other episode (it's a 03/19/2010 document and in the first season it was established the year was 2011), but these last details can be noticed only if you freeze-frame. (00:42:00)


Episode #2.5 - S2-E5

Continuity mistake: After Dwayne kicks a sleepy Fidel off his chair and they go get the bootlegger, Richard is on his own with Camille. During the scene, the innermost shoulder strap of Sara Martins' top is either perfectly attached or apart from the others depending on the angle. (00:37:55)


Episode #2.5 - S2-E5

Continuity mistake: When Camille concedes that Richard's babbling is "better than the dog story", her arms change position around her legs through a mid-sentence cut. Same when he tells her that they found strychnine in the bottle. (00:26:10)


Episode #2.5 - S2-E5

Continuity mistake: When Dwayne talks to the guy who is not a 'rocket surgeon', he sighs and slumps back on the chair, but his left arm stays on the notepad. Cut, and his arm is off the table entirely. (00:12:10)


Episode #2.4 - S2-E4

Continuity mistake: When Richard quantifies the odds of all the accidents and deaths happening in 48 hours as tens of millions to one, Fidel has his hand under his chin in the front view, no hand in sight when he's in the foreground. (00:38:00)


Episode #2.4 - S2-E4

Continuity mistake: When Mr. Fidel walks away from Liz Curtis almost tripping like an idiot and making a fool out of himself in general, Kelly Adams has her fingers in front of her mouth and chin in the front views, but not in the reverse shots. (00:15:55)


Episode #2.4 - S2-E4

Continuity mistake: Fidel is examining the corpse of Dr Ian Parks. Poole asks him then how did he know that the gun was being restored. Notice Camille in that same shot stops writing and lowers the pen hand. Fidel then stands, the cut comes, and Camille is shown still with both hands on the pad. (00:08:50)


Episode #2.4 - S2-E4

Continuity mistake: Richard makes his way from the taxi to the camp in the jungle. He passes by the suspect wearing a denim shirt (Chris Winchester), who sports a hairdo with several curls on his forehead. Cut to him passing by the suspect with a derpy face (Daniel Morgan), and Chris is in the background, slightly out of focus but with a clear forehead. (00:07:55)


Episode #2.4 - S2-E4

Continuity mistake: Frustrated by getting only white noise on the telly, DI Richard Poole puts the remote down. He puts it down at a sharp angle, with most of it off the book on the stand, but in the shot featuring the iconic lizard the remote is mostly on top of the book. (00:06:00)


Episode #2.4 - S2-E4

Continuity mistake: Dwayne goes to investigate the accident in the caves wishing a happy weekend to his bosses. Camille then flashes two fliers; from the front, the one in her left hand is the one on top of the other, from the back, it's the right one. (00:03:45)


Man Overboard: Part 2 - S6-E6

DI Jack Mooney: My grandfather told me a story once, about these two wolves fighting inside all of us. And one of them is anger, envy, self-pity, regret. The other one is love, truth, faith, hope, that sort of thing.
And I asked him "which one of the wolves would win?" And do you know what he said?
"The one you feed."


More quotes from Death in Paradise

Dark Memories - S7-E7

Trivia: Spoiler; In this episode, for the first time the suspect (and eventual culprit) is not present for the ending confrontation, with a chance he'd get away with murder. The actor playing Samuel Palmer, Larrington Walker, died before the finale could be filmed.


More trivia for Death in Paradise

Show generally

Question: Why did the cord on the wall phone in the police station change from straight in the early episodes to coiled later?

Answer: There's probably no particular reason. Sets and props on long-running TV shows often change as needed and for various reasons throughout a series run.


More questions & answers from Death in Paradise

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